Jayson Casper – Crypto Trading Course


Tech Invest – Course and Indicator Access
Description of Course and Indicator Access
Larsson Line Indicator
The technique I teach largely avoids both the HODL risk, locking in the majority of gains in case the train stops at some point, while providing exposure to the big rides up. The technique also solves the risk for over-trading.
Looking again at the chart above, all it would have taken was to literally look at the color of the Larsson Line indicator:

Flipped to gold? Scale in longs
Flipped to blue? Scale out longs (and optionally scale in shorts).

A monkey could have done it, working 5 minutes per year, beating most human crypto traders and producing epic returns. So much for all the trading geniuses out there
The process is not the indicator. The indicator is simple. What is valuable is how to apply it – and the understanding of why.
The course costs money because I give something of great value, that costs me something to give: If more and more big investors start doing the same trade, eventually it will reach the point where it no longer works. Right now it’s an open field, but if you are going to jump on this train, don’t wait too long!
In the course, I share my best insights from those 25 years of technology strategy and translate them into very practical hands-on guidelines to investing in cryptocurrencies and tech stocks. Then, combining those insights with the indicator, we become killers on the market.
I have consolidated the course to include both cryptocurrencies and tech stocks, for two reasons:

With minor tweaks, the same principles can be applied to both.
Many stocks will probably be represented by a crypto token rather than an SQL database entry in the future, hence it makes no sense to separate them.

5-10 Minutes Per Day for 3 Weeks
The course is fun and light, on video, and takes only 5-10 minutes per day for 3 weeks, total 21 sessions.
I don’t intend to make this a mass-program. On the contrary, I want it to be a contained and a manageable size of people, since I want to interact and exchange ideas in the future. I am doing this mainly to expand my network to more sharp minds with common investment principles and ideas.
What will you learn in Course and Indicator Access?

Both tech stock and cryptocurrency scope (2 for 1)
Format: 3 week video course, taking you 5-10 min per day, total 21 episodes.
Larsson Line indicator access