Jason Capital – Sales God


PROOF COURSE Sales God The Insider Tactics The Top 100 Internet Millionaires Use To Close 9 Out Of 10 Prospects… Thank you so much for reaching out about the Sales God Implementation Group! I’d love to have you join us. I’ve been working closely with entrepreneurs, biz owners and closers to unleash them as Sales Gods… so they start closing 80-90% of the prospects they talk to (like we usually do inside my company). So far the results have been amazing. I have two Millionaire Students so far. (Their names are Steven Kieth and Kirby Robbins and Forbes is writing an article about us next month!) I’d like to work with a few more students and turn them into Case Studies too. (Who knows, maybe you’ll even be my next Millionaire Student.) We’re going to work closely together over the next 7 weeks to ramp your income up and install the Sales God Skillset into you so you close up to 80-90% of prospects too without being pushy. Here’s a few of the things you’ll end up with: – A power nearly everyone dreams of…life as a true Sales GOD. Where people come to you. Ask you to buy. Without being ‘pushy’ at all. – The “1% Skill”. Warren Buffet called selling “the most valuable skill in the world”. And your chance to get rich online is bigger than ever with social media. My team closes $200,000 a month just on Instagram. No promises. But you’ll have the skill and my personal Sales God blueprint to produce some of the highest numbers in your field too. – All the scripts you need, including my set of “urgency questions” that install the desire to buy now, not later. – A stream of high-quality prospects using my Heavy Pipeline ProcessTM. You won’t need to be a guru to see your messages and calendar filled with prospects and appointments. – All the emails you need to close “on the fence” prospects without being pushy. I’ve sold 10’s of millions of dollars via email. This is your chance to copy my results. Here’s how it’ll work: You and I will work on the 3 parts of being a Sales God: Sales God Persuasion. Use my 12 Influence SwitchesTM to win others to your way of thinking no matter what you’re selling. Sales God Sub-Communications. We’ll use my Sub-Communication FrameworkTM and my Reality Distortion FrameworkTM to unleash your body language, eye contact and vocal tonality. The “holy grail” for you as a Sales God. Sales God Structure. We’ll tap into many of my 17 Sales God Scripts. These scripts work for closing in any situation no matter what field you’re in. One was used to once close President Trump. You won’t find better scripts anywhere. You’ll get all of them. Here’s how you and I will work together to make this happen: The System: Delivered over 7 weeks via 90-120 minute pre-recorded trainings. You can watch these trainings at any time, day or night. Work through them fast, or take your time and absorb it all. The Support: You’ll have access to me 6 days a week where you can get help on anything you’re working on inside a private Facebook Group. The other members, many of whom are already making 6- or 7-figures as Sales Gods, are there too giving you feedback. So we expect you to give back and share your wins and lessons with us too. The Resources: You’ll get access each month to live sales calls between one of my top Sales Gods and their prospect. (If it’s not a sales call, it will be a live breakdown of the “chat conversation” they had that resulted in a close.) You’ll be able to model these conversations and closes immediately into your own business. For this special Case Study Implementation Group, you’ll also get over $6,000 in free bonuses. FREE BONUS #1: THE SALES GOD CHEAT-CODES ($495 VALUE) Bring me your biggest closing and selling questions. My “Cheat-Codes” bonus training will answer all of these questions and more for you. FREE BONUS #2: THE SALES GOD MINDSET ($697 VALUE) I’m going to install the 4 Sales God Mindsets every Sales God has into your subconscious so it replaces the negative crap society forced into you. FREE BONUS #3: INSTAGRAM IN-FIELD ($997 VALUE) You’ll see exactly how my team closes almost $200,000 a month on Instagram every month without being “pushy”. FREE BONUS #4: THE 7 BEST WAYS TO TRIGGER URGENCY ($695 VALUE) My 7 scripted ways to trigger urgency so people buy instead of saying “let me think about it”. I learned much of this from my background in copywriting, where I sold over $40 million online before the age of 30. FREE BONUS #5: VIP TICKETS TO MY SALES GOD INTENSIVE (LIVE EVENT, PRICELESS!) I’m putting on a private event on the beach called the Sales God Intensive bringing in all the Sales God (including you!) so you can create valuable alliances and friendships with people just like you… I’ll also be walking you through what’s working best in my companies right now so you stay ahead of the curve. The Sales God Intensive will not be publicized anywhere and tickets are not for sale. BONUS #6: AN IMPLEMENTATION CALL WITH ONE OF MY TOP COACHES! This will be a personal 30-60 minute phone call for you. You’ll get this at the end of your training to make sure you’re all good for maximum success as a Sales God Speaker. This is going to be an incredible experience if you’re ready for it. Normally I wouldn’t get to work this closely with you. The reason I’m doing it now is because I’m on the hunt for more millionaire students and case studies. I know giving you this level of attention is the fastest way for me to get that. Now I’m sure you may have a couple questions before joining us. What if I’m just starting? What if I don’t have an audience or experience closing? Most people spend years trying to figure out how to become a person of influence, how to make people want to buy right now. Most never figure it out. With these blueprints, frameworks and mentorship that helped me sell over $40 million, you’ll cut years off the learning curve too. Life is true fun, profit and respect for Sales Gods. I truly believe you can do this and I’d like to help you do that. Will you let me? Is there a guarantee? I’ve been doing this 11 years now. I’ve coached over 1 million people in over 100 countries. I don’t tell you this to brag. I say this because, frankly, my reputation is on the line. If I didn’t deliver the results I promised, my reputation would go down the trash. But you’ve seen my success stories. You’ve seen what people say about me. Clearly I’m doing something right for all these people. That said, here’s my guarantee to you: If you show me you followed my simple instructions as laid out in the System and didn’t make at least $50,000 as a Sales God, you just let me or anyone my team know and we’ll give you all your money back. I hope you can tell I really truly am concerned about you getting the result you want. What’s this all gonna cost me? I’ll probably charge $6,000 in the future for this Implementation Group but because you’ll be a Case Study member, the cost is just $2495. Many will make their investment back within 60-90 days. Many will make it back the very first week, especially if you have even a couple “dead” prospects we could “revive” real quick. OK, so how do I get a spot? Click the GREEN “Enroll” button at the bottom of this page to get started with us now. The sooner you get in, the sooner you start closing 80-90% of the people you talk to. And we both know what that’ll mean for you. With love and a whole lotta excitement for you, Jason Capital, The High-Income ExpertTM Recognized Top 100 Entrepreneur By The White House Guest Contributor To Forbes P.S. If you’re one the fence… May I make a suggestion? Don’t make a decision now. Put the “System: to the test and try it for 60 days. Follow the step-by-step formulas I’ve put together. Feel what it feels like to become a a TRUE Sales God – a lion – in this world of mostly sheep… See what it looks like to out-close even the biggest names in your field. Get used to being the top earner in your industry. Use my 12 Influence Switches™ to turn icy prospects into lovestruck customers. Tap into my Sub-Communication Framework™ and my Reality Distortion Framework™ and notice how you never feel disrespected again…but instead be treated like the “Champion of Influence and Power” you’ve become. Let my 37 Sales God Scripts™ make you an “unstoppable force” even Silicon Valley investors would pay attention to (like they are for several of my students now). If after 60 days it isn’t everything I’ve promised and more, let me know and I’ll refund every penny. I’ll even let you attend the live event to see if my in-person coaching can do the trick for you. You’re under no obligation to pay if you follow my simple instructions and it doesn’t work for you. Your Instructor Jason Capital Jason Capital was rejected by every good college. So he took a $100 birthday gift from his mom and became a millionaire in 9 months using High-Income Skills. Your story can be next. Jason Capital’s acted as coach and consultant to Fortune 500 executives, professional athletes, Navy SEAL’s, best-selling authors and Hollywood actors. He’s a guest contributor to Forbes, and has been featured in TIME, CNBC, Entrepreneur and Money Magazine countless times. He’s the best-selling author of Higher Status. He’s been recognized as a Top 100 Entrepreneur by the White House and is the founder of the 12-Month Millionaire Mentorship Program. Class Curriculum The Dark Arts Power Positioning: Instant Expert Power Positioning: The High Status Shortcut Authority Decoded The Overnight Celebrity Cheat Codes The Step-By-Step “Celebrity Switch” Walkthrough One Weird Way To Charge Premium Prices As A “Newbie” 12 Ways To Increase Perceived Value The Truth About Likeability Dark Secrets To Make Nearly Anyone Like You How To “Hijack” Prospects To Over Click And Over Buy The Social Proof Bible Jason Capital’s Favorite Dark Art Of Influence An Unorthodox Way To Have Everyone Around You Indebted To You How A Can Of Coca Cola Can Make You 6-Figures This Year The Secret To Creating A Waterfall Of Sales Creating Scarcity Through Social Demand The Secret Assassin Of Power Influence The A.P.E. Method To Closing The Sale URGENT: Use This Dark Art Of Influence Today 11 Ways To Embed Urgency Without Being Lame The Last Trigger- NOT For Everyone 5 Main Ways To Set Up A Red Velvet Rope Around Your Business How To Make Prospects OBSESSED With You The Dirty Little Cheat To Get Anyone To Tell You The Truth Sway People To Your Side WITHOUT Any Back-And-Forth One “Upside-Down” Way To Blow Past Sales Stalemates The “Cash Words” That Close Anyone Who’s Closeable WARNING: This May Make Clients ADDICTED To You (use carefully) Advanced High-Status Hacks To Land The Deal One Ninja Trick To Avoid Being Out Negotiated And “Bullied” By Sharp Clients Make Anyone To Go Nearly Anywhere You Want The Closest Thing I’ve Found To Mind Control How To Make Anyone You Meet Think You’re Famous How To Read Prospects Like A Book One Weird Manuever That Makes You 431% More Trustworthy Than Your Competition The Ultimate Environmental Hack To Close Deals What Harvard Scientists Report On Increasing Authority And Credibility Flip The Script And Have Prospects Sell YOU On Working With Them Copy This Dark Arts Mirroring Method To Leapfrog Over The Competition One Unorthodox Question To Get Leads Committed To Buy The ONE WORD That Increases Compliance By 93% Create Your Own “Reality Distortion Field” Step By Step The Trick To Turn A “No” To A “Yes!” Without Being Needy WARNING: You Must Be 18 Or Older To Learn THIS Dark Art Tactic IMPORTANT: Do You Want To Be My Next Millionaire Student? Book Your One-on-One Gameplan Call Today