HypnosisDownloads.com – Manly Man – Reclaim Your Masculinity


HypnosisDownloads.com – Manly Man – Reclaim Your MasculinityHow to Be a More Manly Man With HypnosisDevelop the attitudes and behaviors of a masculine man with this powerful hypnosis sessionIt used to be easy to be a man. A man could express his manliness in occupations that only men could do, men had a role to fulfill that was clear and understood.But the climate has changed. As the roles between men and women have merged it’s harder to know what being a man is supposed to be.People talk about the ‘feminization’ of society. Even men’s magazines are becoming more like womens’ – selling cosmetic products for men and focusing on appearance over all else.New man vs old manThe ‘new man’ is supposed to be sensitive, caring and nurturing, all attributes traditionally associated with being a woman.Yet on average males have much higher levels of testosterone making men more naturally suited to risk taking, competitiveness, physical activity and action. To deny these masculine traits is to deny nature.Women like manly menMany woman talk about the merits of the ‘nice guy’ but are really more attracted to a man who displays traits traditionally associated with being a manly man – assertiveness, confidence, energy, incisiveness, determination, strength of mind and body, stamina, nobility, self sacrifice and leadership.This hypnosis session teaches you how to be more manly at an instinctive level; to be strong and self controlled and decent. It will unashamedly encourage the real man in you to come forth.This doesn’t mean getting into fights or being ‘macho’, but about displaying the qualities of manliness at work, in relationships, in school or wherever in your life you need to ‘man up’.Use this hypnosis audio session to learn how to be confident enough to take defeat on the chin and not pass the buck of blame unfairly.Have grace under fire, be dignified, have pride but not boastfulness. Know how to treat women well and with respect but not allowing yourself to be manipulated or pushed around. Take calculated risks, push fear aside and be dutiful and chivalrous.How hypnosis can help you be more manlyYour attitudes and instincts are mediated by your unconscious mind. And hypnosis is the art of communicating with the unconscious.And so using hypnosis, we can update your instincts to be comfortable expressing your masculine traits in a mature, controlled way.The Be a Manly Man session will lead you through a powerful hypnotic rehearsal, preparing your mind and body to;be assertive, confident and in controlremain relaxed and self assured in the face of firetake calculated risks and be dutifulbe more decisiveThis professional hypnosis session will deliver a deep and lasting boost to your masculinity, freeing you from self doubt and confidence crises.