James Lee – Automated Income-Money Making Automations for Gumroad Creators & Affiliates


What You Learn & Get:
Take advantage of the tools and processes that I use to run my successful Gumroad business
Create advanced automations using a free and more powerful alternative to Zapier (Save yourself $348 PER YEAR)
Set up webhooks inside of Gumroad
Integrate Gumroad with whatever autoresponder you choose (Not just limited to their native Convertkit and Drip integrations)
Gain instant access to 30+ points of data from each Gumroad sale
Deploy a TOP SECRET affiliate automation that will put you miles ahead of your competitors (This automation are worth the price of the entire course alone)
11 Video Walkthroughs and Automation Cheatsheet
Twitter Automation Domination
Included in the Bundle Version of Automated Income is a full video walkthrough of how to automate your Twitter account for maximum results. Whether you are a creator or affiliate I am going to show you how to use automation to unlock hidden money from your followers.
Discord Community Secrets
One of the most profitable ways to connect with your buyers is to offer more intimate access through an online community. Even if you are only an affiliate marketer, having your own private community can help position you as an expert who people want to buy from again and again.
As a bonus, I’m going to pull back the curtain and show you exactly how I set up, automate and run my private Discord community “ATM Mastermind”.