Jack Canfield – Train The Trainer Online 2018


Jack Canfield’s Online Certification Program

Transform Your Career & Life While Helping Others Achieve Their Biggest Goals

My proven transformational training method helps others unlock their greatest potential.

Jack Canfield – Train The Trainer Online 2018

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Jack Canfield’s Online Certification Program

Transform Your Career & Life While Helping Others Achieve Their Biggest Goals
Empower Others to Unlock Their Greatest Potential  With My Proven Transformational Training Methodology
Become a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer Learn how to master the proven success system that has helped millions achieve the life they want.
You can do it however you like.

Deliver your Success Principles-Style workshops and trainings
You can be more confident in teaching, speaking, or training audiences of any size
These concepts can help you elevate your game professionally and personally.
Train Your employees and managers – to increase productivity and job satisfaction
Integrate holistic training methods and experiential exercises into programs you already teach
Start a new career in the field of professional trainers, speakers, and coaches

My Train The Trainer Online Certification Program You will learn how to teach my proven curriculum, training methods, and provide feedback.

Everything you need to host workshops, seminars, or live training

Events that produce results
Are you…

Feelings “stuck” In your career or in your life and can’t figure out a way to take it to the next level?
You want to transform yourself? Be a better person BEFORE you can transform others.
A business owner/corporate manager Having trouble motivating your team? To reach their highest potential
A qualified trainerDo you want to start training others?
Secretly afraid you don’t have the best content and tools to be an effective trainer or coach?
A coach experiencing difficulty Filling a room with clients or getting them?

I’ve spent the last 40 years teaching and training others and have experienced many challenges in the process. I’m here to help you become an experienced, confident teacher and trainer in whatever field you’re in.
My Success Principles can help you create a winning game-Change Personal and Professional Transformations for Everyone in Every Situation
2005 was the year I began to write. The Success Principles How to get from where you are to where you want to be (published in 108 countries in 30 languages) and introduced the world to the exact principles the world’s top achievers use to excel in business, finances, relationships, career and more.
Now, I’m taking The Success Principles can help you reach new heights by training others in these human principles-potential fundamentals.
As a Train The Trainer Online participant, you’ll have the opportunity to advance the message of The Success Principles and become fully involved – and trained in! – my core Success Principles curriculum, and powerful teaching methods.
Suddenly you’ll have the confidence to take on exciting opportunities that will move you forward in your career. You’ll be more focused, more centered, more connected to others, and experience more joy You will find success as you live a life of enlightenment.-A lifestyle that is easy and graceful.
In the process of learning to change other people’s lives with these 64 powerful Success Principles, Be prepared to live your own life-Transformation is possible!
Transform Your Life

Students, Employees, Clients, and MORE
This online training program can help you transform the lives of your clients, employees, students – any group, any size, in any training environment – using my proven step-by-step methods-By-Step-by-step, experiential teaching process
This powerful program will not only fulfill your desire for helping others overcome any challenge and get more out of their lives, but it will also help you. you’ll create amazing positive changes in your own life, career, and income levels as well.
Plus, you’ll get lifetime access to my complete library of transformational teaching materials so you can watch and review them at your own pace, anytime, anywhere – and implement them in your work with others starting today if you want!
And I’ll be there every step of the way.
Perfect for Consulting, Training, Speaking, and Teaching in Any Field
If you are a leader, teacher, or manager, you can introduce personalization to people.-Development training for your work will help you be successful at work, at home, and in your career. These principles can be applied to:

Corporate clients
Seniors and their caregivers
Business support and logistics
Grief counseling
Teens and young adult
Service-based entrepreneurs
Non-Organizations that make a profit
Coaching in health
Alternative healthcare providers
Families with children
Career Coaching

Now It’s Your Turn…
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Enroll in Train The Trainer Online
No matter if your audience is large or small, in small groups or even one, it doesn’t matter if they are in the hundreds of thousands or in the thousands.-On-one — you’ll have all the techniques, training, tools, resources and ability to transform lives like never before.
Success Principles Core Content Modules
I will personally instruct Learn how to use my core Success Principles as well as powerful experiential exercises to help others overcome their blocks and make real changes in their lives. It’s faster than you might think.

You’ll be guided step by step on exactly how to teach the core body of my work. The All lessons are self-paced and concentrate on teaching my Success Principles in live interactive trainings. This will make you confident and ready to use the content live and in person.
You’ll see how to facilitate my experiential exercises, and how to guide your clients or audience through massive life-Changemaking breakthroughs I’ll show you how to teach, train, and coach others to new levels of emotional freedom, happiness, and success, by using the tools I give you
You’ll see how to integrate these principles into any other training curriculum you’re already teaching. So if you have an existing coaching practice, want to start a new coaching or training business, or want to become a better corporate manager or trainer – you’ll discover how to weave this material into literally any field or niche
You’ll discover how to incorporate my Success Principles and habits into your own life You can achieve amazing success in any goal you have. It doesn’t matter if it’s your career, finances, health, relationships, well-These principles can be used to transform your life from the inside out, whether you are being or not.
Customized Success Plans To help you stay on the right track, complete the program and become certified based on your own timeline. Each Success Path will give you a detailed week.-By-You can be almost certain to complete the program by following the week schedule and using additional resources to manage your time.
Plus, many other things!

Register now to receive my latest newsletter Canfield Certified Trainer so you can instantly access the video modules— and begin mastering these concepts by putting them to work immediately in your personal and professional life.
You’ll Also Get Comprehensive written training modules, worksheets and handouts
You’ll receive organized, easy-To-Follow the instructions to help you facilitate each of my exercises and principles in any training environment.
These resources include handouts and scripts to be followed, engaging stories, and tons of other reference material that can be used for any speaking engagement or live training.
So if someone calls you TODAY and tells you they want you to hold a session, workshop or presentation TOMORROW, you’ll be armed and ready to pull the trigger. You’ll never have to scramble to prepare a presentation, or say NO to an offer again!
Blueprints for a Successful Hour-Long, Half-Day, and Full-Day Trainings
The key to lasting success is completing your first few trainings.-Success is the key word. Because the more you can effectively help and transform others, the more credibility you’ll get. The more credible you are, the more people will be able to hire you or book your services for their next event. This will allow you to create a complete portfolio.-Time business with a lifetime worth of clients!
Use my powerful outline for training and speaking to start your career. It includes all the core Success Principles content modules, stories, exercises, and activities I use to lead my signature 60-hour training sessions.-minute keynote, half-Day, and complete-Day workshops
Slide Decks that you can customize and use immediately
It’s easy to get started with the PowerPoint templates I’ll provide you.
Each slide deck can be fully customized for use in your own workshops and presentations—with your own images and branding. You’ll receive complete turnkey presentations for a 60-minute keynote, half-Day workshops and full-day workshops-Day trainings – which can be customized or used right out of the box to deliver a workshop, speech, or message.
Formats include Powerpoint (for PC) or Keynote (for Mac).
Additional “Canfield Methodology” Tools to Enhance and Transform Your Presentations
Learn how to guide and manage your audience’s energy like a pro.
You’ll get the list of processes you need to incorporate my holistic “whole body” Training methodology can be incorporated into your own trainings to help you transform lives with great confidence-Building activities, bonding activities, transformation techniques and guided meditations are some of the many benefits.
Access to our Private Worldwide Training Community and Support Network
Join other Train The Trainer Students from around the world can collaborate, share their ideas, compare audience impact and leverage each other’s collective knowledge.-Training opportunities in the online community for certified trainers only.
This is a great opportunity to learn from other students, alumni, and trainers in an active online community.
Learn how to become a Certified Success Principal Trainer
Once you’ve successfully completed my online certification program, you’ll become a Canfield Certified Trainer In The Enjoy these professional benefits by adhering to Success Principles

Any market is a good place to coach, speak, train or consult. Anywhere in the World
A personalized certificate with official seal You can use the information in your marketing materials or website to instantly establish authority and credibility. Canfield Name and methodology
Featured Listing in Canfield Trainer Directory to increase exposure for you and your business and to help you land more customers and gigs quicker and easier
Status Elevated Participate in my workshops and hosted events
Done-For-you coaching curriculum You will also find a variety of proven methods, exercises, and concepts to help you transform others from the inside.
Higher levels of admiration, love You will be inspired by others when they open their hearts to your transformational experience
Instant boosts to career, income, and status Or, you can simply get everything that you need to start a new career.
Higher self-esteem-Confidence in yourself In your ability to create lasting, meaningful life-Anyone you come into contact with can make a difference in their results
Access to me, your “online coach,” You can access my online curriculum and training modules from anywhere, anytime, 24/7.
Upgrades to your training, with special offers and possibilities Exclusively for my online students
Lifetime Access to the private community and online course— including future training modules—as your program will never expire, so each time we update something, you’ll be the first to know
There are many more!

BONUS: I’m Also Including 11 Resources

To Get Your Transformational Training To (Totaling $1200 in Value). The Next Level
A comprehensive marketing module on 7 Steps to Success as a Speaker, Coach, and Author Trainer so you can turn yourself into a cash-Build your empire by creating a training machine
A LIVE kick-off and Q&A session with me in our private Facebook group, Connect with other members of the community to get your most pressing questions answered right away
NEW: Customized Success Programs To help you stay on the right track, complete the program and become certified based on your own timeline. Each Success Path will give you a detailed week.-By-You can be almost certain to complete the program by following the week schedule and using additional resources to manage your time.
How to Find Your Niche As a Business Owner Trainer PDF guide Janet Switzer, a marketing expert, will help you make a rock.-Ensure a solid brand for yourself and reach your ideal market.
A copy of my actual speaking contract PLUS a done-For-Use this template This will save you all the confusion and headaches that come with trying to figure it yourself. This plug can be taken with you.-And-Play worksheet to begin booking speaking engagements immediately after completing the certification training
Janet Switzer’s 52 Revenue Streams For Trainers PDF We will help you quickly tap into all the potential ways to monetize content and show you which ones work best for your situation.
The Success Principles 30-Day Journey Audio Course This will give you a clear, simple step by step guide-By-This step-by-step guide will show you how to transform your life in just one year. This program will teach 30 of my most powerful success principles to help you achieve any goal and create a joyful, abundant, and meaningful life.-Fill your life with joy.
Aladdin Factor: How you can ask for and receive everything you desire This audio guide addresses the perplexing, yet universal problem of why we are unable to ask for what we want. This audio guide will reveal these roadblocks and teach you proven methods to get past them to reap the rewards that await.
Maximum Confidence Audio Course gives you a practical, 10-Step by step process for maximum personal development and goal achievement Jack Canfield’s best seller, Maximum Confidence This is the ideal first step to help you build your self-esteem.-esteem in one’s self or in others.
Self Esteem in the Classroom Curriculum PDF Based on the fundamental idea that the two core components of positive self are-Empowerment is the belief and experience that one can love and be loved. The The curriculum contains activities that are designed to achieve these two objectives.
An announcement personalized for me on my social media channels You will be acknowledged when you sign up for the program and when your certification is issued. This will ensure that you have the support, encouragement, exposure, and exposure that you need to succeed!
Sale Page:http://archive.is/zsyDQ
 Here’s what you’ll get in Jack Canfield – Train The Trainer Online 2018