JAMES LACY – Dim Mak Training


Volume 5: Shaolin & Immortal’s Blood Heaven’s Chi Dim Mak Authentic Meditatons and Fighting Forms
Volume 6: Mew Hing’s White Tiger: Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Materialization Levels 1 & 2

JAMES LACY – Dim Mak Training


James Lacy’s Dim Mak Training DVD Series TitlesLearn the fascinating art of Dim Mak from James Lacy.

Series includes information on herbal formulas and their relation to training, the Western view of Dim Mak points, time and effects and assorted forms.
Volume 1: Dim Mak Herbal Formulas
Volume 2: Authentic Five Elder Shaolin and Immortal’s Blood Heaven’s Chi Dim Mak: Western Points, Time and Effects
Volume 3: Authentic Five Elder Dim Mak: Eastern Points, Times and Effects
Get immediately download JAMES LACY – Dim Mak Training
Volume 4: Dim Mak Points, Time and Effects Techniques
Volume 5: Shaolin & Immortal’s Blood Heaven’s Chi Dim Mak Authentic Meditatons and Fighting Forms
Volume 6: Mew Hing’s White Tiger: Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Materialization Levels 1 & 2
Volume 7: Mew Hing’s White Tiger Dim Mak: Analysis of Chi Kung

Here’s What You’ll Get in JAMES LACY – Dim Mak Training