Idea Validation | From idea to paying customer in 1 day – Evan Kimbrell


“When we’re in the shower, when we’re thinking about our idea – boy, does it sound brilliant. But the reality is that most of our ideas are actually terrible.” – Eric Ries, Lean StartupWhy did your last business or product idea fail?Maybe you think it’s because you didn’t have enough money, a good enough team, you lost favor with the money gods, BLAH BLAH BLAH.You’re wrong…. I know exactly why it failed.It failed because you didn’t validate it beforehand.That’s it. You’re welcome.Yes, you heard me correctly. It’d not because you’re not a code ninja or a marketing guru or the next Steve Jobs, it’s because you screwed up and didn’t pre-validate it.You did everything right but your idea was awful and you didn’t even know it.Stop picking bad ideas.This Idea Validation course has taught 1200+ students to dodge bad business ideas like bullets in The Matrix. Its packed with 8 hours of a proven techniques used by the pros and guarded by the super-secret club of business people who are better than you.After completing this course people will crowd around you and wonder just how you do it. “How do you always pick winners!?” they’ll say.At the end of this course you’ll know the deepest darkest secrets of business validation, like:Getting the nerd classes on and running qualitative feedback trialsKnowing your competition better than even their mother knows them (creepy)Rocking lean, mean online pitch experimentsSome of the best, FREE tools only the pros know about.The magic price that makes you the most moneyHow to find your Mr. I-Love-your-product-so-much and how to marry themWhy you’re no good at knowing if your idea is any good… even if you’ve built products before.Being able to test your ideas is like having a SUPERPOWER. Maybe not like flying or invisibility (which would be awesome) but more like being ABLE TO SEE THE FUTURE.Did that scare you a little bit?It should. Because that’s too much power for one person to have.Why do you need the power of “business validation”?Come on do I really have to tell you? It should be OBVIOUS. But fine:Because the next time you fail a product launch or pitch a dumb idea, your boss is going to hate you. Instead pitch a ROCKSTAR idea with data that says “I’m right and you know I’m right”. Watch him/her get all uncomfortable and weak at the knees when they recognize your superpowers.Because you want to get out of your cubicle and start living the entrepreneurial dream but “I JUST HAVE TOO MANY IDEAS AND WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE?”. Whoa relax, seriously. Validate your stuff, cut the fat, and you’ll be sippin your beach pina coladas in no time.Because you want to sell new products without just stabbing around in the dark until you get a winner.Because you want those PRO SKILLS that all the big companies have that make them so much money. Yeah, it’s time to up your game.Because you want to be an awesome entrepreneur that everyone is OH-SO jealous of.Did any of those make sense to you? Well then…THIS — COURSE — IS — FOR — YOUGuess what?9 out of 10 new businesses are dead on arrival and deflate like a punctured moon bounce. Don’t be a sad sally who THINKS her ideas are super swell but fails and fails and FAILS.So if you have ideas that you want to make happen, YOU NEED THIS COURSE.Click “Enroll now” and get the knowledge journey started.EvanP.S. I’m so confident this course ROCKS, I’m willing to up the ante on the Udemy money back guarantee. They say 30 days money back, PSH, that’s for courses that hope you buy and forget. Not this course. I’ll give you your money back ANYTIME, ANY REASON. You just send me a message with the word “refund” and I’ll snap my magical fingers and get you your money back within a day.P.P.S. I know you have ideas, so get to validating them. You’re wasting your time “thinking” about them. Throw your ideas out there gladiator style and let the strongest, hunkiest idea survive (and sweep you off your knees).P.P.P.S. You don’t even need money to use these techniques. I’ll show you mr. frugal how to do it all for free or basically free so stop whining about money.Course CurriculumWelcome to the courseMeet EvanCourse Overview (5:01)The first thing to do”Getting your priorities straight” (Worksheet)Section 1 review materialEstablishing the problemThe idea validation frameworkThe idea we are going to use as an example (3:19)Customer Segmentation (14:08)Running a Qualitative analysis offline (14:59)3 practice ideas (Worksheet)Section 2 – Lean validation, key terms, & moreSection 2 review materialScope out the competitionSearch techniques for finding competitors (13:37)Running a competition analysis (16:50)Finding competitors (Worksheet)Section 3 Quiz – CompetitorsSection 3 review materialGetting your first customer feedback5 Second test (16:01) method (8:37)Email Validation (12:29)Forum Validation (12:53)Resources: 8 free Forums & Groups to use for feedbackRecap your results (Worksheet)Section 4 QuizSection 4 review materialCreating your pitch experimentSetting up a launchrock page (18:06)Using UnBounce for more in depth analysis (11:45)Making the Unbounce page fit your idea (13:48)Adding conversion goals + dynamic text (7:30)Setting up A/B tests for your Unbounce page (17:01)Adding a payment button to your page (11:06)Extra: Using a payment button in email (5:13)Extra: Using templates for extra wow (13:33)Extra: Getting a logo for free (8:03)Extra: Getting a better logo for $5 (6:53)Extra: Getting domain names (10:01)Bad landing page analysis (Worksheet)Section 5 QuizSection 5 review materialTesting your idea in the wildGoogle (16:22)Facebook (15:39)RESOURCES: Further reading on Facebook ads and “interest targeting”Getting free coupons for Google ($75), Facebook ($50), Bing ($50) (7:04)RESOURCES: “Conversion scent” and how it can ruin your experimentSection 6 review materialEvaluating ResultsLooking over the results (6:22)What to do with emails IMMEDIATELY (2:02)To repeat or not (6:40)Coupon to continue your journey (2:43)Section 7 review materialFollow along section – videoinabox.coHow this section works (1:51)The idea is born (3:40)Read me – About this sectionSection 8 review materialFeedback sectionSend Feedback about new lectures & coursesGet Idea Validation | From idea to paying customer in 1 day – Evan Kimbrell, Only Price $37Tag: Idea Validation | From idea to paying customer in 1 day – Evan Kimbrell Review. Idea Validation | From idea to paying customer in 1 day – Evan Kimbrell download. Idea Validation | From idea to paying customer in 1 day – Evan Kimbrell discount.