Jada Hite – Wonder Women Mentorship Course


Jada Hite – Wonder Women Mentorship CourseWhen a woman lays hold of her God-given identity and purpose, little will stop her.The Wonder Women Mentorship Course is a 12-week intensive course designed to equip you with knowledge on God’s will for your life, your identity in Christ, your relationship with Holy Spirit, and how you specifically hear His voice. In month two, we go really deep into what your Biblical purpose is, how to identify your personal assignments, and how your personality, talents, and Spiritual gifts play a part. In month three, we find out your Spiritual gifts! Once those are identified, we make sure you leave the program feeling empowered to walk in the fullness of all that was taught to you!Your InstructorJada HiteIf you were to ask me the biggest desire of my heart, it would be to create a ripple-effect of women discipling other women, and linking arms in unity to walk in power as the Body of Christ. If I can be a permission-granter for women to dream their biggest God-dreams for the Kingdom, and actually have the grit to go after it, I’ve done my job.As for me, I’m a wife, a mom to two beautiful girls, and a mentor who does her best work in fuzzy socks and pajama pants. I mentor women all over the world, teaching them their identity in Christ, their Biblical purpose, their personal calling, and their spiritual gifts.When I’m not mentoring, I’m helping my husband build his investing firm, and spending time at home with my little family. My husband and I lead the men and women’s ministries at our local church, and just genuinely love being in ministry together. I’m living out God’s will for my life, without a doubt! I don’t know what else God has in store, but I know one thing: I’m never turning back.Course CurriculumIdentity & Breaking Off Wrong MentalitiesWeek ONE: Part One of Unlocking the Will of God for Your Life (29:53)Week One: Note Taking WorksheetWeek One: Journaling ChallengeWeek TWO: Part Two of Unlocking the Will of God For Your Life (26:53)Week Two: Note-Taking WorsksheetWeek THREE: Part One of Have You Made Your House A Home? (28:18)Week THREE: Part Two of Have You Made Your House A Home? (26:32)Week FOUR: Part One of How to Break Off Idols and Strongholds In Your Life (29:59)Week FOUR: Part Two of How to Break Off Idols and Strongholds In Your Life (1:50)Purpose BreakdownWeek FIVE: The “CHANGE” Series-Commission (14:51)Week SIX: The “CHANGE” Series-Heart (16:50)Week SIX: CHALLENGE (2:32)Week SEVEN: The “CHANGE” Series- Abilities and Nature (23:34)Week SEVEN: CHALLENGE (2:31)Week EIGHT: The “CHANGE” Series-Gifts (33:39)Week EIGHT: The “CHANGE” Series- Experiences (20:12)Week EIGHT: CHALLENGE (2:07)Week NINE: Stewarding Your Purpose Practically with April Wesley (33:10)Week NINE: CHALLENGESpiritual Gifts & ConfidenceWeek TEN: Part ONE of Unpacking Your Spiritual Gifts (63:14)Week TEN: Part TWO of Unpacking Your Spiritual Gifts plus Challenge (24:50)Week ELEVEN// Part One of Boldness in Your God-Given Assignment (42:40)Week ELEVEN: CHALLENGEWeek TWELVE: Part Two of Boldness in Your God-Given Assignment (17:56)