Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr


DITCH THE 9-5. WORK FROM ANYWHERE. DO WHAT YOU LOVE.TURN YOUR EXISTING KNOWLEDGE INTO A SEVEN-FIGURE DIGITAL PRODUCTS BUSINESSJoin thousands of others who are ditching their 9-to-5’s by tapping into the booming multi-billion dollar E-Learning Industry.Stop trading time for money & instead:“Go Evergreen”: Create a digital product once and leverage it for a lifetime!So if you’re a new entrepreneur who perks up at the thought of:So if you’re a new entrepreneur who perks up at the thought of:running an online business from anywhere in the worldhaving complete control of your timeand the freedom to be your own bossrunning an online business from anywhere in the worldhaving complete control of your timeand the freedom to be your own boss..all while turning your skills, passions, and unique knowledge into insanely valuable digital products you can create once and leverage for a lifetime……what I have to share with you below could quite literally change your life forever.(I know first hand because Foundr is one of these kinds of businesses!)So What Exactly Is A Digital Product?Digital products can mean a lot of things, but in this case we’re specifically referring to things like online courses, ebooks, digital magazines, and even coaching!Essentially any content-based product where you can package up your unique knowledge and sell it.Over the last few years there’s been a massive shift from the “information economy” to the current “knowledge economy”. People now prefer packaged up insights instead of endlessly drowning from information overload.They’re paying for problems to be solved not just more pieced together and outdated content they can find “for free” online. They know that always chasing free can actually be the most expensive thing they do.So being a digital product entrepreneur has taken the business world by storm for a number of undeniable reasons…Get Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr, only price $776 Catalysts Behind The “Digital Product Revolution”#1: Turn Passion Into BusinessWhether you love yoga, photography, or even just the entrepreneurship space in general — hello Foundr! — you can build a business around almost any kind of passion or skill selling digital products.The days of having to simply settle “chasing money” are over. Instead you can now do work you love and watch as the money chases your passion-filled digital products.“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve JobsIt’s exactly how I started Foundr, so stay tuned and I’ll share it with you…#2: Quick & Easy ProductionDid you know there are legit seven-figure businesses that use nothing more than the phone you’re probably reading this on to create all of their paid content! Seriously, you’re already carrying a viable film studio around in your pocket!People are getting paid thousands to create trainings they record straight from their dang phone teaching on things they love. Talk about a dream business!So for creating digital products, everything you need you already have. And once you learn the right way to do it, you can actually create what I call “multi-purpose content assets” that can be leveraged as free lead magnets to build your list and as pieces of your high priced paid content.#3: High Profit & Price FlexibilityIn business (especially when just starting out) profit margins matter…a lot! It can be the life or death of even the greatest of ideas. At the end of the day you need cash (profits) to survive, grow, and actually enjoy the business you’re building.Since digital products cost almost nothing to create (just use your smartphone!) and don’t need to be shipped or stored in some expensive warehouse or office, these products have the highest profit margin of nearly anything we’ve seen!Plus they’re incredibly price flexible. From $7 to $7,000 and everything in between. We’ve learned at Foundr (after having over 100,000 paying customers and our teams experience producing nearly 100 successful online courses) that success is rarely about “being cheap”.Above all, your prospects want their problems solved. They want value. When you overdeliver in the right way, your customers become lifelong fans and buy courses, coaching, and nearly anything else you produce. Even for thousands of dollars.#4: Can Be Evergreen (Repeatable & Unchanged Forever)One of the things we’ve mastered at Foundr (after serious trial and error) is our formula for producing “evergreen”content. This allows you to create your digital products in such a way so that there’s little to no changes even years down the road. Even in a world that’s constantly changing!That’s why we always say “create it once and leverage it for a lifetime!”.And it’s how to finally stop trading time for money. You can make doctor money (and more!) without the doctor hours, headaches, and mountains of debt.#5: Perfect “Side Hustle” Or First Online BusinessStarting a new business is really all about risk reduction. How can you effectively stack the deck in your favor and “test” your idea in such a way as to minimize any potential losses.That’s why so many first time entrepreneurs find first time success in a digital products business. The products are quick and easy to create, plus they go into the business already passionate about what they’re teaching about (90% of the secret!).It doesn’t require time while they’re at work.It doesn’t require unexpected investment that they don’t have.It doesn’t require them to be “all or nothing” having to bet the farm that it’ll work.#6: Infinite ScaleLastly, since there’s no physical inventory, shipping costs, or anything like that, you can essentially scale these kinds of businesses as much as you want. At Foundr we call this super power “infinite scale” because of its insane leverage.It’s what allows solo digital product entrepreneurs to hit six to seven-figures without bringing on additional team members or needing to take out risky loans.The Spark That StartedFoundr started from scratch. It was a wild idea that plenty of “smart” people told me wouldn’t ever work.“A magazine all about entrepreneurship? Nate, aren’t there already bigger and more reputable magazines doing that exact thing?”I’m not gonna act like I didn’t hear them or that it didn’t affect me because it did. I’m human. Prior to launching I’d think“Maybe they’re right. Who am I to create something like this?”.But starting a business around my passion was, well… my passion! And that pushed me forward.Just a few years later and our audience is now more than 3,000,000 combined fans.We’re a multi-million dollar brand partnering with some of the biggest names in the business. From nothing – using the exact two-edged formula I’ve been talking about here – I grew audiences, created digital products, and made sales!3,000,000 COMBINED FANS10,000+ COURSE STUDENTS AND COUNTING100 COURSES PRODUCED BY THE TEAM76 MAGAZINE PRODUCED300+ INTERVIEWS WITH THE MOST INFLUENTIAL FOUNDERS OF OUR GENERATION100,000+ CUSTOMERS… and countless other ebooks, webinars, and digital trainings.We know exactly what it takes to turn your passion or unique knowledge into a thriving online business that can do six and even seven figures in revenue!And now, if you’ll let us, we’d like to take you behind-the-scenes of how we do it all and quite literally take you by the hand, coaching you personally, to help you do it for yourself!This might be our most impactful program yet…IntroducingHow To Turn Your Passion Into A Seven-Figure Digital Product BusinessA rare behind-the-scenes look at a multi-million dollar business that’s creating six and seven-figure digital products from scratch.VALIDATE YOUR IDEA AND BUILD YOUR 1,000 TRUE FANS!When you can quickly validate any digital product idea you have and get paid before ever sinking time and money into producing it, your life is never quite the same. While other people are stuck “playing business” and endlessly talking about ideas, you’re bringing them to life, making them cash flow right into your pocket from anywhere in the world.But this goes beyond just making money online, by following the strategies laid out inside this course, you’ll build a business you truly love. Your work becomes play and you’re constantly creating content you care about. Travel, desired cash flow, complete control of your time; it’s all designed into what you’re creating inside Infinite Scale.COURSE PRODUCTION, TECH SETUPS, AND YOUR ENTIRE LAUNCH PLAN!At the time of writing this our team has produced nearly 100 online courses. Plus countless ebooks and every other kind of digital product you can think of. We’re not some guru who only knows what works with their one course they’ve produced.Plus we’ve launched these again and again creating multiple six and seven-figure successful digital products. All from scratch. We’re revealing all of our time saving shortcuts and the “best of the best” of everything we know.Inside Infinite Scale we walk you through start to finish course production, complete tech setups, and even through our ridiculously detailed launch campaigns for generating hundreds of thousands of dollars like clockwork! We’re even giving you email and social swipes you can use in your own launch!No matter what your passion or unique knowledge is, we’ll show you how to turn it into a successful digital product faster than you ever thought possible. Just follow along, take action, and reach out whenever you need additional help! We got you!Meet Your Instructor:“From 9-5 To A Global Media Empire”Nathan with Richard Branson Founder of VirginNathan with Arianna Huffington Founder of The Huffington PostNathan with Tony Fernandes Founder of AirAsiaAs founder of Foundr Magazine — an independently published global media and educational company — Nathan Chan has had the rare opportunity to work alongside some of the most iconic entrepreneurs of our age.But just a few years ago in 2013 in Melbourne, Australia, he was working a 9-to-5 job in IT. While he was appreciative of the work, he struggled to enjoy it. Everyday was a long and slow grind just waiting to clock out.He knew he was meant for something else, something more. The entrepreneurial spirit was looking for its way out.After trying a handful of other side hustles, he finally decided to pursue something he was passionate about… startups!The first day Foundr launched it made $5.00 in sales.Since that day Foundr has experienced rapid growth while being completely bootstrapped from the ground up! No venture capital and no loans.That idea turned side hustle has now transformed into a multi-million dollar brand, with millions of loyal fans, and products which are changing people’s lives.An Education Driven Practitioner,NOT A GuruAlong with being one of the leading publishers of actionable entrepreneurial content, Nathan has taken a firm stance when it comes to the “guru” business model.It’s easy to rent a lambo and say it’s yours on Instagram. It’s easy to scream promises but barely be able to deliver whispers. And it’s easy to give advice without ever having done it and risked everything.What’s more valuable? The insights and know how that come from bootstrapping and building a real business. One that’s not just another “flash in the pan” but is now coming into its 7th year! One that grew more than 300% just last year!Along the way, Nathan has also:Gone from zero to more than 100,000+ customers in only 6 years!Top 10 ranked ‘Business & Investing Magazine’ on the app store.Turned a wild idea “side hustle” into a multi-million dollar brand with nearly 30 employees worldwide without ever receiving a penny of outside funding!Assembled a Foundr team responsible for creating nearly 100 online courses. Created a world class brand that is responsible for having 1 millions of people consuming our content every weekThrough foundr has created multiple multi-million dollar per year online coursesWon runner up for Publisher of the Year for 2015 in the Digital Magazine awards. Interviewed Richard Branson, Mark Cuban, Ariana Huffington, Daymond John, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and more!After years of building a business all around turning knowledge into digital products…Seeing what worked, what failed, and discovering the fastest and easiest ways for a new entrepreneur to succeed with this model…… Nate synthesized every single actionable insight, tool, and idea worth sharing into the absolute most in-depth Digital Product Business training ever made available!Going behind-the-scenes of a company who does it every single day!This is truly game changing material for anyone looking to turn a passion into a real and lasting six-figure online business. A business they love and can run from anywhere in the world.Infinite Scale is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.And now you can see it for yourself risk-free…Get Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr, only price $77Here’s What You Get When You Try It Out Today:MODULE 1: DIGITAL PRODUCT BUSINESS FUNDAMENTALSIn this module you’ll learn the tested foundation for both starting and growing your online digital product business. From identifying if your idea has legs to discovering the secrets to creating a product once and leveraging it for a lifetime, it’s all here.LESSON 1: DISCOVERING YOUR PASSION OR SKILL WORTH PURSUINGLESSON 2: FOUNDR’S SECRET EVERGREEN CONTENT FORMULALESSON 3: BREAKTHROUGH GOAL SETTING FOR NEW BUSINESSESLESSON 4: HOW TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE WILL PAY FORLESSON 5: IDEAS: IS YOURS A VITAMIN OR PAINKILLER?LESSON 6: EMBRACING PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONIn this module you’ll learn the tested foundation for both starting and growing your online digital product business. From identifying if your idea has legs to discovering the secrets to creating a product once and leveraging it for a lifetime, it’s all here.LESSON 1: DISCOVERING YOUR PASSION OR SKILL WORTH PURSUINGLESSON 2: FOUNDR’S SECRET EVERGREEN CONTENT FORMULALESSON 3: BREAKTHROUGH GOAL SETTING FOR NEW BUSINESSESLESSON 4: HOW TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE WILL PAY FORLESSON 5: IDEAS: IS YOURS A VITAMIN OR PAINKILLER?LESSON 6: EMBRACING PROGRESS OVER PERFECTIONHow to “flush out” and finally know once and for all what you’re passionate about!Foundr’s never before shared “Evergreen Secrets Checklist”. How you can create content and digital productsonce and sell them year after year without ever having to worry about the content “going out of date”!Million dollar market research hacks made quick and simple…The magical “Goal Pyramid” that turns dreams into realities for first-time entrepreneurs!A little-known way for discovering your prospects most intense pain points. The one’s they’re willing to pay to have you create a product around!One piece of software Foundr uses for insane productivity again and again.And so much more!MODULE 2: VALIDATING YOUR COURSE IDEAThis module itself is worth the entire investment of the course and could easily be a standalone product all on it’s own. In these 8 in-depth videos you’ll learn the validation secrets you can use to get people to pay you before you ever create your digital product.LESSON 1: THE MAGIC 3-STEP ONLINE COURSE VALIDATION PROCESSLESSON 2: A SIMPLE “MIND READING” TOOL FOR CONTENT CREATIONLESSON 3: HOW TO MASTER INSIGHT DRIVEN IDEATIONLESSON 4: PRE-SELLING: THE #1 GAME CHANGING STRATEGYLESSON 5: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PAYMENT SETUPLESSON 6: PAID-IN-ADVANCE “WEBINARS FOR DUMMIES”LESSON 7: THE EASIEST WAY TO HOST AN ONLINE WORKSHOPLESSON 8: THE 1-TO-1 FORMULA FOR FAST FEEDBACKThis module itself is worth the entire investment of the course and could easily be a standalone product all on it’s own. In these 8 in-depth videos you’ll learn the validation secrets you can use to get people to pay you before you ever create your digital product.LESSON 1: THE MAGIC 3-STEP ONLINE COURSE VALIDATION PROCESSLESSON 2: A SIMPLE “MIND READING” TOOL FOR CONTENT CREATIONLESSON 3: HOW TO MASTER INSIGHT DRIVEN IDEATIONLESSON 4: PRE-SELLING: THE #1 GAME CHANGING STRATEGYLESSON 5: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PAYMENT SETUPLESSON 6: PAID-IN-ADVANCE “WEBINARS FOR DUMMIES”LESSON 7: THE EASIEST WAY TO HOST AN ONLINE WORKSHOPLESSON 8: THE 1-TO-1 FORMULA FOR FAST FEEDBACKHow to “pre-sell” your online course using nothing but a super basic live video!Validation Secrets: Discover exactly how to quickly validate any digital product idea so you don’t waste valuable time and money creating something no one wants!How to get “bullseye” testimonials before you ever even have your course live!Steal this 4-email sequence we’ve used to pre-sell our wild ideas…The best tools we’ve found that make collecting prepayments a breeze!A quick change you can make to your LinkedIn account today that’ll massively help you test any idea you can think of!How to create a simple but highly effective “pre-sale landing page”… And that’s only scratching the surface!Course Commences on June 24th 2019, 8am USA EasternMODULE 3: AUDIENCE BUILDING SECRETSYou’ve validated your idea, now it’s time to start building your audience. You’ll discover the proven tactics — the same ones we’re using at Foundr — for attracting your perfect customers. This module will help you create a loyal and passionate community allowing your business to have longevity and not just be a “flash in the pan”.LESSON 1: THE POWER OF EMAIL DONE RIGHTLESSON 2: HOW TO KNOW WHICH AUDIENCE CHANNEL IS BESTLESSON 3: FOUNDR’S SECRET AUDIENCE GROWTH EQUATIONLESSON 4: EASY E-BOOK CREATIONLESSON 5: THE SIMPLEST LEAD MAGNET THAT WORKS!LESSON 6: 1,000 TRUE FANS MASTERCLASSLESSON 7: THE #1 RELATIONSHIP BUILDING TOOLLESSON 8: AN OVERLOOKED STRATEGY FOR INSANE GROWTHYou’ve validated your idea, now it’s time to start building your audience. You’ll discover the proven tactics — the same ones we’re using at Foundr — for attracting your perfect customers. This module will help you create a loyal and passionate community allowing your business to have longevity and not just be a “flash in the pan”.LESSON 1: THE POWER OF EMAIL DONE RIGHTLESSON 2: HOW TO KNOW WHICH AUDIENCE CHANNEL IS BESTLESSON 3: FOUNDR’S SECRET AUDIENCE GROWTH EQUATIONLESSON 4: EASY E-BOOK CREATIONLESSON 5: THE SIMPLEST LEAD MAGNET THAT WORKS!LESSON 6: 1,000 TRUE FANS MASTERCLASSLESSON 7: THE #1 RELATIONSHIP BUILDING TOOLLESSON 8: AN OVERLOOKED STRATEGY FOR INSANE GROWTHHow to make “big money” from small lists using our “Digital Product Value Ladder”…The never shared audience building formula that is responsible for taking a total newbie (not knowing anything about building an online business) to creating one of the largest entrepreneurial brands online with millions of weekly readers.Foundr’s proven process revealing how anyone can find their “1,000 true fans”The fastest way humanly possible to create a valuable ebook or lead magnet!The “Tim Ferriss Secrets” to growth hacking audience building…One simple auto-responder every new entrepreneur should be using to build massive rapport and trust with each new subscriber.And other strategies of how we’ve now built a 3,000,000 person audience!MODULE 4: PRODUCING A COURSE YOU’RE PROUD OFIn this module you’ll get a start to finish million-dollar education in production. Covering everything from production on a budget to a more “white glove” experience. No matter what works for you, you’ll be able to produce a course that you’re proud of.LESSON 1: FOUNDR’S PROVEN 7-STEP COURSE CREATION PROCESSLESSON 2: HOW TO DEVELOP HARD HITTING CONTENTLESSON 3: WILDLY EFFECTIVE PLUG-N-PLAY FRAMEWORKS TO FOLLOWLESSON 4: HOW TO ABSOLUTELY NAIL YOUR COURSE NAMELESSON 5: WHAT MOST GET WRONG ABOUT PRE-PRODUCTIONLESSON 6: PRODUCTION SECRETS 1: VIDEO AND FILMINGLESSON 7: PRODUCTION SECRETS 2: SCREEN RECORDINGLESSON 8: HOLLYWOOD EDITING ON A BUDGET MADE EASYIn this module you’ll get a start to finish million-dollar education in production. Covering everything from production on a budget to a more “white glove” experience. No matter what works for you, you’ll be able to produce a course that you’re proud of.LESSON 1: FOUNDR’S PROVEN 7-STEP COURSE CREATION PROCESSLESSON 2: HOW TO DEVELOP HARD HITTING CONTENTLESSON 3: WILDLY EFFECTIVE PLUG-N-PLAY FRAMEWORKS TO FOLLOWLESSON 4: HOW TO ABSOLUTELY NAIL YOUR COURSE NAMELESSON 5: WHAT MOST GET WRONG ABOUT PRE-PRODUCTIONLESSON 6: PRODUCTION SECRETS 1: VIDEO AND FILMINGLESSON 7: PRODUCTION SECRETS 2: SCREEN RECORDINGLESSON 8: HOLLYWOOD EDITING ON A BUDGET MADE EASYOur multi-million dollar “internal use only” 7-step course creation process. Our team has used this to produce nearly 100 courses with six and seven-figure sales!The vital importance of naming your online course and digital products correctly and where most everyone goes dead wrong…The 6×6 “cheat sheet” to crank out your course freakishly fast and focused.Everything you could ever want to know about producing your online course. Filming, sound, editing, etc, it’s all here. Shared by people who do it every day!How to create a “unique mechanism” integrated into your course so it instantly stands out far and above your competition. This makes marketing it soooo much easier!A complete list of our favorite free and paid production tools. Perfect for new and experienced digital entrepreneurs.Plus in-depth teaching from our lead course producer who we “stole” from the most successful and venture capital backed course creation company!MODULE 5: OUR RECOMMENDED TECH SETUPSWe’ve tried nearly every digital product tech imaginable. In this module you’ll get our “best of the best” advice which will save you time, money, and hundreds of headaches. You’ll learn how to leverage tools to get your digital products out into the world faster than ever before.LESSON 1: WHERE, WHY, AND HOW TO HOST YOUR COURSELESSON 2: PUBLISHER TOOL WALKTHROUGHLESSON 3: PLATFORM TOOL WALKTHROUGHLESSON 4: DIY SETUP WALKTHROUGHLESSON 5: HOW TO PRICE YOUR COURSE RIGHTWe’ve tried nearly every digital product tech imaginable. In this module you’ll get our “best of the best” advice which will save you time, money, and hundreds of headaches. You’ll learn how to leverage tools to get your digital products out into the world faster than ever before.LESSON 1: WHERE, WHY, AND HOW TO HOST YOUR COURSELESSON 2: PUBLISHER TOOL WALKTHROUGHLESSON 3: PLATFORM TOOL WALKTHROUGHLESSON 4: DIY SETUP WALKTHROUGHLESSON 5: HOW TO PRICE YOUR COURSE RIGHTThe no BS breakdown of which platform you should build your course on…How to publish a course 100% free!A common pricing mistake that’s costing course creators thousands…The art behind “gated content” and how to do it to intensify interest in your product.Why sometimes simply using “old school” drip fed emails to deliver your course is the best decision for first time entrepreneurs. And much more!MODULE 6: YOUR SEVEN-FIGURE DIGITAL PRODUCT LAUNCHIn this module the rubber meets the road as you’ll discover our seven-figure launch process. We’ve left nothing out! Whether you want to “swipe and deploy” or tweak what we give you to make it your own, you’ll have everything you need to create a successful launch. These are million dollar secrets…follow them and profit!LESSON 1: OUR IN-DEPTH LAUNCH CALENDAR AND PLANLESSON 2: HOW TO CREATE AN IRRESISTIBLE OFFERLESSON 3: THE SCARCITY BASED LAUNCH FRAMEWORKLESSON 4: YOUR #1 WAY TO BOOST CONVERSIONSLESSON 5: DIGITAL PRODUCT SALES PAGE SECRETSLESSON 6: SEVEN-FIGURE “DROOL-WORTHY” LAUNCH EMAILSLESSON 7: SOCIAL PROMOTIONS THAT WORK LIKE GANGBUSTERS!LESSON 8: STRATEGIES FOR “STACKING” BONUSESIn this module the rubber meets the road as you’ll discover our six-figure launch process. We’ve left nothing out! Whether you want to “swipe and deploy” or tweak what we give you to make it your own, you’ll have everything you need to create a successful launch. These are million dollar secrets…follow them and profit!LESSON 1: OUR IN-DEPTH LAUNCH CALENDAR AND PLANLESSON 2: HOW TO CREATE AN IRRESISTIBLE OFFERLESSON 3: THE SCARCITY BASED LAUNCH FRAMEWORKLESSON 4: YOUR #1 WAY TO BOOST CONVERSIONSLESSON 5: DIGITAL PRODUCT SALES PAGE SECRETSLESSON 6: SIX-FIGURE “DROOL-WORTHY” LAUNCH EMAILSLESSON 7: SOCIAL PROMOTIONS THAT WORK LIKE GANGBUSTERS!LESSON 8: STRATEGIES FOR “STACKING” BONUSESLittle-known conversion boosting strategies for sales pages selling digital products!Step by step secrets revealed… what the greatest digital product entrepreneurs know about crafting offers that they’re not telling you! Hint: Your customer should always feel like they’re “getting one over on you” because your offer is so damn good.The truth behind using bonuses and how to do them right. Sometimes just giving away “more stuff” can actually hurt you! This solves that once and for all…Your very own plug-and-play launch plan! This is the same one we use to map out each of our launches from start to finish. It shows you everything you need!What’s the #1 highest converting sales channel for your online course? Emails. That’s why we’re revealing our entire before, during, and after course launch emails that you can swipe instantly!The single tactic you must-do during your open cart to skyrocket sales.Course Commences on June 24th 2019, 8am USA Eastern6 Easy-To-Follow Training Modules47x Video LessonsNearly 9 Full Hours Of Digital Product Business TrainingProfessionally Produced WorkbookLifetime Membership To Course UpdatesExclusive Mastermind Community Facebook GroupAuto-upgrade to VIP benefits to enjoy members only special offerPlus 7x Incredible Free Bonuses! 6 Easy-To-Follow Training Modules47x Video LessonsNearly XX Full Hours Of Digital Product Business Training Professionally Produced Workbook Lifetime Membership To Course UpdatesExclusive Mastermind Community Facebook GroupAuto-upgrade to VIP benefits to enjoy members only special offerPlus 7x Incredible Free Bonuses!With our 365-day satisfaction guarantee, you can now launch your new business worry-free! If for some reason you aren’t completely blown away with Infinite Scale, just let us know and we’ll refund every penny for a whole year. No questions. No hurdles. And no hard feelings.Full Digital Course Access + Exclusive BonusesClaim your special offer into the Infinite Scale course on all devices PLUS all exclusive bonusesGet Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr, only price $77Here’s What You’ll Get6 Module Infinite Scale Course: 47 in-depth videos to show you how to turn your knowledge into insanely valuable digital products! Private Members Only Facebook Group: Access to the Nate and the Foundr team who’ve produced nearly 100 different courses!The Infinite Scale Workbook: Take notes and follow along lesson by lesson as you build your new digital product from scratch!Lifetime Membership To All Course Updates: Even as we add new content, you’ll always have lifetime access for no extra cost at all.VIP Discount For All Future Courses: As an Infinite Scale member you’ll also receive 25% off any Foundr course for life!PLUS THESE BONUSESBonus #1: How To Create Your Own MagazineBonus #2: Hiring Freelancers & Outsourcing Your Business GrowthBonus #3: How To Create An Irresistible Lead MagnetBonus #4: High Converting Opt-In Page TemplatesBonus #5: Fill-In-The-Blank Proven Launch EmailsBonus #6: Your Seven-Figure Launch Vault (sales page, order page, etc!)Bonus #7: The Entire List Building Mastery CourseBonus #8: The Entire Landing Page Formula CourseSURPRISE BONUS: 6 Live Q&A Calls With Nathan Chan!Get Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr, only price $77Tag: Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr Review. Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr  download. Infinite Scale – Nathan Chan Foundr discount.