Hyunjoon Kim – Unveil


You will be able to learn card & ball manipulation from the basic techniques to original techniques that was shown on F.I.S.M. We are proud to present the best cinematography and a easy to understand lecture

Hyunjoon Kim – Unveil

Here comes the first lecture DVD “Unveil” by Hyunjoon Kim, the Winner of 2012 World championship F.I.S.M Manipulation. You will be able to learn card & ball manipulation from the basic techniques to original techniques that was shown on F.I.S.M. We are proud to present the best cinematography and a easy to understand lecture. You will be able to learn the professional manipulation skills of Hyunjoon Kim ,unveiling for the first time through watching this DVD. You will make your show more beautiful and fascinating and your stage will be closer to perfection.
Bonus: It includes a special card manipulation gimmicks as well.
DVD Chapters:


Ball Roll
Basic Ball Vanish
Catch vanish
Two shell routine
Three shell routine
Cross ball routine
Spin ball change routine
Cross ball color change routine
Rainbow color ball routine
Silk ball routineBALL ORIGINAL
Perfect ball vanishing
Special pivot
Interlock ball Production
Interlock ball color change
Interlock ball color change comboCARD BASIC
Single card vanish
One hand fan
Back palm Production
Split fan Production
Perfect Production
Tenkal re-grip Production + Picket vanishCARD ORIGINAL
Double perfect Production
Center of card Production
Eagle Production
Color change twin Production
Rainbow phoenix Production
Four Color change card
Five card

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