Java Programming for Mobile Developers


OverviewThis course teaches Java programming from the ground up.The Java language is in use in from everything to mobile phones to Blu-Ray players, and many web sites depend on Java to deliver content to their visitors.It is most importantly a portable language, meaning that programs written in Java on one platform can be easily moved (or ported) to many other platforms without changing the code.What you will learnIn the course, we concentrate on teaching the skills you’ll need to start programming useful apps in Java. This course was created in response to a need for a precursor to our Android development courses, but anyone wanting to learn Java will benefit from the training offered.Java is a huge topic, and learning Java is an ongoing pursuit. Our aim in this course is to teach you the basic skills that you will need, along with a solid foundation of object oriented programming techniques.Part 1 – IntroductionOverview, Getting Java, Installing IntelliJ Idea, Running IntelliJ IdeaPart 2 – Classes and ObjectsBasic information, The Main Class, Program output, User input, Properties, classes and objects, data types, modifiers (public, private, static, final, etc.), Methods, Classes and subclasses, Extra 2: final classes, method syntax, getters and setters, class properties and methods, Conditionals and Loops, Interfaces, What is an interface?, Declaration and use, Casting discussion, Interface example – downcasting from Object,Part 3 – Composite typesArrays, overview, declaring and using, methods of the array type, loops, Collections, Collection, Lists, especially ArrayList, Map, HashMap, converting collections to and from arrays, collection utility methodsPrerequisitesSome experience with or exposure to a programming language such as C is helpful, but not required. You will need a desktop or laptop computer capable of running the JDK and IntelliJ IDEA. The most important thing you will need is a willingness to learnCourse CurriculumIntroduction to JavaDownloading Java (2:04)Downloading IntelliJ IDEA (1:54)IntelliJ IDEA Overview (3:01)Classes and ObjectsThe Main Class Demo (6:17)Output Demo (5:55)Input Demo (6:38)Preview of Classes, Finding Information about a Class (5:04)Properties with ModifiersClasses and Objects (5:50)Data Types (4:01)Modifiers (6:33)Methods and Static PropertiesClass Modifiers and Subclassing (9:10)Final Classes (2:34)Method Syntax, Getters and Setters (7:34)Static Properties and Methods (4:02)Conditionals and LoopsIf Statement (4:36)if..else, if..else if .. else Statements (4:56)Switch Statement (4:48)While and do..while loops (4:47)Infinite loops (1:45)for loop (5:01)Interfaces in JavaWhat is an interface? (4:23)Declaring and using Interfaces (6:20)Casting (9:20)Interface Example using downcasting from Object (8:36)Arrays – Composite TypesOverview of Arrays (4:03)Declaring and Using Arrays (6:43)Some Useful Methods of the Arrays Class (3:13)Using the for-each (for-in) loop (6:24)Arrays – CollectionsCollections, ArrayList Discussion (4:03)Demo of Array Lists (5:17)HashMaps Discussion (3:07)Demo of Hash Maps (6:20)Get Java Programming for Mobile Developers – Anonymous , Only Price $37Tag: Java Programming for Mobile Developers Review. Java Programming for Mobile Developers download. Java Programming for Mobile Developers discount.