Human Design – Chetan Parkyn


Looking to go from a life in friction to a life of flow?Get Your In-Depth Human Design Reading with Chetan TodayImagine if you could:Turn your business or practice into a monumental successFind the love and romance you’ve been looking forStop struggling and finally live the life of success and abundance you desireIt’s all possible with your in-depth Human Design personal reading with Chetan.Best-selling author, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, co-author of The Success Principles and a featured teacher in the movie “The Secret”, has this to say about his recent Human Design Reading with Chetan: “First, Chetan is an amazing man with an incredible depth of knowledge and wisdom—as well as a great sense of humor. Second, the readings were informative, extremely helpful, and what I consider to be extremely accurate.I came away with a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of my strengths and my challenges, and a more profound acceptance of myself—who I am and who I am not—which left me feeling an even greater permission to just be myself, which is always a pleasant relief.”Jack Canfield “By far the most revealing information I’ve experienced.” “Chetan Parkyn’s one-of-a-kind wisdom and insight into the lives of humanity is truly transformational for those on a personal development path in life.The body of work that Chetan offers individuals in search of knowing themselves to the core is by far the most unique and revealing information I’ve experienced. He gives you your step-by-step guide to a level of self-awareness few people have had the chance to experience.”Gina DeVeeSuccess Coach to women entrepreneurs Why Chetan Parkyn?As a bestselling author with over 20 years of full-time experience in Human Design, Chetan has helped thousands of leaders, business owners, coaches, consultants, healers, and people from all walks of life discover new depths of self-knowledge and utterly transform their lives.An unparalleled leader in the world of Human Design, there is no one on the planet better qualified to guide you through the profound awakening of the success codes inherent in your Design. What Can a Human Design Reading Do for Me?A better question might be “what can’t it do?” Now, this might sound like an exaggeration, but really the applications of Human Design are virtually limitless.Because Human Design is focused at the genetic level, it gives you the ability to access those fundamental drives that underlie your innate abilities to succeed in just about every avenue of life.From love and romance, to financial wealth, to general happiness and well-being, a Human Design reading with Chetan can open you up to worlds of abundance and opportunity you never knew existed.Get Human Design – Chetan Parkyn, Only Price $127Whether your goal is to: Start a new business or take your business to the next levelGenerate more revenue for your existing practiceReignite the romance in your life and bring passion to your relationshipsSimply live a more comfortable, harmonious, fulfilling lifeDiscover your true calling and step into greater success How does it work?Relying on his decades of mastery in the Human Design system, Chetan uses your birth information to delve deep into your unique personal makeup in order to discover who you really are at the core of your being. In your 90-minute, in-depth session, he guides you back to your innate nature toward greater clarity, purpose, self-knowledge and fulfillment than you ever thought possible.From the moment we’re born, the world begins exerting pressure on us. Our parents and teachers, our friends and peers, the media and society at large all have a hand in molding our personalities as we grow, influencing how we think and feel, shaping who we become.During this process of becoming, we often fail to recognize those aspects of ourselves that existed before the world began loading us down with its baggage.We forget those unique encoded characteristics that make us who we are at the most fundamental level.With the influence of society and often well-meaning parents, we get “conditioned” and act as others wish us to be and ignore our authentic natures, and this leaves us fighting against ourselves.When we try to achieve success according to what we’ve been taught, rather than according to how we were designed, we encounter struggles, obstacles, and ultimately, self-defeat.That’s where Human Design comes in.Human Design effectively peels back the programing, scraping away the layers of imposed ideology to reveal the true, unadulterated you. The person you were born to be is revealed. By introducing you to your authentic self, Human Design offers a roadmap to success, fulfillment and joy in every aspect of your life, and on your terms.Why is NOW the Time for Human Design?The world is perhaps more tumultuous and unpredictable now than at any point in our history. And with big changes come big opportunities, but also big uncertainties. Human Design cuts through the instability and indecision, empowering you to walk with clear-sighted confidence through an uncertain world, and bring the full scope of your gifts into expression.When you are expressing your authentic self, you learn to flow with the world, attracting the opportunities you desire. Newly self-actualized, you move freely through life, calm in the knowledge that every choice you make will be the right one for you.No more fretting over whether or not you’ve made the right decisions. No more second-guessing yourself in social or business situations. Instead you find yourself with the right people in the situations that bring you the greatest success and lasting fulfillment.Don’t wait to claim the happiness, ease and grace that you so richly deserve! Get Human Design – Chetan Parkyn, Only Price $127Tag: Human Design – Chetan Parkyn Review. Human Design – Chetan Parkyn download. Human Design – Chetan Parkyn discount.