Inside the Closed Guard – Henry Akins


Total Size:Digital products: Get the download link at Account or directly via email.Support: LifetimeDownload: Unlimited Of Course Inside the Closed Guard – Henry AkinsPurchase Inside the Closed Guard – Henry Akins courses at here with PRICE $97.99 $42When purchasing Inside the Closed Guard – Henry Akins course, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Inside the Closed Guard – Henry AkinsHenry Akins’ Hidden Jiu Jitsu The “Immovable Object” Inside Closed Guard System:Next Time Someone Tries To Put YOU In Their Closed Guard… Make Them REGRET IT!Want to know a secret? If your opponent is TERRIFIED to close their guard around you… their guard becomes infinitely easier to pass.Want To Know The ONE “Hidden Connection” that opens EVERY Closed Guard like a “Skeleton Key”?Want to know how to regain and KEEP your posture when you end up in someone’s Closed Guard?Want To Know How To SHUTDOWN Even The BIGGEST, STRONGEST, MOST AGGRESSIVE closed guard players and set up your passes with ease?Unlimited Digital AccessSpecial Seminar DiscountAccess PLUS Get Your Unannounced Bonus After You Claim YOUR Henry Akins Hidden Jiu Jitsu Cross Side Escapes Training System Below…100% Secure Ordering100% Privacy Protected100% ZERO Spam PolicyKron Gracie Knows.Rickson Gracie Knows.The Black Belts Who Attend His “Black Belt ONLY Seminars” Know.And THESE Guys & Gals KnowHey,It may not be as “sexy” as the “donkey” or the “50” or the “worm” or the “tornado” but lets be real…The only reason you even know about Jiu-Jitsu is because of Royce Gracie.And, as everyone knows Royce knows a thing or two about the Closed Guard.Quite simply the closed guard is the position that made Jiu-Jitsu famous. And, even today while its not the most popular of offensive positions.   When a skilled Closed Guard player locks you in and breaks you down…. Often times the end is near.But there’s something you should know.That guy you train with.You know…. The one with the bear trap legs and the kryptonite for your amazingly strong posture. The guy who’s drilled that arm bar, triangle, omoplata transition a few zillion times.Or, maybe you’re thinking of that guy who has ZERO closed guard game but he ALWAYS puts you there and you can’t do ANYTHING about it. He just wraps his legs tight, breaks down your posture and pulls on your head for the whole 5 minute round…And, as stupid as that is… you’re powerless because YOU’VE got NOTHING for him. Can’t get your posture back, can’t break his guard… you’re just STUCK.Whether you’re getting finished fast from your opponents closed guard or just getting plain ol’ STUCK there… I’ve got some real world, real life answers for you!Sadly closed guard has become a “defensive” position. A position many people are uncomfortable attacking from. A position many people’s ONLY objective is “don’t let him pass”.In order to first stay safe in the guard, maintaining your posture is crucial. Posture is our primary defense, but rarely are students taught how to sit in the guard properly to be able to maintain posture.Usually what we see is a battle of pushing with the arms to stay up while the opponent is pulling us down with the legs and arms. That’s a losing battle.  There is a way to maintain your posture while sitting in the guard so you feel like an IMMOVABLE tree stump.It requires no arms at all just some slight adjustments with the positioning of your knees and hips.   As a matter of fact I’ll tell you this… if your hands are touching him… you’re doing it WRONG!If you can maintain your posture you’re opponent will have no attacks available and no other option but to open their legs for you allowing you the opportunity to pass.If you like hearing training partners respond with ….◦ -WTF?◦ -How’d you do that?◦ -Can you show me that?• -Nobody’s EVER done that to meThen this is the ONLY systematic approach to escaping and dominating inside Closed Guard you need.Inside The Closed Guard System– FINALLY… the governing principles and concepts of the ONLY proper closed guard posture that keeps you SAFE at all times.– Discover the handful of MOST important things you should NEVER do when placed in someone’s closed guard– What to do if your opponent tries to pull you down. This will change EVERYTHING you’ve ever thought about staying safe inside the closed guard.– Discover the one thing NOBODY EVER wants you to do to them when you’re in their closed guard… and how to frustrate them EVERY TIME– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the closed guard even though THEY put you there. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around you.– Sometimes (even experienced grapplers) have NOTHING from the closed guard even though THEY put you there. I’ll show you how to rue the day they closed their legs around you.– Once you develop your ability to be an IMMOVABLE OBJECT inside someone’s closded guard… after you’ve amply frustrated them… I’ll show you “how to open the legs and pass”… THE EASY WAY!– Opening the closed guar is EASY… but there’s ONE incredibly important concept you MUST UNDERSTAND and I GUARANTEE you that you’ve never been taught it correctly.– Opening the closed guard 100% of the time on anyone and everyone requires you do 3 simple things. Do them right and you’re OUT and passing… Do them wrong and you’re either drowning in their attack or just flat out stuck.Keeping Posture in the Closed Guard.Posture When Pulling the Arm.Posture when Pulling the Neck.Using the Lead ArmSecondary arm defense.Killing The Hip Bump Sweep.Freeing the Head to get Posture.Concept of Standing & Breaking the Legs vs Breaking the Legs from the Knees.Breaking the Legs with the Knee Behind the Butt.Standing to Open the Legs.Preliminary Defense Cross Collar Choke.Here are 7 Reasons WHY You Should Believe Me & Trust That What I Call “Hidden Jiu Jitsu” Is NOT The Jiu Jitsu You Nor Your Training Partners (And Possibly Even Your Instructors) Are Familiar With…I’ve taken my training with Master Rickson DEAD SERIOUS from day one. The ONLY reason I left home and my mom and dad in Oklahoma with little more than the clothes on my back 19 years ago was to learn Gracie Jiu Jitsu from THE MAN himself. 19 years later I STILL take the Jiu Jitsu I learned from him DEAD SERIOUSIt’s well known that Rickson did NOT give out black belts generously. It is and always has been one of the stingiest belt promoters in all of jiu jitsu. – I got my blue belt in 6 months. Faster than ANYONE under him EVER. – I got my purple belt in 2 years. Absolutley UNHEARD of for one of his students to advance to Purple Belt that quickly. – When he gave me my black belt NOBODY had received their black belt from Rickson FASTER than I did and to my knowledge that hasn’t changedIt’s well documented that Rockson was Rickson’s oldest son who tragically died in 2000… Rockson was one of my very best friends. I was his PRIMARY training partner. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him and miss him dearly.Coming up in jiu jitsu as one of Rockson’s best friends and with personal, direct & constant access to Rickson’s inner sanctum I can honestly say I’ve witnessed true “family secrets” that have NEVER been shared, exposed or discussed outside the family. NOW I’m sharing them with YOUI participated in and WON challenge matches even at WHITE belt, in Master RIckson’s academy fighting on his behalf and on the behalf of my teammates.As a blue belt I was already running warm ups and assisting higher ranked instructors at his academy and did so until he moved back to Brazil. I officially taught as a lead instructor for him starting in 2000 as one of his Brown beltsI personally witnessed him REGULARLY dismantling visiting world class black belts and world champions. All those stories you hear about this guy, that guy and all the stuff that went down behind closed doors… more often than not I was one of the FEW eyewitnesses.What I’m sharing with you will NOT be second hand. It’s FIRST hand. Saw it with my own eyes. Felt it with my own hands. And I’ve taught it and continue to teach it EVERYDAY for well over a decade.Remember, “Hidden Jiu Jitsu” isn’t THEORY. It’s EXACTLY what Rickson taught to just a FEW of us. My love, appreciation and respect for the Gracie family knows no bounds. And I’ve yet to find someone who can explain to me IF there are no secrets and IF the information is all out there then HOW can you explain how Kron his son is the ONLY black belt under RIckson to make a major splash at the highest levels of jiu jitsu? The short answer is “you can’t.Rickson’s core concept of DEFENSE was given to him by his father Helio. Helio’s entire game was based around being able to avoid and escape ANY attack, in ANY position, from ANY opponent at ANY time. The ability to stay safe at all times in all positions was priority #1 and NOBODY embodied this principle better than Rickson.And when you see the details you’ll be #MINDBLOWN! Your training partners will shake their heads in frustration as you become completely UNSTOPPABLE with these “Hidden Jiu Jitsu” Systems & StrategiesLet’s Talk Soon,Are you interested in? closed guard the movie; closed guard clippers; closed guard sweeps; closed guard documentary; closed guard submissionsPurchasing Inside the Closed Guard – Henry Akins course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.Purchase Inside the Closed Guard – Henry Akins courses at here with PRICE $97.99 $42