Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy


Jacqueline Joy now invites you to step into this Multidimensional Diamond Field to actively receive and anchor this vibrational “Power of Joy” in your cells and on

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Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy

Diamond Discourse Transmissions and Activations that melt your resistance to the “Power of Joy” and strengthen your ability to hold/flow this vibrational power … no matter what is going on around you or within you. Activating this “Power of Joy” vibration within your cells naturally transforms your life and emanates out to those around you.
The “Power of Joy” Audio Package includes:

Introduction to the “Power of Joy”
Clearing Shame + Forging the way to the “Power of Joy”
Receiving Jesus’ Gift – “The Power of Joy”
Removal of the Seal on Jesus
Anchoring the “Power of Joy” into the Earth
The New Set Point – Standing on New Ground

These dynamic “Power of Joy” Discourses and Activations were transmitted by Founder Jacqueline Joy to Diamond Leaders across the world (on a 33-Day “Power of Joy” Journey) who have been working together in the Multidimensional Cosmic Diamond Aloha Wake … bringing the “Power of Joy” vibration into the Earth plane as a new foundation for Financial Freedom & Flow in our physical world.
Jacqueline Joy now invites you to step into this Multidimensional Diamond Field to actively receive and anchor this vibrational “Power of Joy” in your cells and on this Earth … in your corner of the world.
Get immediately download Haled Jacqueline Joy – Diamond Foundation Special Package – Diamond Energy
You will receive a most powerful Tool – the Diamond Light Saber – to use throughout your Journey into greater Joy.
Receiving these Transmissions and Activations of Golden Diamond JOY Power will…

GROW your Fearless Expression of Golden Diamond JOY
CLARIFY your experience of Golden Diamond JOY as “P” Power
INCREASE your Ability to STAND in the Power of JOY
ANCHOR the vibrational power of JOY as the Foundation for your Financial Freedom & Flow
MELT DOWN the Resistance to JOY within you
TRANSFORM the Resistance to Joy around you
EXPAND the Flow of Golden Diamond Joy in your cells
TRANSMUTE the misconceptions of Joy in your mind
OPEN you to the Healing and Regeneration Power of JOY
AMPLIFY your Multidimensional JOY TO BE FELT in the chaos and density of the 3D world
DEEPEN your Trust in the Great Diamond VOID
BOOST your Physical Energy Flow
SERVE the Golden Global Shift we are in

The Diamond Joy Transmissions take place in the Multidimensional realms of Diamond Consciousness, beyond time and space, and are just as powerful when you receive them via MP3 Audio Recording as they were when Jacqueline originally delivered them LIVE. They are particularly relevant NOW.