Jason Capital Life Boss 2020


Team Capital is changing! I am releasing the NEW Life Boss Program. It’s everything the education system hasn’t and SHOULD have taught you! Everything from making more money to changing your health for the better! All by inserting the Boss Metrics into your life.. Before we get into Jason Capital ‘s Sales pitch, I will tell you in short what this program is about: Its about personal development and taking action He will release daily video and give homework in the end. There are total around 60 You have to be honest and do homework before next lecture. Since you are buying from here, you are responsible to be accountable yourselves, his coaches won’t be. I am planning to start mastermind group for this program where we can discuss and get accountability partner (who knows maybe help each other) I can also be your accountability partner if you are seriously planning to implement. I have been following Jason’s program since EIE and currently I am at $5-9k/month with my agency business (no more details about that). But you will have to give me updates daily on homework I will deliver 6-7 videos weekly as they are released. You its better you start watching once you see 7th video in the folder. You can experience changes that I had in just 1 year of using them myself. I installed the life Boss Metrics: BEFORE Boss Metrics: 90,000 Followers AFTER Boss Metrics: 2,400,000 Followers (25X MORE FOLLOWERS) BEFORE Boss Metrics: $1.67M (for my education company) AFTER Boss Metrics: $4.87M (3X MORE MONEY) BEFORE Boss Metrics: 11 Team Members AFTER Boss Metrics: 55 Team Members (5X GROWTH) There’s more “before and after’s” I’m going to show you in the Life Boss Video here (including a shirtless pic lol)… Before we get to that, I need to know: Would you like to know the mindset shifts that changed