Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women – David Tian


“Do you see these bones?”These are the Oracle Bone Inscriptions….Ancient Chinese inscriptions written on bones from 3,500 years ago…And I’ve found a way you can use the secrets from these ancient inscriptions to make you magnetic and attractive to women…all from using something called the “Dao State.”And just in case your “Bullshit!” Alarm is going off… These bones were discovered in 1899 by Wang Yirong in Beijing, and you can see the source right here if you would like.All good?Great, let’s continue….I’m David Tian, Ph.D., a world renowned specialist in human behavioral psychology, author, speaker, and global educator.Now, I first started learning about these charisma secrets while studying for my Ph.D. in Chinese Philosophy and Moral Psychology almost two decades ago…The bone inscriptions, as well as ancient bamboo scripts like these:…revealed something called the Dao State (sometimes known as Royal Charisma), and how Emperors and Kings could use this power to make themselves extremely charismatic and respected by their people… and incredibly magnetic to anyone…But it was not until I started combining this knowledge with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), that I realized…These Bone And Bamboo Inscriptions Give The Keys For How Any Man Can Become Phenomenally Attractive To His Ideal WomanThe Dao State is your most natural, relaxed, and powerful state of being, where everything flows easily for you, and can help you become the most charismatic, compelling person in the room.Have you ever had a moment of feeling extremely confident… even just for a little bit…And noticed that women were suddenly giving you greater attention than you’d ever had before?Attractive women who normally wouldn’t even give you the time of day are suddenly flirting…Cool guys are now trying to get your approval… and everyone is having more fun just from being around you…Everything you say just “works,” and people are having a blast…In that moment, you were in the Dao State…AND WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU HERE IS A SYSTEM FROM THE ANCIENT CHINESE SAGES ON HOW TO GET IN THAT SATET ALL THE TIME.And if you haven’t had an experience like I just described, then stick around because you are going to be amazed at the powers of attraction you will get from watching this video and following the instructions.Every man I have ever worked with has been able to get this Dao State power… once he follows exactly what I show him.When you master the Dao State, you become automatically attractive to your ideal woman…Because you give off special signals that whisper to their subconscious mind that you are a special man they would love to be with…Get Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women – David Tian, Only Price $57AND THIS ALL WITHOUT YOU EVEN WITHOUT YOU EVEN HAVING TO TRYYou completely sidestep the Do More Trap!It’s like you’re on autopilot… you say just the right things… and you really don’t even need to say anything…Because just from how you stand, move, and breathe, women start getting aroused by you… and men want to be your friend.Keep reading till the end of this page, because I have a special surprise which will give you this amazing ability in a surprisingly short period of time.Mastering the Dao State will help you attract that amazing woman for you in your life… as well as make you happier than you’ve ever been…It doesn’t matter if…You’re a virgin and have no dating experience….Or if you’re short… or very overweight… Or if you’re from a race or ethnicity that you think women don’t find attractive… Or if you feel like you’re too old and balding… or too young to be with the women who truly excite you…And if you’ve been at this struggle for a while, I can promise you that it doesn’t matter if you’ve tried everything to get better with women and nothing’s seemed to work.In fact, any ebook or course you’ve tried in the past is unintentionally sabotaging your success with women, without you even knowing it!BUT NO MATTER WHAT YOUR BACKGROUND IS, YOU WILL HAVE SUCCESS FROM ATTAINING THE DAO STATE.As long as you read till the end of this page, you will have a solution for how you can magnetically draw an amazing attractive woman into your life without having to do a thing.It will be “natural,” so you don’t need to join any online dating sites (though you can still use those if you like).And You Will Be Attractive To Women You See In Everyday Life, So You Don’t Have To Go Out To Bars “On The Hunt” For Women Or Try A Million Pick Up LinesActually, no “lines” will ever be necessary again… because women liking and wanting you will be the default… not something you have to “do” anymore.And that’s really the way it’s supposed to be.Can you imagine a gorgeous woman “trying” to make you like her? She could literally do it in her sleep!And when you know the Dao State, it will be the same for women who watch YOU.Now I know that this can be hard to believe… especially if you have had a very hard time with women so far…And you may have a million excuses running in your head like“There’s no way I could have this effect on women. I’m not a great looking guy, or tall, or popular…”But I want you to set that belief aside for a moment… and see if there’s something here that could change your entire life.After all, if what I’m saying is true… then it would be good news, right?                 I’ VE SEEN ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL TRANSFOMATIONS HAPPEN ALL OVER THE WORLD FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE USED THE DAO STATE AND I WANT THE SAME FOR YOU.Now real quick about me…If you’ve seen some of my videos or interviews on TV, you may see a bit of a flashy lifestyle… and think that I might have always been good with women.In some ways, I love hearing that, because it reminds me how far I’ve come.However, nothing could be further from the truth!I spent most of my teen years and 20’s in a romantic and sexual desert.I later married the one nice, Christian girl who was willing to date me… but then we got divorced not too long after.And there I was, almost thirty years old, divorced, alone, and lonely, with almost no friends.I was a short, socially awkward Asian dude in a country where Asian dudes weren’t all that popular… Plus I had been raised very religiously, so I had lots of hangups about sex, even if I wasn’t very Christian anymore.I had a bit of a pot belly, with skinny arms, and little muscle.And to make things worse, I was turning 30 in a college town… which sounds nice at first…But the truth is I had nothing in common with the cute girls on campus, so it was painful to try to talk with any of them.Every day, I was buried in Ancient Chinese Philosophy books for graduate school…and by the time I got out of the house to socialize, I didn’t really have anything to say that a 23-year-old girl would want to hear.In fact, because I was always thinking about my arcane academic work, I didn’t have much in common with anyone, since no one really wanted to talk about what I was passionate about.TO MAKE AN ANALOGY, IT WOULD BE LIKE A PROFESSIONAL GAMER PLAYING WORLD OF WARCRAFT ALL DAY, AND THEN TRYING TO TALK TO WOMEN ABOUT WHAT HE’S INTERESTED IN.But the one thing I did have going for me was TIME.I was broke, alone, nerdy, and out of shape, but I did have the time to go out and force myself to talk to women anyway.So I started researching the Pick-Up Artist community, and started memorizing lines, learning special tactics, and approaching women endlessly.I had very mixed results.Most women thought I was weird, though occasionally I would find one who wouldn’t walk away after 10 seconds.At some point, the lines and tricks I learned started to work… somewhat.I would get a phone number, and sometimes a date…But the woman would always soon figure out that I wasn’t the type of man she thought I was, and she’d stop returning my calls.IT WAS SO PAINFUL TO HAVE A WOMAN SHOE DESIRE FOR ME FOR A LITTLE BIT… AND THEN INSTANTLY LOSE INTEREST WHEN SHE GOT TO KNOW THE “REAL ME”My self-esteem kept dropping as I realized these women just didn’t like ME period… and that the best I could do was be fake when talking to a woman, and hope I could get far with her before she figured it out.One late Tuesday night I had my face buried in an Ancient Chinese literature, and I just started sobbing.This wasn’t going to get any better.I could tell nothing was going to change.I would be a professor one day, and the older I got, the more disconnected I would get from the people around me, and I would just stay alone forever.BUT AS MY TEARDROPS LANDED ON THE PAGES IN FRONT OF ME, IT HIT ME.Get Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women – David Tian, Only Price $57WHAT IF THE ANSWERS TO ALL MY SOEEOWS WERE BURIED IN FRONT OF ME THE ENTIRE TIME?What if I had been subconsciously drawn to Ancient Asian Philosophy and Psychology for a reason?I stopped crying and started to really think about this…For my Ph.D., I had to study lots of different ancient philosophies… and they had one thing in common…THEY ALL FOCUSED ON EITHER HOW TO TRANSFORM YOURSELF INTO THE IDEAL PERSON…AND HOW TO RELATE WITH OTHER HUMAN BEINGS IN A WAY THAT INFLUENCED AND PERSUADED THEM.In fact, many of these ancient inscriptions were composed for Kings… on how to make their subjects and slaves fall in love with them, so they could rule easily, without needing to bully or intimidate anyone.Because the ancient Emperors had to worry about betrayal at any time…They needed to learn how to become universally likeable, so absolutely no one could think about hurting or undermining them.That’s why their top advisers composed works like the Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Bamboo Scriptures… teaching how to create a special charisma for yourself that would work every moment of every day… for years or even decades at a time.It’s the state of mind where you are in the flow of life… magnetic to everyone and attractive to all.It hit me all at once… what if I applied these scriptures to attracting women instead?!I immediately started re-reading these ancient scriptures with a new lens…Instead of just reading the material as historical facts and interesting philosophies… I looked at every page through the filter of “How could I use this to attract an amazing woman?”I took massive notes… and this quickly doubled my workload, as I became fully committed to this cause, while I still had to work on my thesis for my Ph.D.After months of careful study, I had now mapped out a blueprint that any man could use to become his ideal woman’s ideal man.The bad news was that it would require total transformation of my internal self… so it was going to take TIME to put this to work if I did things the “ancient” way.THE GOOD NEWS WAS THAT I KNEW SOME MODERN HACKS TO SPEED ALL OF THIS UP.I USED THE NLP PROCESSES TO LITERALLY INSTALL THE DAO STATE INTO MY BRAIN…During my time researching mating psychology, I developed an interest in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and had gotten my Tony Robbins coaching certification training.I also had learned a lot about neuroscience and modern psychology because my university had so many resources that would have been unavailable anywhere else.I took the special system of the Dao State that I had learned from the ancient scriptures and combined it with NLP and modern neuroscience…To come up with a fully integrated system for directly installing sexual attractiveness and charisma into my brain.And just to be safe, I also looked up the most recent research on evolutionary psychology to make sure what I was going to install inside my brain was absolutely PROVEN to make women desire me.I was ready to actually put this to use, and used the NLP processes to literally install the Dao State into my brain..After a couple hours of doing this… I knew I felt different, yet I started to be a little skeptical on whether anything had changed…But once I walked outside, I could tell the difference immediately.Women started to smile at me as I walked by.It was a small change, but definitely noticeable.Was this really happening?As the weeks went by, I saw more and more success… meeting, attracting, and dating some of the women who were previously “out of my league.”Suddenly… it was just easy.Get Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women – David Tian, Only Price $57Tag: Invincible The Secret Ancient Dao of Effortlessly Attracting Women – David Tian Review. 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