How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Celestine Chua Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua courses at here with PRICE $238 $64Are you a stress eater?Do you eat in response to emotions like anxiety, boredom, etc.?Do you sometimes eat to comfort yourself?Would you like to permanently overcome your emotional eating struggles in the next one month?If so, you are in the right place!Hear My Story…Since I was an adolescent, I was a heavy emotional eater. By emotional eating, I mean that I would eat in response to my emotions. I would eat whenever I feel stressed, anxious, annoyed, angry, tired, bored, or even–get this–happy. My eating never had nothing to do with hunger, but based on my emotions and whimsical fancies.My emotional eating issues got to the point where they were very severe. I would binge crazily, try to control my eating the next day, only to binge crazily again within a matter of half a day or at night. Not only that, I also binged on terrible food–french fries, ice cream, cookies, cake, chocolates, and so on. It was terrible. For years, I fluctuated between explainable binge behaviors and desires to restrict food.My emotional eating behavior took its roots from my childhood. My parents and I live in a high-context Asian culture, whereby we don’t express our intents through words–we express them through actions and symbolism. They would buy food day-in and day-out, regardless of whether my brother and I were hungry. They would ask me questions like “Are you hungry? Do you need me to cook for you? Do you need me to buy food?” multiple times throughout the day, even when I already had my meal.As a result, I grew up with a severely twisted relationship with food. I regarded food as love and I would eat in response to stress, sadness, anger, and other negative emotions since eating was way of expressing love to myself. Eating gave me a temporary relief; a temporary high where everything felt okay and all was right with the world.But this high never lasted. It wouldn’t be long before I felt unhappy again, since my original problem (whatever made me feel stressed/sad/angry/etc.) was not resolved. I would feel even worse this time because not only was my problem not resolved, I had to now face the problem of having just overeaten, hence jeopardizing my diet/weight loss plan. I would then eat even further, stuffing myself with food, to the point where my stomach really hurt. Then I would stop, because I simply couldn’t physically go on any longer. That was how bad my stress eating was.A typical scene of how I would be at night–alone with a pile of food in my room.Then, things changed. When I was in my mid-20s, I swore to myself that I was going to resolve my eating issues, once and for all.I worked through my eating issues, one step at a time. First, I gained consciousness of my erratic behavior. Then, I broke down my eating patterns to understand what were my emotional eating triggers. Subsequently, I drilled into my triggers to break my emotional eating patterns.It wasn’t easy, for I failed many times. Many days I start off on a good note only to end up bingeing right at night.But the important thing is… I didn’t give up. I never gave up. I would get right back to tackling my emotional eating behavior the next day. I did this day-in and day-out, for weeks, months, even years.Today, I have finally overcome my emotional eating problem. I no longer eat in response to stress, anxiety, annoyance, anger, tiredness, boredom, or even peer pressure. I no longer have a love-hate, yo-yo relationship with food. I simply eat as and when I need to eat, and I eat incredibly healthily–I only pick the healthiest choices for my body, which includes salads, grilled over fried options, and low-to-non-fat food over fatty food.I have lost the excess pounds I have gained as a result of my emotional eating. My complexion has improved. And I’m happier than I’ve ever been.I have successfully overcome my emotional eating problems, and I would like to now work with you to overcome your emotional/stress/binge eating issues.Starting from 28 July, Sunday, (that’s just 10 days away!), I will be running a group coaching course on How to Stop Stress Eating. This is an intensive, four-week course to help all emotional and stress eaters out there to overcome their emotional and stress eating. If you sometimes eat in response to stress or you have struggled with maintaining healthy eating habits, this course is just for you!How to Stop Stress Eating Course, Starting July 28!!“Since your EE program, I’ve been on a wonderful journey of healing and wholeness. As of Sept 1st (less than two weeks since completing the program), I am down 17 pounds and loving my new way of eating whole, fresh and tasty foods. Thank you!” ~ Lisa H, course participant“The EE course was very useful. Doing Module 1 alone  made me realize that I was trying to use food as a substitute for so many things, including love and excitement. During Module 3 as we dug to the root of our spiritual self, I found a lot of of baggage that had been weighing me down and causing me to reach out for food as a form of punishment.Through this course, I have learned so much not only about understanding and managing my EE tendencies, but also a surprising lot about myself.  I would definitely recommend this program to others! ” ~ Jodi, course participantThis upcoming How to Stop Stress Eating Course is an intensive, four-module I have specially designed to help all emotional and stress eaters out there to overcome their emotional and stress eating.I consider this the best program you can ever find on emotional eating because it tackles emotional eating from the root level. This is your one-stop solution to overcome emotional/stress eating and a program you cannot miss if you are serious about living a healthy life, free of bad eating habits and food struggles.My objective of this course is to help you eliminate emotional eating for the rest of your life, not to provide a short-term fix.Some details about the course:You will receive four x 2-hour group coaching sessions by me, at a pace of one session a week.Every week, you will learn one key lesson on overcoming emotional eating, after which you will apply it for the next seven days!Each session will consist of of theory (content sharing in a lecture format), exercises (where you apply the theory), sharing by the participants, and a Q&A at the end.I will be personally coaching you every session.The course will eventually culminate in the fourth and last session, where you will review your results and embark on your new life ahead–free of twisted notions surrounding food!!Get How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua, Only Price $64AgendaHere is the agenda for the four-week intensive course:Week 1: What are You Trying to Feed? Understand the Void (Tackling the EMOTIONAL aspect of emotional eating)Week 2: Breaking Your Erroneous Beliefs Surrounding Food and Eating (Tackling the MENTAL aspect of emotional eating)Week 3: The Psyche Force Behind Your Emotional Eating (Tackling the SPIRITUAL aspect of emotional eating)Week 4: Rebuild the Right Eating Habits (Tackling the PHYSICAL aspect of emotional eating)FAQsWhat is the course schedule?At the moment, the sessions are planned for the four Sundays in July and August (subject to changes):July 28 (Sunday) / 9–11pm Singapore time (GMT +8) — Session 1August 4 (Sunday) / 9–11pm Singapore time (GMT +8) — Session 2August 11 (Sunday) / 9–11pm Singapore time (GMT +8) — Session 3August 18 (Sunday) / 9–11pm Singapore time (GMT +8) — Session 4Kindly crosscheck the corresponding time for Singapore for your timezone. I’ve provided the equivalent timings for other time zones below as a reference, though they may be subject to errors:CDT (GMT -5): 8am to 10amEDT (GMT -4): 9am to 11amUTC (GMT +0): 1pm to 3pmCET (GMT +2): 3pm to 5pmIST (GMT +5:30): 6:30pm to 8:30pmWhy are you conducting this course?I’m passionate about the topic of emotional eating. I’m passionate about helping others rid their lives of emotional eating habits. I’ve been the slave of emotional eating for 10 years and it had caused me so much anguish. If you ask me, I wish there was a program or an online course like this which I could join back when I was still struggling with my eating issues. It would definitely have made my life much easier, happier, and stress-free.However, the upside is that it has allowed me to identify a truly holistic solution to emotional eating which I have never seen before. Many courses and programs out there are either a partial solution (uses one of the prongs in my four-prong approach) or tries to address emotional eating from the surface, leading to a partial or non-resolution of the issue.True resolution of emotional eating issues comes when you don’t have to enforce or control anything. You simply naturally eat healthily and normally, without any inclinations or desire to overeat or reach out for food when you don’t need to. Most people think they have overcome their emotional eating issues, when they are in fact, just repressing them. I’m here to help you achieve long-term resolution of your emotional/stress/binge eating issues.Who should take this course?I only want to work with people who are really serious about making a permanent change in their eating habits. People who are sick of turning to food as a response to emotions and/or life events. If you want to develop healthy eating habits and you want to free yourself from your eating issues, this is for you.There are some clashes between the course schedule and my calendar. What should I do?Don’t fret. I will be providing recordings of the course for attendees who can’t make it for specific weeks. Each week’s recording would be available for viewing for one week from the date of the session. This is to help the participants who already have prior engagements they need to attend.Also, even if you can’t attend the session, I will be giving free email consultation to any course participant who has questions in between the week’s modules. This consultation will last throughout the duration of the course.I’m an alumni of last year’s course and I’m interested to retake this course again.You are definitely welcome to! I’m offering an alumni rate for those of you who took part in last year’s course–joining the course again is a great way to reinforce the lessons you have learned and solidify your renewed relationship with food. You should have received an email to the email address you used to purchase the course last year. Let me know in the comments section if you didn’t receive the mail!I’ve bought your stress eating program before.Those of you who have bought the product-version will get a members rate. You should have received an email to the email you used to purchase for the product. Let me know in the comments section if you didn’t receive the mail!Get How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua, Only Price $64Tag: How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua   Review. How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua  download. How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua  discount. Purchase How To Stop Stress Eating Program – Celestine Chua courses at here with PRICE $238 $64