Howard Berg – Dr. Kuni Beasley – Gateway Advantage DVDs: Read, Study, Test, Write


Sharper Memory: How to remember and recall the details vital to scholastic success.

How to Handle Stress: How to stay focused and relaxed during exams and in the classroom.

Howard Berg – Dr. Kuni Beasley – Gateway Advantage DVDs: Read, Study, Test, Write

Product Information
Gateway Advantage DVDs: Read, Study, Test, Write
Advantage One: Reading
Get Our Reading Advantages:

Improved Reading : Understand How the Mind Reads Text.
Increased Comprehension: Find hidden information in surprising places and gain comprehension in all types of reading material.
Get Higher Grades: Know exactly what to study with strategies for anticipating questions asked at school.
Sharper Memory: How to remember and recall the details vital to scholastic success.
How to Handle Stress: How to stay focused and relaxed during exams and in the classroom.

Advantage Two: Studying
You will Learn How to:

Adjust studying strategies over a broad range of learning needs.
Understand the meaning and significance of what you learn rather than simply rote learning information.
Think more and work less in your studies.
Assimilate a significant amount of their textual material in a minimum of time.
Quickly target the most important information needing to be learned.
Apply multiple note-taking techniques.
Prepare to take notes in their classes and while reading text.
Manage study time to be come more effective and efficient.

Get immediately download Howard Berg – Dr. Kuni Beasley – Gateway Advantage DVDs: Read, Study, Test, Write
Advantage Three: Test
Get Higher Grades by Learning:

The 7 levels of knowledge which enables you to target what you need to learn in each course.
To anticipate test questions to better prepare for tests.
Multiple test preparation strategies to prepare for a variety of different types of examinations.
How to manage testing time and priorities for better results.
Additional memory strategies for retaining and recalling essential information.

Advantage Four: Write
Only 10% of HS graduates can write a reasonably understandable paragraph. We will teach you:

The different types and categories of writing to better understand the focus of your writing.
How to use templates to organize writing.
To expand the length and depth of writing in a systematic manner.
How to use computers to increase the speed and quality of their writing.
To develop intellectual and emotional rapport with their reader/listener.
To develop the personal/emotional component of writing to increase creativity and overcome writer’s block.
How to stay focused and remain creative over long projects.
How to polish a finished work using analytical and structural techniques.

4 – DVD Set.
Price: £314.03

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Product Code: GATT2
Here’s What You’ll Get in Howard Berg – Dr. Kuni Beasley – Gateway Advantage DVDs: Read, Study, Test, Write