Igor Kheifets – Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 VSL


Here’s your opportunity to learn the “world class” list buildingsecrets that only a handful of lucky people EVEN KNEW EXISTED A SHORTTIME AGO… including the super advanced skills, know how andtechniques of…Purchase Igor Kheifets – Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 VSL courses at here with PRICE $20 $8Igor Kheifets – Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 VSLHOW I RAISED Myself From FAILURE To SUCCESS In ConvertingOne-Time Visitors Into HUNGRY BUYERSAttention: Are you sick and tired of all the misguiding ‘Guru’systems that only teach you part of the puzzle to making real cashfrom the internet?Don’t worry! I have the solution:“THE ONE UNDERCOVER STEP YOU MUST TAKE TO BUILD HUGE, HIGHLYPROFITABLE EMAIL LISTS – FAST!”LEARN TO QUICKLY BUILD PROFITABLE MAILING LISTS, IN ANY NICHE… WITHTHE AMAZING SECRET DISCOVERY IN THIS JUST RELEASED “FOR INSIDERS’ EYESONLY” REPORT THAT IS DRAMATICALLY CHANGING IMERS’ LIVES LITERALLYOVERNIGHT!“…Thanks for revealing your secret!”_Hi Igor, __I like it that it is a no nonsense, powerful but yet easy tounderstand report. __It’s also pretty straight forward. __I believe a kid will understand what is written inside the report. __I’m pretty sure the other internet marketers are going to change theway their sites are presented after reading your ebook. __I like the concept of the “Sandwich” page which I believe you’re theonly person who did it! __THANKS FOR REVEALING YOUR SECRET ON INCREASING CONVERSIONS!! _-AMELIA FOO“There’s A Secret About List Building That The ‘Gurus’ Don’t WantYou To Know: It’s Not That Hard.”…IN FACT, IT’S MUCH EASIER FROM WHAT THEY LEAD US ALL TOBELIEVE…“Imagine How Much More Money You Could Be Making Right Now If YouHad Open Rates And Conversions Like These!”“Having a Responsive Mailing List Makes This Whole ‘Making MoneyOnline’ Thing Hell of a Lot Easier…”…and it makes no difference whether you’re an affiliate, a vendor,a blogger, social media enthusiast or a CPA marketer.DATE: FROM THE VIRTUAL DESK OF IGOR KHEIFETSWith your permission, I am going to send you ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANTand EXCITING REPORTS ever released by an online publisher.News of this surprising “best seller” is spreading like wildfireamongst marketers in every niche.In it you will discover the complete “secret” lead generationeducation that all marketers desire… including breathtakingmarketing facts so powerful… they astonished the entrepreneurs andmarketing experts WHO DISCOVERED THEM!…And guess what? If you’re one of the NEXT 300 PEOPLE…YOU CAN READ IT FOR ONLY $27!———————————————————————————————Here’s your opportunity to learn the “world class” list buildingsecrets that only a handful of lucky people EVEN KNEW EXISTED A SHORTTIME AGO… including the super advanced skills, know how andtechniques of…How to turn ONE-TIME VISITORS into HUNGRY BUYERS… seconds afterthey land on your page!How to easily TRIPLE LANDING PAGE CONVERSIONS… without anyadditional tweaking or traffic!How to EFFORTLESSLY OUTPERFORM COMPETITION in your niche…How to sell using NOTHING BUT DESIGN… and be good at it!How to breath new life into a failing lead generation campaign…How to GENERATE INSTANT TRUST WITH YOUR PROSPECTS that will get youon the top of every affiliate leaderboard… with half the effort andpromotions!And that’s JUST A SMALL TASTE of what’s in store for you.This report is called: “CROSSING THE FREE LINE”……And it took me a great deal of effort to smuggle this astonishinginformation out of a room FULL OF WORLD’S LEADING EXPERTS INMARKETING, TRAFFIC and CONVERSION, that are EXTREMELY ANGRY WITH MEfor sending you this information for such a low price, while THEY HADTO PAY $3000 EACH ONLY TO ATTEND THIS EVENT!“…Thank you!”Igor,_Thank you for the great material about how to change the salesprocess to get more buyers. __I loved the information on how you discovered a way to increase optins. _-Robert Vance, Los Angeles, CaSPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!“…Takes apart some of the LARGEST list building myths!”A hell of a report explaining EXACTLY how to structure a perfect optin campaign for lead LOYALTY and PROFITS at the same time.The report takes apart some of the LARGEST list building myths thatabout 90% of IMers today believe to be true, and seriously delivers aheck of a lot of value for the measly 27 bucks it costs.FORGET YOUR MCDONALDS MEAL TODAY AND BUY THIS REPORT.It’s damn near sure to give you a few tips in growing your lists andyour overall IM business.-VADYM ZYABKINSPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!“…YOU NEED THIS!”“Just purchased._Quick read – which is what I like. __Short and to the point, no fluff info that is well worth a measly 27bucks. __YOU NEED THIS. TRUST ME.”_-WILLIAM “BILL” BEILSPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!“…Made me take a long hard look at my business!”Igor,_you made me take a good long hard look at my business. __Your report is a no fluff gem. __Straight to the point and a new way of looking at my marketing fromnow on. _Look forward to reading future reports.-Andy BeveridgeSPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!Here’s, in a more specific detail, what this hot new report reveals:The “Squeeze Swing” that breaks the code on HOW TO BUILD A PROFITABLELIST… in any market or niche! See page 8.The 10 CRITICAL QUESTIONS you must answer to assure high (not justsatisfying) landing page conversions! (Page 13.)The “Enigma Cipher” that TRIPLES CONVERSIONS on any lead generationcampaign… no matter how good or bad it already is! (Page 7.)The “Killer Design Secret Weapon” that will DESTROY YOUR PROSPECTS’DEFENSES and CLEAR THE PATH FOR YOUR PRODUCTS TO SELL THEMSELVES…even if you’re the world’s worst copywriter! See page 10.The 2 DEADLIEST MARKETING SINS people commit when trying to generateleads by giving away free content (Page 4.)“You Can Legally Steal The Keys To My 95 Leads a Day List BuildingSystem For Just A Low One Time Payment of $297 $27”Don’t worry it’s not a miss print… TODAY YOU CAN SECURE YOUR COPYFOR JUST $299 $10… NO HIDDEN MONTHLY CHARGES!!Why?I want to help you out… I’ve been in your shoes.Most people would charge you in the high hundreds or even thousandsof dollars for this information but think about it…Would that really help out someone who has wasted thousands in thepast and is in debt?ERRR NO!… You don’t have to be a quantum physicist to work that oneout!!Sure I’d make a ton more money if I placed an expensive price tag onthis but I’m not exactly going hungry here and I want to givesomething back.Also I want to give you so much value and _totally over deliver_ onthis product that if I ever release anything in the future you’lltrust me just like anyone who has already done business with me does.It’s like a long term investment I have in you. I don’t make as muchmoney now but if I show you how to be successful online you’ll be morethan happy to purchase new techniques and courses from me.However…“The Bad News Is…ONLY 300 Copies Are Available!”Due to the fact that I’m giving away my exact blueprint to my 95leads per day lead list building empire, I’m going to have to limitthe number of places to Crossing the Free Line!Why?Well just imagine if I let 1000 people have access.People will start using these techniques everywhere and everyone willjust figure it out and make my system completely useless. It’s a bitlike the wild west and “this internet aint big enough for all of us”!Especially in tiny niche markets.That’s why I’m only going to be releasing 300 copies of Crossing theFree Line at this crazy discounted price, before I pump up the priceto calm things down.Heck… If things start going mega crazy I’ll have pull the sitedown for good.I don’t want that, as I want to help people out… but at the end ofthe day, I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot at the same time!Therefore this is the only way I can see to be fair to both myselfand also anyone wanting to start pulling fresh leads as easy asopening a can of soda.MAKE SURE YOU ORDER RIGHT NOW TO SECURE YOUR LIMITED TIME DISCOUNTEDCOPY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!“You Can Even Try It 100% Risk Free”Now I know you’re still maybe thinking that you can’t risk $27 togive this a go…I UNDERSTAND 100%.There’s so much garbage on the web at the moment I have problemstrusting people.This is why I’ve decided to take all the risk away from you andguarantee your success with my…Here’s the deal…Just join Crossing the Free Line today and use my list buildingblueprint in the next 30 daysI’m sure you will be thrilled with the results…However… if for any reason you don’t have success with the systemor you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase I’ll personally refund100% of your money.That’s how confident I am in this system!Just email me in 60 days and I’ll process your refund right away…no questions asked, just a straight refund.Igor KheifetsNow there’s nothing to lose but you have everything to gain bydownloading this incredible course today.First off you’ll get a head start on everyone else that are stillwasting their time with the “guru’s” make believe systems and haven’tdecided to take THE CORRECT STEP TO EARNING A FULL TIME INCOME ONLINE.The second reason to get it right now is that I’m also going to throwyou in a ‘real’ bonuses that will help you succeed and get a unfairadvantage over the competition.Now here is where most people try and ‘big-up’ their systems withtons of free stuff, which to be honest, is pretty much useless orirrelevant!I’m going to do something different and give you something _that isactually worthwhile and will help you grow your profits_…Ready-Made High Converting Squeeze Page Template, Lead Magnet andPresell PagesUse this ready-made sales funnel to get started immedeatly withCrossing The Free Line system.There’s everything you need included in this killer package: SQUEEZEPAGE, LEAD MAGNET, THANK YOU PAGE AND A PRESELL PAGE which you can useto either presell you own product or sell stuff as an affiliate.$297 Value – Your FreeIn addition to…Viral Traffic Generation Script With Give Away RightsSimply put, this is an AWESOME script…It allows you to trade content for traffic. For example, you have afree report, your visitor opts-in, and you simply ask them to refer 3,10 or even 100 other people to your site using their special link tounlock an even COOLER freebie…This script is responsible _for adding several thousand RESPONSIVEsubscribers to my list on auto-pilot_…IT LITERALLY MULTIPLIES YOUR TRAFFIC!$97 Value – Yours FREE!Interview With a List Building Mastermind – James FrancisWith over 5 years of real life experience with Internet Marketing,James has quickly developed a name for himself as the leading expertin the online field.He has released several _breakthrough products_ including his bestwork of “Easy IM Profits”, “Web Design For Internet Marketers”, andhis upcoming secret ‘mega project’.Placing a huge emphasis on great content, he is dedicated to helpingpeople succeed online and quit their much-hated day jobs._In this particular mind boggling intereview, James allows me to pickhis brain and get him to spill his most sacred list building secretsthat even his customers will never know!_You’ll discover the exact list building strategies that areresponsible for James quitting his day job and being able to enjoy thefreedom of working from home – MAKING INSANE CASH IN HIS DIRTYUNDERWEAR!The best part is IT’S TOTALLY FREE FOR ANYONE WHO JOINS CROSSINGTHE FREE LINE. No strings attached.$97 Value – Yours FREE!But that’s not all, you also get…List Domination Club – 5 Weeks To A Profit Pumping ListWould you like to know how to go from no list to huge profitsquickly?…Here’s your chance to discover proven list building secrets TO CREATEREAL WEALTH AND THE FINANCIAL FREEDOM YOU DESIRE FOR YOU AND YOURFAMILY when you learn these secrets.This is serious stuff for anyone who wants to create an onlinebusiness that will earn them the kind of money that can set themfinancially free.If having a real business that generates profits for life issomething you want, this course is for you.The best part is IT’S TOTALLY FREE FOR ANYONE WHO JOINS CROSSINGTHE FREE LINE. No strings attached.$97 Value – Yours FREE!Now remember that the orders are coming in fast… very fast. Iexpect the limited places for this package to be gone 30 minutes fromnow, if not less.I’m giving you a proven blueprint for creating a long lasting cashpulling asset for yourself and your business. I’m also taking all therisk and guarantee your success.You Clearly Only Have 2 Choices…1. LET ME TAKE ALL THE RISK AND JOIN CROSSING THE FREE LINE TODAYWHERE YOU’LL BE ABLE TO COPY MY EXACT 95 LEADS PER DAY LIST BUILDINGBLUEPRINT STARTING TODAYor2. Leave this page now to only regret it forever. The offer won’tlast long and you’ll miss out forever.If you are even slightly serious about making money online andearning thousands of dollars every month then you shouldn’t reallyneed to think too hard about your choice.Now if you ‘Want in’ on my most guarded cash sucking methods thenjust join Crossing the Free Line below and you’ll get instant accesswithin a few minutes of ordering.Risk Free Acceptance FormYES, Igor! I Want to Join Crossing the Free Line and Take Advantageof Your Proven Blueprint for List Building Success TODAY!I understand that for a LIMITED TIME ONLY, I can get Crossing theFree Line for just a LOW ONE TIME DISCOUNTED PAYMENT OF $297 $27Plus I understand that I get a ready-made sales funnel which I canplug in and profit from immedeately. Real Value $297 – I get it FREE.Plus I understand that I get Viral Traffic Generation Script withGiveaway Rights – FREE!Plus I understand that I get a $97 Value Mind Boggling Interview withJames Francis where he spills the most sacred list building secretseven his customers will never know!PLUS I Understand That I Qualify For a Free Copy of List DominationClub That Is Usually Sold For $97!And I also understand that my order is 100% risk free with your 60day, 100% money back guarantee.Just click below to secure your order at the…SPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than aminute), you will be given instructions on how to access the report…See you on the inside,-IGOR KHEIFETSCreator of Crossing The Free LineP.S: Remember that you got my 100% no questions asked 60 day moneyback guarantee, so ALL THE RISK IS ON ME and you have nothing to loseand everything to gain!P.P.S: I am handing over the exact system that took me from a brokenewbie to MAKING A FULL TIME INCOME WORKING 2-4 HOURS PER DAY FROM MYBEDROOM!Get Igor Kheifets – Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 VSL downloadIf you’d like this exact system, then you need to join Crossing theFree Line now:“…MAKES SENSE!”_”Solid information.__Totally no fluff and straight to the point. __…AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE WHICH FEW HAVE THOUGHT OF. _To think one simple change which can greatly affect conversion.”-SAN LEESPECIAL LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT PRICEONLY $27!| | |Readmore: http://archive.is/UBNedPurchase Igor Kheifets – Elite Traffic Pro 2.0 VSL courses at here with PRICE $20 $8