Isaac Suffren – Advanced Trading Options Blueprint


Risk Doctor – Diamonetrics & Position Dissection
Description of Diamonetrics & Position Dissection
Diamonetrics™ For The Novice Or Professional
This three hours of recorded (audio/visual) Diamonetrics.avi, the Diamonetrics.pdf Manual and the Diamonetric Grids.xls (pre-built for immediate chart overlay) will get you going right away if you already understand options strategies mentioned below.
Diamonetrics™ has been my proprietary technical analysis tool and never really shared because it was rather difficult to explain how to build a proper Diamonetric Grid. But now the essential Diamonetric Grid comes pre-built, ready to copy and paste, to simply stretch, scrunch, and swivel into place capturing the market’s essence. Diamonetrics ™ is used, most efficiently, to determine profit opportunities based on forecasting probable trading ranges, at particular expiration dates.
I know of nothing better available for speculating with limited risk…. high probability short premium (time on your side) plays (butterflies, condors, calendar spreads, iron calendars, etc.) and hedges for stocks, equity indexes, financial futures, currencies, commodities and other underlying securities.
Position Dissection
This three hours of recorded (audio/visual) PositionDissection.avi comes with the Position Dissection Course.pdf Manual and the PositionDissector.xls (with formulae for modification).
Position Dissection allows you to master an ostensibly complicated position, involving thousands of long and short odd quantities of puts and calls covering 7 strikes and underlying, without the aid of a computer. That would certainly help to understand the types of position you intend to have.
Wingspread Dissection
Dissecting out wingspreads can play an important role in the decision making process for initiating positions and adjusting them. Develop your consciousness to neutralize with a single trade (always be one trade away from comfort) representing a high level of control, turning a convoluted position around in an instant. Know where the fire is burning in your position.
About Risk Doctor
How Can You Win at the Options Trading Game Without a Complete Options Trading Education? …
A lot of so called “gurus” promise to teach the secrets of options trading. They often charge a lot of money and teach you only the basics of options education. Some educators can claim three decades of options trading, teaching and mentoring experience. A few educators have created some of the unique options trading strategies and advanced analytical options tools that are being used today. Fewer still have co-founded the largest online options brokerage in the world.
At least one man has done them all. The One man is Charles Cottle, the RiskDoctor. You have arrived, and the Buck Stops Here! Welcome to Charles Cottle is uniquely qualified to take your education far beyond that of universities and any other options education entity. Is your goal to acquire the tools to WIN at the Option Trading game?
The collective Risk Doctor Community (whether brand new to options or long-time traders) say: “The Risk Doctor’s education is Head and Shoulders above the Rest”, and the Risk Doctor picks up where the other educators leave . Many have said: “If I only knew ‘that’ before…” or “If only I had read your book before…” Don’t wait. Climb aboard now! The tuition here is a lot more affordable than the tuition at the school of hard knocks (when the market pick-pockets your hard-earned money).
Uncover the hidden realities, learn options trading the RiskDoctor way, and you will be amazed at the new clarity with which you can forecast probable trading ranges, dissect and understand current positions, and analyze risk-reward scenarios.
While other sites teach you rigid trading methods that might (or might not) work some of the time, my goal is to give you a thorough understanding of proper options trading strategies and arm you to battle any market. There are many paths to achieve RiskDoctor “Options Consciousness”.
The Risk Doctor can also provides expert consulting services that help you with a trade or opinion, even before you take action. Just like going to your physician to give you a second opinion on your physical health, the RiskDoctor, can examine your trade condition and give you an unbiased, second opinion on what or how to trade of your current opinion.