Internet Optimization Secrets – Alex Mandossian


Discover a Proven 5-Step Process to Optimize Your Internet Marketing System … So You Generate More Income Faster, Better and EasierIncrease the pulling power of your web copy … so you generate more leads and salesConvert more web site visitors into cash-paying customersEasily generate bigger and more varied streams of web site traffic from multiple sourcesBuild strategic relationships with other experts and companies that can help to promote your products, services and eventsLeverage social media to build strong relationships and develop a worldwide community of students and customers   Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone ‘UTC’ for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /home/ouuser/public_html/index.php on line 58Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone ‘UTC’ for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /home/ouuser/public_html/index.php on line 58Sunday, November 18, 2018SAN FRANCISCO, CADear Internet Marketer,Auditing your entire marketing system from tip to tail can be scary. Because you quickly realize that there are an unlimited number of opportunities to improve your results.Plus, it seems like every day brings more fancy tools and hot strategies that “experts” claim you must add to your marketing mix if you want to remain competitive.It’s a little overwhelming, isn’t it? Especially if marketing is not a passion and you’d rather just focus on what you’re good at delivering.Well, here’s the good news.I’ve generated more than $300 million in sales and profits since 1991 … for myself and clients like Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp.,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, and Peak Potentials … as well as top thought leaders like Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Allen, Vic Conant, Brian Tracy, David Bach, Harvey Mackay, Robert Cialdini, Harv Eker, Bobbi De Porter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay and Katie Hendricks, and Bob Proctor.And I can assure you … there are only 3 things you must know to master Internet marketing.Truth #1: You Need to Focus on Only 5 Key Areas of MarketingIn The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey describes an experiment that he uses to demonstrate the importance of prioritizing your various to-dos.The experiment involves a jar, into which you place a selection of rocks, pebbles, sand and water. The only way to make everything fit is to put the rocks into the jar first, followed by the pebbles, then the sand, then the water. Each new element fills in the nooks and crannies around the bigger items.Putting the elements in the jar in any order but largest to smallest results in running out of room. In Covey’s model, the rocks are the items that are most important to accomplish.But when it comes to optimizing your Internet marketing, this system can produce dismal results.You see, “optimization” means maximizing your results while minimizing the time, money and effort you expend to achieve the results. And the marketing world’s equivalent of pebbles, sand and water usually cost more time, money and effort than the “big rocks” … and they produce a smaller return on investment.If you want to maximize your ROI, the only thing you need to worry about are rocks – and only 5 rocks, to be specific.Pay attention to these 5 “big rocks” … and you don’t need any other rocks.Nor will you need “pebbles,” “sand” or “water.”But there is one small catch…Truth #2: You Must Put the Rocks in Your Jar in the Right OrderIf your rocks are out of order, you end up wasting time and money … and producing a fraction of the results that your web site could be producing.For example, many marketers like focusing on rock #3 – web traffic. There’s no doubt that it’s important to overall success online.However, unless rocks #1 and #2 are in place and optimized, you end up driving traffic to a site that doesn’t convert. The end result? Visitors leave without buying … and often are annoyed at you for wasting their time.Which brings me to the last secret you must know to optimizing your Internet marketing system…Truth #3: Incremental Improvement Leads to MasteryOne of the most common roadblocks to Internet marketing success is the desire to be perfect. Many marketers get stuck in the mode of trying to make their web sites perfect, because they’re afraid of looking like they don’t know what they’re doing. The result is that they never really get started.But feedback is essential to getting you to your goal … and getting things wrong is a natural part of the process.When a ship leaves port for a journey across the ocean, the captain starts out pointed toward the final destination. But he doesn’t sit back, relax and trust with 100% confidence that the ship will arrive safely. Instead, the captain and crew periodically take stock of where they are and then adjust their direction based on the feedback they’re receiving.The simple fact is … the ship is off course most of the time. But because the crew constantly uses feedback to correct the ship’s course, it eventually arrives in its destination.Every point in your marketing system offers the opportunity to measure feedback – and the opportunity to incrementally improve your performance.Every ad you’re running could be improved in myriad ways, from the headline, to the body copy, to the offer, to the call to action, to the graphics. Every landing page could be improved, from the language, to the design, to the type of interactive elements, and so on. Every video you use, every audio message you rely on, every autoresponder sequence you send out – every single thing offers the opportunity for you to tweak and improve results.But unless you start somewhere … you won’t know what to improve, nor will you have the chance to improve it.Since launching my Internet marketing business in 2001, I’ve met and trained thousands of students. I know literally thousands of experts who could be enjoying considerable success online … but they aren’t because one of these 3 truths is stopping them.I’m writing today because if you want to:Increase your productivity…Attract more qualified leads…Connect with more customers…Boost sales and profits…Develop a bigger and broad reputation as an industry leader…And you’re ready to:Stop wasting time and money on activities that produce little return on investment…Stop beating your head against the wall trying to figure out how to improve web site conversion…Stop trying to incorporate every new tool and strategy that’s introduced in favor of focusing only on the essentials…… then I can help.Introducing Internet Optimization SecretsInternet Optimization Secrets™ is a 12-module course that walks you step-by-step through the process of optimizing your Internet marketing … so you can achieve bigger results with less time, money and human effort.The program teaches you how to master the 5 “rocks” of Internet marketing:Rock #1: Social MediaRock #2: Strategic AlliancesRock #3: Web TrafficRock #4: Web ConversionRock #5: Web CopyPlus, you’ll learn how to use proven tools and templates to create a “jar” that boosts your productivity.Focus on these 5 areas … and you’ll generate more leads, sales and revenue, guaranteed.I know … because I use this approach in my own business.Meet Your Optimization Guide, Alex MandossianHi, I’m Alex Mandossian, Founder and CEO of Heritage House Companies and one of the top online traffic conversion specialists in the world.Since 1991, I’ve generated over $300 million in sales and profits for my clients and partners via “electronic marketing” media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.By some measures, my company is small compared to other Internet marketers. I have only 3 employees and outsource the rest to a small team of very reliable vendors.Although my opt-in email list has grown 500+% since I first started my business, for a long time my list was considered microscopic compared to other Internet marketers who had 400,000, 700,000, and even a million names or more on their lists.And while my peers were generating tens and hundreds of thousands of web site hits each month … my main site, for many years, had fewer than 100 visitors a day.Yet I routinely outsell most of them.When promoting other experts’ events or product launches, I usually finish as the #1 affiliate, even when competing against affiliates whose mailing lists dwarf mine. My web sites are top performers, converting more visitors into qualified opt-ins … and then converting more leads into customers. My list of subscribers spawns an unusually high percentage of customer evangelists … students who not only buy from me time after time, but who also become ambassadors of my work, bringing more and more students to my business.And on the personal front? I enjoy more than 90 free days each year. Those are the days I spend completely devoted to recharging my batteries and hanging out with my family. I don’t think about, talk about, or even worry about work.The 5 rocks I just shared with you are the secret to my success. Optimizing my Internet marketing efforts has allowed me to increase sales and profits … while investing less time, money and effort.I want you to enjoy the same increase in freedom, flexibility and wealth that I have. Which is why I’ve distilled the most essential information I have about how to succeed at Internet marketing into Internet Optimization Secrets.Take a look at what you’ll learn…How to Optimize Performance in the 5 Most Critical Areas of Internet MarketingModule 1:Web Copy (Big Rock #1)How to Optimize the Pulling-Power of Your ‘Off-Page’ Web Copy Marketing PromotionsThe 3 critical reasons that web copy is so important for growing your businessThe 6-step process that provides the fastest and easiest method for annihilating writers blockThe single-biggest mistake that most marketers make when developing their marketing plans and messagesWhy focusing on benefits may actually not help your marketing success – discover why and what to focus on insteadThe 2 characteristics your message must have if you want to be effective at inspiring and persuading your audienceMost marketers focus on what they say in promotional messages … but something else is far more important (hint: this explains why mediocre-quality promotions can still produce results)3 golden rules to follow if you want to instantly boost readability(without this tip, your messages are guaranteed to be deleted within seconds)The real reason it’s important to be careful when choosing your words … and why the words you use in off-page copy aren’t necessarily what you should use when crafting on-page web copyA huge faux pas that many marketers make when building their lists (not only is this bad manners, it can get you reported as a spammer, as well)The 2 most important elements of an email … how to maximize your effectiveness when writing these critical elements2 little-known tips for getting your emails delivered – and read15 world-class headline templates to make it fast and easy to write this critical copy element11 power words you can use to jazz up your marketing copyThe 27 best subject lines I’ve ever tested – these work for literally any industry and any productModule 2:Templates (Optimization Jar)”How to Optimize Tested Templates, Tools and Technologies to Accelerate Business Growth”The true definition of a template … and the 3 biggest reasons you should use templates as much as possible in your Internet businessThe 4-word mantra that can help you skillfully avoid the costliest mistake that sinks many businessesA proven 5-step process for implementing templates … and the part that most people completely missThe surprising way that your web page design can work against you … and how to find the right webmaster who can help you avoid this issue3 top reasons that templates are a best practice when it comes to Internet marketing … and what you can reasonably expect to gainThe most important measure you must know if you want to grow your business … and how to identify which of your competitors to compare results with (hint: this flies in the face of what most people teach and believe … but it’s the secret to producing dramatic and lasting growth)How to reliably predict where bottlenecks will crop up in your business … and the only 3 approaches you can take to ease the back-upThe little talked-about reason that studying the work of experts can actually cause you to fail(don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to avoid this pitfall, so you can get the education and modeling you need without self-destructing)Why multi-tasking doesn’t work in business … and what to do instead (Don’t believe me? I’ll share a quick exercise that will clearly demonstrate how much switching between tasks slows you down)Here’s a surprise: Boredom is a good sign. Discover what it means … and how to leverage it for greater successTime-proven strategies for dissolving the most crippling roadblocks you’ll face when optimizing templatesThe 3 types of web sites you should be using with your business … and which to build first to dramatically grow your reputation and revenue (hint: this is the exact opposite of what most people do)The top 10 resources you’ll need to optimize your web site12 qualities that make good vendors great … and why these characteristics will make your life easier and your results betterModule 3:Web Copy (BIG ROCK #1)”How to Optimize the Pulling-Power of Your ‘On-Page’ Web Copy Marketing Promotions”The #1 thing that will increase the quality of your life more than any other marketing activity (hint: it all happens on your web page)Proven strategies to involve more web site visitors and boost your response rates9 critical steps to follow if you want to maximize the pulling power of your web page copy … and the correct order in which to use these steps3 key questions to ask before writing a single word of copy (this is essential to writing copy that gets results … quickly and easily)The real reasons that optimizing on-page copy can double sales and triple profitsWhy most entrepreneurs don’t optimize their web copy … and the fastest way to blast through these challengesStruggle with writer’s block? Here’s an easy fix that’s straight from Star WarsWant prospects to salivate like a dog waiting for a bone when they read your marketing offers? Be sure to incorporate these 3 proven principles of effective web copywritingThe fastest and easiest way to ensure that your marketing message matches your target audienceThe one thing that many marketers overlook when structuring their offers … and why this costs them time, money and salesHow to fully leverage the testimonials you receive (not only will this make your web copy more powerful, it will make it easier to write, too!)Why competitors are essential to your success … and how to follow Sam Walton’s lead in leveraging the competition to grow revenue and profitsThe 7-word question to ask before writing a word of copy (this will reveal the magic ingredient you must incorporate into your message to build rapport with your target audience and inspire more people to take action)5 top ways that on-page copy outperforms all other forms of copyThe 8 most important factors that influence “eye gravity” (use these tips, and I guarantee that visitors will stick around longer and buy more)Here’s a sneaky, but completely ethical, way to find the top 10 selling web sites in 9 different product categoriesThe 16 most persuasive words to incorporate into your copywritingModule 4:Web Conversion (BIG ROCK #2)”How to Utilize Personas to Optimize Online, Offline and In-Store Customer Experiences”The true definition of a marketing persona … and the 3 key waysit helps to improve customer experiences and boost resultsAn introduction to the Platinum Rule … and how it helps industry leaders rise to the top (adopt this rule to simplify the process of creating a marketing experience that customers enjoy)A proven 7-step process for developing marketing personas that connect with your ideal customersThe most common reasons why marketers avoid using personas … and 3 key benefits that you’ll gain by overcoming these roadblocksWhat to change in your marketing approach so that you’re able to predict and deliver exactly what your target audience wantsHow to identify what you need to do on your site so that visitors find it easy to buy4 common business models … and how to identify which is rightfor your businessHow to build your site hierarchy and content around personas … and the best ways to measure your effectivenessThe 4 basic temperaments and how to create marketing copy and systems that appeal to all of themThe 3 different buying stages that prospects may be in … and how to provide what they need, no matter where they areWays to modify the language on your web pages to appeal to all buying typesWhat you must put at the top of your web site to satisfy two types of customersHow the images you choose can either accelerate the buying process for one type of customer … or stop them dead in their tracksModule 5:Web Conversion (BIG ROCK #2)”How to Optimize the Pulling-Power of Your Opt-In Pages and Website Promotions”3 ways that paying attention to web conversion will benefit your business (hint: most people talk about “conversion rate” … but this actually only a fraction of what you need to pay attention to)The 5-step process for improving your web conversion … and which steps most marketers avoid or overlookThe 4 types of people that will come into your world … and the type that’s most valuable to your business (discover how to nurture the people who become raving fans and refer others to your company)The 3 biggest roadblocks that prevent most Internet entrepreneurs from improving web conversion … and the fastest, easiest, most cost-effective ways to overcome these challengesThe 4-part formula that dictates your web conversion success … and the surprising reasons why your message is not the most valuable factor in your successThe fun tool that gets more first-time visitors to say “yes” to your offers3 critical questions to ask as you begin to work on improving your web conversion5 daily benchmarks to use if you want to maximize your traffic, sales, and conversionThe 2 mistakes that 99% of marketers make on opt-in pages that drives prospects away (fixing this will take less than a minute … and will instantly boost conversion)A fast and easy way to accurately calculate the value of your web site visitorsTips for modifying the language and design of your web site buttons to easily boost conversion (it seems insignificant, but these simple tweaks can produce powerful results)How changing the type of conversation you’re having with customers can improve conversion … and where to incorporate their input for greatest involvementThe difference between a micro-niche and your area of expertise … and how to effectively combine them in your marketing messageWhat Sesame Street can teach you about grabbing and holding your visitors’ attentionModule 6:Web Traffic (BIG ROCK #3)”How to Optimize Your Article Marketing to Grow Your Online List Faster, Better, Easier”The 4 core steps to begin using article marketing to distribute content and build your listHow to become an effective article marketer … even if you can’t writeThe hands-down best site to use when distributing your articlesThe truth about how long an article should be … and the best type of article to write if you’re just getting startedThe 4 time-tested criteria for near-perfect articlesFind it difficult to write? Here’s an easy way to reduce the struggleThe 5 factors that dictate your success in marketing your business online … no matter what niche you’re inHow to craft article titles that get attention from both humans and search engines3 easy, but often overlooked, ways you can build a relationship with your communityA quick-and-easy formula to describe your article in a way that makes it stand out and demand to be readOne of the most underutilized areas of an article … and the 3 points you should include to maximize your list-building effortsThe 5 Tweets you should send every time you write a new article (most authors send one of these at best!)How to identify which articles appeal the most to readers … and how to leverage the winners to create more traffic and opt-insModule 7:Web Traffic (BIG ROCK #3)”How to Optimize Online PR to Rocket the Growth and Visibility of your Business”The 6 steps to building an effective online PR campaign that boosts your visibility and credibility (most marketers skip at least 2 of these steps … dramatically limiting their results)How PR can help you reach audiences that other marketing methods don’t touch … particularly those with great influenceKey ways that PR has changed … and why this is good news for any budget-conscious entrepreneurThe surprising way to overcome the feelings of marketing overwhelm that paralyze most entrepreneursThe 4-part formula for proper keyword usage when writing online press releases … and the 2 biggest mistakes most writers makeThe 3 Spheres of Power that will allow you to dominate the online PR space (Tip: fewer than 1 percent of press releases use all 3 spheres … meaning you have a tremendous opportunity for seizing the advantage)The 3 biggest mistakes even experienced marketers make with their online PR … and the myths that lead to these critical errorsA 7-part formula for creating a winning online press release from scratch … even if you hate to write and don’t think there’s anything “newsworthy” about your businessWhat to include in your press releases to attract more media attention and visits to your web siteThe often-ignored element that should be incorporated into your online releases so that they have long-term value for search enginesHow to leverage the time you spend cruising the headlines to increase the effectiveness of your online press releases5 online PR best practices that most marketers don’t know … and why these workOnline PR doesn’t stop with a press release – discover 10 different Web 2.0 channels that you can use to repurpose your content for greater distributionModule 8:Web Traffic (BIG ROCK #3)”How to Optimize and Cash-In on Your Search Engine Traffic and Pay-Per-Click Advertising”The 6 most important steps to optimizing your web site for search engines … so you can increase your exposure, traffic and revenueIs SEO really worth it? Get the final answer (hint: there are some significant downsides)How SEO can help you lower your pay-per-click advertising costs… if done correctlyThe 3 biggest roadblocks to successful SEO … and which ones you can overcome with relative ease3 action steps to take immediately to begin boosting SEO resultsWhat search engines spiders look for when reviewing your site … and how you can demonstrate that your site is valuableThe 3 major types of traffic most sites get … and where SEO fits inTricks for identifying the right keywords to pursue (if you go after the wrong ones, you won’t attract the right visitors … and you may end up losing a lot of money)5 technical elements that you must have in place to make your web pages appear relevant to search engines … including the one that’s often overlooked when preparing web copyWhat never to do when optimizing your web site … and the 3 types of technology that will destroy your SEO rankings4 powerful tools that will help you boost your conversion when using pay-per-click advertisingSavvy strategies to produce results quickly when first launching a PPC campaignModule 9:Strategic Alliances (BIG ROCK #4)”How to Optimize Your Performance and Profits Through the Leverage of Strategic Alliances”The key differences between joint ventures and strategic alliances … and the 3 most powerful ways the latter can help you grow your business quicklyThe 5 vital questions to ask before making a strategic alliance … and the order in which to ask them (most people ask these questions in the wrong sequence, which results in aligning with the wrong companies)Nervous about approaching potential partners to suggest a strategic alliance? Here are 3 “soft” approaches you can use to indicate your interest without going too far out on a limbHow marketing and promotion differ … and how your focus will impact your resultsWhat to do when faced with an easy and a hard way of doing something (this will shock you … but weightlifters know the truthof what I’m telling you)7 winning options for structuring your strategic alliance … and which will work best for youThe 15 key points to hammer out when structuring the financial side of your strategic alliances … and what’s considered “fair” for each item3 elements your web site needs so you can generate more affiliate relationships6 powerful questions that will help you locate potential strategic alliance partners … and the 5 characteristics to look for when evaluating prospects (use these to uncover partners who will get things done, no matter what)4 steps to identifying ways to generate revenue quickly and easilyModule 10:Social Media (BIG ROCK #5)”How to Optimize Social Media Marketing to Attract More Customer Relationships & ProfitsThe top 3 reasons you can’t afford to ignore social media – it’s not a fad that will fizzle out The 5-phase process for incorporating social media into your marketing mixWhy technology is not important to your social media success … and what to focus on insteadThe 3-part formula that allows you to influence people to fall in love with you and your products … so they turn into repeat buyers and evangelists for your businessThe 5 “must-have” social media tools … including 1 that most people mistakenly dismissHow to create greater influence using the “Cialdini 6” (warning: these are so powerful, it’s essential that they be used only for good)7 additional triggers you can use when crafting your marketing message to get visitors to respond to your copy6 proven ways to create an effective framework for your social media efforts (this is vital for building social influence)Module 11:Social Media (BIG ROCK #5)”How to Optimize Social Media Marketing and Promotional Reach Utilizing Twitter”Think Twitter is a cute pastime? You won’t after you discover these 3 truths about how the micro-blogging platform gives you a huge advantage over competitors6 steps to building a profitable and effective Twitter strategy(hint: skip any of these steps and it will quickly become a waste of time)6 key questions to ask yourself to see if you’re ready to leverage Twitter to reach millionsThe top 6 – often unexpected – benefits that you can gain by incorporating Twitter into your social media marketing mixThe minimum number of keyword alerts you should set up so that you can fully leverage Twitter to stay current on what’s happening5 ways to locate your target market on Twitter10 ways to create raving fans among your followersThe proven 4-part formula for creating profitable relationshipsWhat social currency is … and 6 ways to build yours4 ways to conduct real-time market researchWant to outsource your social media marketing? Make sure your vendors or employees know these 3 thingsThe single most important step to take before opening a Twitter account and answering the question “What are you doing?” (Skip this, and your messages will be dismissed as noise – guaranteed)Module 12:Social Media (BIG ROCK #5)”How to Optimize Social Media Marketing and Promotional Reach Utilizing Facebook”The 3 biggest obstacles to success with Facebook … and how to overcome them (even when the platform changes rapidly)Key reasons that businesses incorporate Facebook into their marketing mix10 steps to maximizing your reach and influence on Facebook … including tips to help you limit the amount of time you spend online4 essential ingredients of an effective Facebook profileWhat to consider as you craft the core message you want to communicate via your fan page6 reasons you should use a fan page to promote your businessWhat to consider when adding friends on Facebook … and why it’s important to be choosey7 ways to increase your visibility online using viral marketing principles (do this right and you’ll be seen in the right places, by the right people, at the right times)6 easy methods for promoting your Facebook fan page in the “real” worldWhat’s safe to delegate and what you must handle yourself when trying to minimize the amount of time your Facebook marketing efforts consumeTag: ” Internet Optimization Secrets – Alex Mandossian” Review. ” Internet Optimization Secrets – Alex Mandossian” download. ” Internet Optimization Secrets – Alex Mandossian” discount.