Investopedia Academy – Become a Day Trader


Allen Maxwell, Scott Paton – Trading Stock Options II: Simplified Strategies For Success

Can you make 10% in ten minutes trading stock options with Chart Pattern Trading? No one but you knows the answer to that question.
What we do promise is that you will learn the tools in this course to make make 10% in ten minutes on a regular basis. Those tools include how to use our exclusive Waves of Profits software, how to control Fear and Greed, journaling, and identifying patterns of success. This course builds on our first Stock Options Trading course, “Stock Options Trading – Make Money & Income From Day Trading”.
If you are very new to day trading, options or the stock market, we strongly recommend you shortcut your learning curve by building a strong foundation for success.
If you are an experienced Day Trader, the tools you will learn in this course will take your success rates through the roof.
The most important part of trading is protecting your capital and that comes from managing risk. What can you do to minimize your exposure to capital losses?
One thing you can do is to make sure you are not gambling. Day trading is not investing. You don’t buy a stock and hold on to it for a year. You buy a Call or a Put, and sell it ten or fifteen minutes later.
And if you follow the right rules and use our exclusive tools, you will find with practice, trading options becomes easier and more profitable the more you do it.
We have back tested our theories over 50+ years of stock data. We have refined our theories and rules with a small group of diligent ‘beta-testers’. We have grown our own accounts.
But what we do isn’t as important to us as what our students have done and their successes, nor it is as important to us as how you can do.
What You’ll Learn In Trading Stock Options II: Simplified Strategies For Success?

How to choose the best stock option opportunities with Chart Pattern Trading
The basic rules of options trading success
How to make 10% in 10 minutes
The best way to practice
How to protect your capital
How to minimize your risk
The secrets to successful practicing
How to access our exclusive Day Trading software for a month FREE! Discover for yourself this system works.
What indicators you should watch
How to access our eleven exclusive proven indicators
Our proprietary rules for option success
How to practice in near-real market conditions without risking any capital
How to practice at normal market speed or at double market speeds so that when you are trading live everything looks like it is unfolding in slow motion
How to stop yourself from self-sabotaging your success
Why you should only trade once a day
How to use the Waves of Profit software to increase your success rate
Entry and exit strategies
Case studies
And much more

Who Trading Stock Options II: Simplified Strategies For Success is for?

Experienced Options Traders
Intermediate Traders who are Willing to Practice to Become Successful
Graduates of “Day Trading Stock Options – Turn Your Computer into an ATM”
This Course May Be Overwhelming For Novice Options Traders
This Course is NOT for People Who Want to “Get Rich Quick”
This Course IS For People Who Want to Build a Sustainable, Stable Income That Grows Over Time
Traders who have or can apply and be approved for an Interactive Brokers Options account
Traders who can afford $2000 annually for the trading platform

About Instructor
Scott Paton
Scott Paton has been podcasting since the spring of 2005. He has executive produced and/or co-hosted over 45 podcasts. An internationally renowned speaker, Scott has presented to audiences from London, England to Sydney, Australia, from Vancouver, BC to New York, NY, from LA to Rwanda. Thousands of entrepreneurs and NGO’s have changed their public engagement strategies based on Scott’s sharing. We hope you will, too!
Scott has over 500,500 students from 199 countries taking at least one of his 100+ courses.
Allen Maxwell
Allen has been a master programmer and a profitable day trader most of his life. He shares how you can follow a few simple rules and use an easy to understand program to make consistent 10% gains in 10 minutes. Nothing is 100%. He teaches the greatest challenge to your financial success is YOU. Self-sabotage behaviors derail more investors and traders than any other factor. Trading in options is a battle between ‘Fear’ and ‘Greed’. Powerful emotions that you learn to control with experience and training.