How To Truly Be Magnetic and Build Trust – Darin Spindler


Darin SpindlerMagnetic Marketing isn’t about political correctness or fairness… it’s about becoming Magnetic. Be willing to write and speak to attract the most ideal customers, clients, members and subscribers who pay, stay, and refer.One of the key lessons that we teach here at Magnetic Marketing is building your Trust and Authority, which makes you more magnetic, making it easier to sell whatever goods or services you have.You might say, well I don’t sell.We ALL sell.Right now, there are doctors who are selling. What are they selling? They are selling you on the fact you should Mask and socially distance. You may or may not believe or buy into this.Why? Because of stories like the one I’m about to share with you.Recently I needed another car. About a year ago I listed for sale a Jeep that we owned and actually forgot that we had listed for sale on Facebook. Then out of the blue a lady reached out, and bought the car.So we were in need.I went and test drove a few cars including a Tesla Model X, which was quite fun, but I’d have had 10 speeding tickets by now and with my travel habits having a short range it would have frustrated me waiting to charge.I tested a few more cars including a new BMW X6, which was also fun, but likely smaller than I’d have really liked.When I was leaving the dealership the sales guy who was one of the best told me about this BMW X5 that was coming in tomorrow as “used.” It was owned by a DEA Agent for two years. He had it all tricked out. Black Rims, the M series, the best sound system I’ve ever heard from a factory system and it had 1,444 miles on it….and it would be selling for about $40,000 less than it had new. This is my kind of a deal!The next morning the salesman called me that it was in and wanted to know if I’d like to schedule a drive. I told him I’d take it. No need to drive it. He was shocked.This guy had gained my trust as he was great during my entire visit to the dealership. He got an A.Later in the afternoon I go to the dealership to pick the car up and notice someone sitting in the salesman’s office that looks familiar. I can’t put my finger on it.This person then leaves the salesperson’s office. I see this person again and can’t quite put my finger on where I know him from.A few minutes later this person is sitting in the front seat of a new BMW convertible, parked in the spot next to my car.I get out of my car as I was waiting for the salesman to finish with him and answering some calls and messages.As soon as I get out of my car he looks at me and I instantly recognize this man. Who is he?He’s the CEO of a hospital group in my community. He’s the doctor who is on TV a number of times each week telling or selling the community on Social Distancing and Masking.He’s on the radio with relentless ads reminding you how important it is to distance and mask. So frequently, I could likely recite his commercial word for word.Right now I suppose this should be a top priority for him to sell the community on masking and distancing.And if this is his position to help the community be saved from the virus, that’s admirable.Here’s how you blow all of your trust and credibility in an instant…This “Smart” and “Trusted” CEO/Dr. spent his entire time in the dealership UNMASKED. He was so brazen he even had a work shirt on with the logo of the hospital on it. Imagine that you work your entire career to build your trust up and in one instant you blow it all.Why are people having a tough time listening to “experts?” Because they are saying do as I say, not as I do.If you want to be truly magnetic and the trusted source for advice you cannot do something this stupid.In an instant this man blew all credibility and trust.He also was no more than 3’ away from the sales person face to face…no not distanced either.My point here is not about masking or distancing. I’m a believer you know your risk tolerance and are smart enough to figure out on your own how to live safe.My point here is that if you want to make maximum sales, you need maximum trust. You need to carry yourself with integrity at all times.Imagine being the face of masking and distancing and thinking that it would be a good idea to go into public without one.When I was in the fitness business, great thought was put into anything I ordered at a restaurant. Why? Members needed to see that you’re practicing what you preach. Does that mean you never cheated? No, but doing it in public undermines a lot of your trust.Imagine Magnetic Marketing not doing multi-media, multi-step follow up…out of integrity.Imagine us telling you to use direct mail and never mailing…out of integrity and you’d lose trust quickly.Think about everything you do in your business, think about the way you look and act in public…it takes A LONG time to gain this trust, and it can be lost in an instant.Speaking of gaining TRUST, Matt Zagula and Dan Kennedy wrote the book on Trust Based Marketing – It’s cheap on Amazon.==> Grab your copy hereRecently, Dan and Matt also did a great session during our weekend of Wealth Attraction Event about creating extreme trust during the sales process.Get How To Truly Be Magnetic and Build Trust – Darin Spindler, Only Price $69Tag: How To Truly Be Magnetic and Build Trust – Darin Spindler Review. 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