Irek Piekarski – Trading Masterclass 2.0


Ben Oberg – Millionaire Mafia Crypto Mastery
This Guy Makes 0.21 Bitcoin Per Day While Taking A Shower! Learn How You Can Earn Crypto Currency While Showering!
I earn crypto in the shower almost daily. It Made Me $1,237,363 in 2017 (that is $1.2M! )
Of course I don’t earn crypto everyday but I do shower everyday. And I took half of that and sent it straight into my bank account (mostly so I could stare at $600K sitting right in front of me then put it back)!
Everyone wants to promise you that their bot, their “system,” their MLM, or company is going to make you “mass amounts of money” and “you will be living the dream, you don’t have to put in effort,” and all this other bullshit.
I’m not going to promise you any of that.
I don’t have a system to er you,
I don’t have an MLM for you to join,
I don’t have a magic crypto machine that you can put money into and will spit out Bitcoin or Litecoin or any other coin.
I can only teach you to create massive returns while you take a bubble bath, shower, wash your dishes, or go about your daily lives.
Heck, I Made 8.3 Bitcoin  At A G-Eazy Concert In San Diego At 2 AM!
Then I made 11 Ethereum 3 days before that while sitting in an Audi RS5 at the SD Auto Show!
My concept is simple; I earned 78 Bitcoin in 2017 alone.
How much did I spend?
Well, I took $3,500 and turned it into over $1.2M. So it’s up to you, I don’t care if you use $5,000, $500, $50, or $5.
So here it is;
When you invest in a stock you don’t invest in just any stock, right?
You invest in one that people have had success with, or that your accountant says is good.
You invest in one that experts say is good. You essentially trust the “expert opinion” of another person to tell you what to do.
Well, What If You Were “THE EXPERT?”
You would know exactly:

What to invest in
When to invest,
How to invest,
When to sell and trade out,
And most importantly…

You Would Spend No More Time Doing This Than You Would Taking A Shower
It’s not that hard to be an expert. The average person spends
8.2 minutes taking a shower…
Well, once again, I earned 78 Bitcoin in 2017 alone;
That’s 0.21 Bitcoin per day;
That’s 4-figures per day.
With 7.6 billion people on Earth, the average person makes $10,000 per do the math.
Make sense?
Be the expert, make the money, and you don’t have to trust anyone.
Are you familiar with the book “The 4 Hour Work Week?”….
Well..this is “The Two Hour Work Week.”
What You’ll Learn In Millionaire Mafia Crypto Mastery?

Intro To Bitcoin & Application Of Crypto Currency
Setting Up Your Wallet & Securing Your Bitcoin
Earning Crypto Currency On Exchanges
How To Create 200%+ Return On Investment Weekly
Satoshi Value & Candlestick Science
Basic Trading Strategies
Short Term/Long Term Profit Strategies
Trade Entrance & Exit Indicators
Advanced Trading Patterns
Predicting Markets For Profit
Stop Losses & Notifications For Increased Profits
Coin Research
ICO Fundamentals & Science
Converting Crypto To Cash
Bitcoin Visa Cards
Bonus Training With Crypto Millionaires
Coins To Invest In
Ben’s Personal Crypto Accumulation Strategy
Fibonacci Retracement/Extension Tools For Predictive Analysis
Earning During Progressions (bull markets)
Earning During Recessions (bear markets)
Market Analysis
Blockchain Investments
Blockchain data
Blockchain and Proof Of Stake Investments
How To Stake Coins & Earn Instantly