How to Write a Bestseller – Suzy K Quinn


Your OutcomeSuzy K Quinn reveals the secrets behind writing a book that readers will love – from starting with a killer premise, title and tagline, all the way to editing and ensuring that your prose keeps your readers hooked from page to page (not to mention all the juicy tips and techniques you’ll need in between).My name is Mark Dawson. I’m the author of the three million-selling John Milton series and the founder of the Self Publishing Formula – an online community designed to help aspiring writers get their words out into the world and maybe even make a little money while they’re at it.‍Writing a bestselling book was an ambition of mine from a very young age. It took a lot of work and effort, but I got there in the end. I made plenty of mistakes along the way, and – like most writers – I have a drawer full of discarded manuscripts that I realised were never going to be good enough. I usually gave up because I lost confidence in the story that I was trying to tell. It often felt that I was writing just for me, and that there was no chance that readers would feel the same way about the story as I did.‍You can sell a book with a great cover and a snappy blurb, but it’s your writing and storytelling that will keep readers coming back for more. That means weaving a narrative that keeps readers guessing. That means crafting fleshed-out heroes and villains who go on journeys of both the emotional and literal kind. It means making your writing super-addictive… plus a whole lot more.‍Nobody ever said writing a novel that will sell was a walk in the park. But with our new How to Write a Bestseller course, we’ve tried to make it a little easier.‍Let bestselling author Suzy K Quinn reveal the secrets behind writing a book that readers will love – from starting with a killer premise, title and tagline, all the way to editing and ensuring that your prose keeps your readers hooked from page to page (not to mention all the juicy tips and techniques you’ll need in between).‍Buy this course and unlock your book’s potential. You’ll be climbing the charts before you know it.‍Purchasing this course entitles you to immediate access to an exclusive, students-only Facebook group, where you can share writing tips and tricks with other authors (not to mention Suzy herself!).‍What’s in the course?‍‍Planning a bestsellerStart off strong. Prepare for bestseller success with a killer premise, title and tagline.‍‍Compelling narrativesPlotter or pantser? Discover the secret ingredients that go into penning a page-turning story.‍Crafting charactersOne dimensional characters won’t cut it. Learn how to craft believable, complex and engaging heroes and villains.Page-turning writingFrom narrative perspective to editing your own work, here are the tricks to keeping your readers glued to the page.Course CurriculumModule 1: The First Big SecretsSession 1 – The First SecretSession 2 – Starting at the BeginningSession 3 – The Supply and Demand SecretSession 4 – The Book Premise SecretSession 5 – The Book Package SecretSession 6 – Killer TitlesSession 7 – Your Book CoverSession 8 – Creating TaglinesModule 2: Bestselling CharactersSession 1 – Likeable HeroSession 2 – What Every Hero Should HaveSession 3 – Emotional WordsSession 4 – Talents and FlawsSession 5 – The Hero’s JourneySession 6 – The VillainSession 7 – Character ArchetypesModule 3: Plot SecretsSession 1 – The Plot TightropeSession 2 – A New Way to PlotSession 3 – The Location SecretSession 4 – Plot TemplatesSession 5 – Love & FearSession 6 – Genre Plot IngredientsModule 4: Page Turning SecretsSession 1 – Page-Turning WritingSession 2 – Narrative Perspective SecretsSession 3 – Super Addictive WritingSession 4 – Editing Your Own WorkModule 5: The Last Three HurdlesSession 1 – The First HurdleSession 2 – The Second HurdleSession 3 – The Last HurdleGet How to Write a Bestseller – Suzy K Quinn, Only Price $49Tag: How to Write a Bestseller – Suzy K Quinn Review. How to Write a Bestseller – Suzy K Quinn download. How to Write a Bestseller – Suzy K Quinn discount.