James Wedmore – FB Video Ads 2.0


FREE Online Training:

7 Steps to Grow Your Business with Facebook Video Ads!

During this Free FB Video Training Class You Will Learn:

James Wedmore – FB Video Ads 2.0

FREE Online Training:
7 Steps to Grow Your Business with Facebook Video Ads!
During this Free FB Video Training Class You Will Learn:

WHY “VIDEO” is the Future of Online Advertising & How You Can Take Full Advantage NOW!
How to Create & Launch a Profitable Video Campaign in 7 Steps!
What to Say & Do in a 30-Second Video Ad filmed on your mobile device!
Behind-the-Scenes Case Studies, Results & Best Practices for FB Video Ad Campaigns that worked!
PLUS FREE DOWNLOAD: My 15-Step FB Ad Creation Process (.PDF)
And More! (Plus, get all your questions answered!)
Sale Page: http://jameswedmore.com/FBVideoAdWebinar/