James Colquhoun – The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program


James Colquhoun – The Food Matters Nutrition Certification ProgramAre You Ready to Take the Next Stepon Your Wellness Journey?Studying nutrition changed my life. It helped me cut through the confusion of paleo, veganism, plant-based, intermittent fasting, and more to experience lasting energy, vitality, and improved immunity.It gave me the tools and knowledge to help heal my father, successfully getting him off six medications, losing over 50lbs, and completely recovering his life and health. Being a part of this transformation also gave me the inspiration and confidence to start Food Matters.This laid the groundwork for starting an online movement that has inspired millions worldwide.Unfortunately, we aren’t taught about real nutrition in school. We have a medical profession that is rarely trained to use food as medicine, and the multi-billion dollar fast-food and pharmaceutical industries thrive on misleading consumers.Now it’s time to take our power back!Are You Tired of Feeling Like This?You’re overwhelmed by the amount of conflicting ‘evidence’ online on the best diet for you.You’re struggling with uncomfortable bloating, hormonal imbalances, constant digestive issues, and unexplained weight gain even though you live a healthy lifestyle.You’re spending lots of time and money on specialist appointments, only to be sent off to get tests that cost you hundreds more.You have no option but to live with an illness because you’ve tried every option out there and still find yourself unwell and unhappy.You don’t have the credibility to be taken seriously by friends and family when it comes to health and wellness.You’re ready to say goodbye to persistent sickness and pain, and transform your life using nutrition.This is why we created the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program. To alleviate the overwhelm and hours spent seeking support, to help you transform your health and life, and help others do the same.Get all the tools you need to heal yourself and others with theFood Matters Nutrition Certification Program. The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Is for You If:You are looking to improve the health of yourself and your family naturally.You’re looking for solutions to digestive issues, hormone issues, inflammation, low immunity, a chronic illness, heart issues, and aging.You want to learn from the world’s leading health experts on how food plays a key role in mood, energy levels, gut health, sleep, and more.You want to become your own health coach and formalize your knowledge so that you can feel confident to take your health into your own hands, and help loved ones do the same.You want to study with an institution that provides multidimensional support so that you can successfully complete the program despite not having prior nutrition knowledge or previous study experience.You are open to exploring and learning about new modalities that you can use to improve your health.You have a busy schedule and are looking for a program that you can complete in your own time around your lifestyle.After Completing the Food MattersNutrition Certification Program You Will:Be able to identify which foods to eat and which to avoid to help heal and nourish the body and improve gut issues, inflammation, hormonal issues, chronic disease, and more.Know how to fill your pantry and fridge with foods that will nourish your body and help to boost your immunity, longevity, energy, and regain your vitality.Be qualified to use your Food Matters Nutrition Certification to not only improve your health using nutrition but also help others do the same, creating a positive impact in their lives.Understand the importance of biochemical individuality and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to nutrition and health and how to apply this principle to your own life.Know how to utilize nutrition and natural healing methods to handle any future health issues that arise, ensuring you stay healthier for longer.Be able to apply practical solutions in your everyday life that will help reinforce the importance of using food as medicine.Take a Look Inside the ProgramWe believe we’ve created the world’s best (and most beautiful), online nutrition certification program. But don’t just take our word for it. Watch the video below featuring our Student Advisor & In House Nutritionist, Kayla, to see just how easy it is to navigate through the program.How The Nutrition Certification Program WorksYour success is our success! We’ve designed the program to be easy to complete around your own schedule so that you can jump right in, and start seeing improvements in your health TODAY!Program OverviewModule 1: Dietary Theory & Food FundamentalsIn this module, we will establish the foundational knowledge you’ll use to understand fundamental nutrition principles while preparing you for the following modules.HIDE MORELesson 1. Understanding Nutrition & Biochemical-Individuality with Christa OrecchioLesson 2. Using Food as Medicine with Dr. Mark HymanLesson 3. Nourishing Foods: Part 1 with Christa OrecchioLesson 4. Nourishing Foods: Part 2 with Christa OrecchioLesson 5. Nourishing Foods: Part 3 with Christa OrecchioLesson 6. Eating to Suit Your Body’s Needs with McKel HillLesson 7. Living in Alignment with Your Biological Design with Daniel VitalisLesson 8. The Psychology of Eating: The Missing Ingredient with Marc DavidModule 2: Nutrition in the 21st CenturyTo understand the power of nutrition, we first have to understand its role in our lives. By the end of this module, you will understand how to nourish your body according to your bio-individuality.SHOW MORELesson 1. The Truth About the Food Industry with Vani HariLesson 2. The Modern Food System with Sarah LantzLesson 3. Foods to Avoid & What to Eat For Vibrant Health & Longevity with John RobbinsLesson 4. Herbicides & The Evolution of Wheat with Cyndi O’MearaLesson 5. The Evolution of Wheat with Dr. William DavisLesson 6. The Impact of Chemicals & Additives in Our Food System with Sarah LantzLesson 7. Diet Culture & Products to Avoid with Dr. Alejandro JungerLesson 8. The Physiological Effect of Sugar & Diet Products with Dr. Christiane NorthrupLesson 9. How to Read a Food Label with Sarah LantzLesson 10. Decoding Food Labels with Mike AdamsLesson 11. You Are What You Eat with David WolfeModule 3: Understanding Nutrients & SuperfoodsIn this module, you will learn how to identify the signs and symptoms of nutrient deficiencies in the body and increase the absorption of nutrients using superfoods, herbs, and natural supplements.SHOW MORELesson 1. Nutrients 101: Part 1 with Christa OrecchioLesson 2. Nutrients 101: Part 2 with Christa OrecchioLesson 3. The Truth About Fat with Udo ErasmusLesson 4. A Plant-Based Approach to Calcium, Protein & B12 with Elizabeth RiderLesson 5. Know Your Vitamins & Minerals + Top Deficiencies with Christa OrecchioLesson 6. Acid & Alkaline Foods with Christa OrecchioLesson 7. Optimizing Health & Vitamin C Therapy with Dr. Ian BrighthopeLesson 8. Nutrient Therapy for Depression, Alcoholism & Heart Disease with Dr. Andrew SaulLesson 9. The Powerful Benefits of Superfoods with David WolfeLesson 10. Choosing The Best Drinking Water with Daniel VitalisLesson 11. Hydration: Eating Your Water with Susan TetonLesson 12. Graceful Aging: Building a Body to Last a Lifetime with Susan TetonModule 4: The Power of Detoxification & CleansingUnderstand how your environment, lifestyle, and food choices can aid the body’s natural detoxification pathways or burden them. And then, learn how to use the power of detoxification and cleansing to support the body through sickness and health.SHOW MORELesson 1. The Problem of All Chronic Disease: Toxicity & Deficiency with Charlotte GersonLesson 2. Environmental & Lifestyle Toxicity with Dr. Alejandro JungerLesson 3. Detoxing 101 with David WolfeLesson 4. The Chemical Burden with Sarah LantzLesson 5. The Power of Detoxification with Dr. Sandeep GuptaLesson 6. The Impact of Heavy Metals with Dr. Sandeep GuptaLesson 7. Toxins in the Dental Industry with Dr. Victor ZeinesLesson 8. Supporting Detoxification Naturally with Dr. Sandeep GuptaLesson 9. The Benefits of Juicing with Jason ValeLesson 10. Advanced Detoxification Strategies with David WolfeLesson 11. Natural Solutions for Getting Rid of Parasites with David WolfeModule 5: Healing Your Gut NaturallyThis module will teach you how to maintain a healthy gut microbiome and heal common gut-related issues, including uncomfortable bloating, leaky gut, digestive complaints, and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis rosacea, and more.SHOW MORELesson 1. The Digestive System Overview with Christa OrecchioLesson 2. The Impact of Wheat on Gut Health with Dr. Tom O’BryanLesson 3. Gut Healing Foods & Foods to Avoid with Sayer JiLesson 4. Constipation & Cleansing the Gut with David WolfeLesson 5. Ways to Optimize Digestion & The Microbiome with Christa OrecchioLesson 6. Common Digestive Problems & How to Solve Them Naturally with Christa OrecchioLesson 7. Leaky Gut & Autoimmune Conditions with Dr. Josh AxeLesson 8. The Microbiome, Skin-Gut Connection & Gut Permeability with Sayer JiModule 6: Decoding Your Hormones & ImbalancesAt the end of this module, you will understand how to avoid hormone disruptors and identify which foods to eat to support healthy hormones. Then begin the healing process from specific-hormone related conditions, including menopause symptoms, adrenal fatigue, skin issues, fatigue, low libido, digestive issues, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and more.SHOW MORELesson 1. What are Hormones? Their Function & The Impact of Poor Nutrition with Dr. Joseph MercolaLesson 2. Biology of the Endocrine System with Vanessa LamaroLesson 3. Hormone Disruptors & How to Avoid Them with Vanessa LamaroLesson 4. Hormone Balance & Plant Remedies with David WolfeLesson 5. Using Lifestyle, Foods & Herbs to Optimize Hormones Naturally with Vanessa LamaroLesson 6. Common Hormonal Imbalances & How to Treat Naturally with Vanessa LamaroLesson 7. Managing Menopause Naturally with Dr. Tami MeragliaLesson 8. Thyroid Health: Disorders & Natural Solutions with Dr. Tami MeragliaLesson 9. Our Food Choices, Stress & The Art of Managing it All with Dr. Libby WeaverModule 7: The Impact of Stress & Poor SleepIn this critical module, learn how to critically evaluate stress levels and the influence that this is having on the sleep cycle. Plus, discover practical stress reduction and sleep-promoting techniques to enable deep healing, rest, and recovery.SHOW MORELesson 1. Insights Into Emotional Eating with Marc DavidLesson 2. The Power of the Mind to Heal with Bruce LiptonLesson 3. The True Impact of Stress on Our Body with Joe DispenzaLesson 4. Cortisol Balance & Sleep Cycle with Dr. Alan ChristiansonLesson 5. EMF’s & Sleep Disruption with Dave AspreyLesson 6. Mind-Body Techniques for Better Sleep with Shawn StevensonLesson 7. Essential Oils for Sleep & Stress with Dr. Eric ZielinskiLesson 8. Stress Relief Through Grounding with Clint OberLesson 9. The Link Between Sleep, Circadian Rhythm & Your Health with Jason PrallModule 8: Boosting Immunity & Mastering Autoimmune DiseaseIn this module, you’ll learn about how the immune system functions and its connection to gut health, how to support common autoimmune conditions naturally, and specific herbs and foods to support your immune system from life-threatening viruses to the common cold.SHOW MORELesson 1. Immunity 101 with Dr. Amina Eastham-HillierLesson 2. Autoimmunity & Immune Dysfunction with Dr. Amina Eastham-HillierLesson 3. Allergies, Hormones & Gut Inflammation with Dr. Tom O’BryanLesson 4. Food Intolerances & Sugar Overload with JJ VirginLesson 5. Supporting Autoimmune Disease Naturally with Dr. Amina Eastham-HillierLesson 6. Immune-Boosting Medicine Cabinet: Foods & Herbs to Boost Immunity with Dr. Amina Eastham-HillierLesson 7. Aromatherapy for Reducing Inflammation & Boosting Immunity with Dr. Eric ZielinskiModule 9: Understanding Chronic Disease & CancerDiscover how chronic disease and cancer manifests in the body and the contributing factors. Learn about the powerful cancer-fighting foods available today, alternative treatment pathways, and important strategies on how to support a loved one in the process.SHOW MORELesson 1. The War on Cancer with Dr. Andrew SaulLesson 2. Vitamin C Therapy & Preventing Cancer with Dr. Andrew SaulLesson 3. The Cancer & Pharmaceutical Industry with Charlotte GersonLesson 4. Common Chronic Diseases & How to Address with Cyrus KhambattaLesson 5. Inflammation: The Root Cause of Dis-ease in the Body with Cyrus KhambattaLesson 6. Healing the Gerson Way with Charlotte GersonLesson 7. Pharmaceuticals & Their Side Effects with Cyrus KhambattaLesson 8. Gerson Therapy, Supplementation & Cancer with Dr. Dan RogersLesson 9. 15 Foods to Fight Cancer with Liana Werner-GrayLesson 10. Food, Cholesterol & Inflammation with Udo ErasmusLesson Bonus Presentation & Meditation: Discovering Mind-Body Techniques for Healing with Jon GabrielModule 10: Using Plants as MedicineFrom wholefoods and herbs to fungi and essential oils – discover plant compounds that help our bodies to thrive, heal, and perform at their peak. Learn about the herbal remedies that may be used in treatment programs and how to use nature to regain your health.What sets the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program apart?1Lifetime access to the Program means you can work through it at your own pace. The average course completion time is under 6 months, but you can choose how much time to dedicate to studying based on your own schedule. Meaning you can dive in and complete it in 3 months, or take it slower and complete it over 12.2You receive ongoing access to support even after you complete the program. This includes Live Chat, WhatsApp, email, the Private Community, and the Institute’s Student Advisor.3You will learn from over 50 health experts on a variety of nutrition approaches to gain a well-rounded understanding of nutrition and the importance of biochemical individuality (because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and health).4The program consists of short audio and video lessons that cater to different learning styles, allowing you to complete the program in a way that suits your schedule and lifestyle best. Plus, you will get a FREE program workbook shipped to your door to help you on your study journey.5You’ll have access to global membership and insurance through the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) and International Approval and Registration Centre (IARC) if you’re inspired to turn your passion for nutrition into a career. There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.