How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton


You want your words to carry weight, you want people to listen to you, you want to speak with authority, you want to be trusted… you even want to be sought out for you opinions, insights and advice.Purchase How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton courses at here with PRICE $50 $32How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & InfluenceYour five-step guide to being sought out, listened to, taken seriously, and trusted by the people around you.Do People Pay Attention when You Speak?You want your words to carry weight, you want people to listen to you, you want to speak with authority, you want to be trusted… you even want to be sought out for you opinions, insights and advice.What you need is gravitas.And here is where you will learn how to develop it in a simple five step programme.What are the symptoms?You know you need to develop more gravitas if people tend to ignore your advice, if people sometimes switch-off when you are speaking, if it seems like they don’t trust your judgement.Who needs gravitas?If you want to further your career, you need gravitas. It is that commanding impression of authority, judgement and wisdom that people look to when they want a leader, when they need advice, or when someone has to give them confidence in the future.That can be you…Do you want:People to take you seriously?To feel confident among older, more experienced colleagues or clients?To hold the attention of a room full of people?A position of trust, influence, and authority?Your ideas and insights to be welcomed and embraced?Promotion at a young age?People to pay attention and take notice of you?You career to move forwards and upwards?Can Gravitas Be Learned?We recognise gravitas when we encounter a set of attitudes and behaviours that conform to our expectations of authority, credibility and wisdom. You can learn these attitudes and behaviours, and you will, with this five step course.What makes gravitas does depend, to a degree, on the culture and society you live and work in. This course is designed for people in Western, English-speaking cultures. But much of the advice will also be true for other cultures.Think of the INFLUENCE and IMPACT you can have when people seek you out and listen to your views.Your Unconditional, No-questions, 30-Day GuaranteeThe best way to assess how valid this material is in you culture is to try it out. I am so confident that this course will change your life that I offer you an unconditional, no questions asked, full 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee. If you don’t think these five steps will give you the gravitas to influence and lead others, then just ask me for your money back.What if you have questions?I will be on hand to answer your questions if you get stuck, puzzled, or just want to know more. As a professional trainer, this is what I do, and I promise to respond within 24 hours of your question arriving with me from Udemy.Enroll NowEnroll for this course now, so you can start to regain control of your life straight away.Get How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton, Only Price $32Course CurriculumIntroduction: What is this gravitas thing? And so what?Introduction (1:54)What is Gravitas? (1:19)Step 1: How to Think – If you want people to listen, you substanceThe Role of Reliability (1:30)The Need for Knowledge (2:42)The Importance of Attitude (5:05)Step 2: How to Look – Fake it ’til you Become it. Stand and Move with ImpactPresence: Space & Pace (4:45)Posture: Square & Upright (3:56)Poise: Stillness & Calm (5:18)Polish: Style & Presentation (3:05)Step 3: How to Act: Be the Person People want to TrustThe Right Motivation (2:06)Pay Attention (3:42)Projecting Confidence (3:30)Step 4: What to Say: Understand the things people want to listen to.Structure your Speaking (1:38)Simplify the Subject (1:52)Stick to Significance (1:05)tSelect, Synthesise, Summarise (3:48)Step 5: How to Say it: Your Words will Matter when You Choose them with CareSay it with Questions (3:18)Voice of Authority (5:06)Choose your Vocabulary (3:20)Pace of Delivery (2:26)Silence (2:18)Bonus Items: Yes, there’s even more…Your Biggest Business AssetThe Real Power behind GravitasThree Tips for gaining GravitasGet How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton, Only Price $32Tag: How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton  Review. How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton  download. How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton  discount. Purchase How to Develop Gravitas: Be the Voice of Wisdom & Influence – Dr Mike Clayton courses at here with PRICE $50 $32