How to Choose Your Writing Niche


I teamed up with AWAI to create a niche-marketing system you can use — starting now — to quickly position yourself as a valued copywriting and marketing expert in a strong, growing industry you enjoy.Using my system, you can focus all your marketing efforts on attracting clients in a fun, “hot” market right away, such as:Baby products marketSenior healthcare marketGreen home goods marketThe “look better” marketAdventure travel marketHealthy foods marketCommercial construction marketThe jobs marketSports fanatics marketVideo gaming marketThese are just some of today’s hot niches that I reveal to you. But, there are many, many more. One of them is just right for you.And then … use our program to take the fastest path to reaching your market and enjoying lasting and profitable copywriting work.Unlike any other program, we’re giving you a step-by-stepformula on exactly HOW to do this in just a few weeks …How to Choose Your Writing Niche is the only program I know of that walks you through a real case study from a fellow working copywriter who followed the most popular niche-marketing approaches and landed 7 new great clients within just a few weeks.Here’s why it will work for you, whether you’re a new copywriter, an experienced “generalist” copywriter, or even a copywriter who’s already in a niche market but not finding steady work.You’ll see precisely what I did in the pet industry — my niche market. It’s a huge, very healthy industry that I just love. I have experience working for and with pet businesses, veterinary practices and B2B pet products and services companies. I have owned pets my entire life. And it’s a FUN industry. I was meant to work for companies who care about pets and pet owners.In June 2010, I launched a 100% laser-focused campaign dedicated to attracting pet-industry marketers to my web copywriting business.This campaign included:A new brand for my niche business, with a big bold promise for potential clientsA fully optimized website designed to attract clients in search enginesA direct mail campaign sent to a target list of my ideal clientsA strategic online marketing mix of social media, blogging, and advertisingTrade show attendance where I was the only copywriter among hundreds of companies marketing their products and servicesAnd several other approaches.My new campaign WORKED like nothing had before in my business. (Wow, did it ever!)Second, you’ll see specifically how my niche-focused website has become a client-attraction tool ever since I combined it with the powerful marketing efforts I listed above.Finally, you can use this information to niche yourself quickly and grow your business in just weeks.It couldn’t be easier.Just follow my step-by-step approach to identify the industry marketers in your niche who need your skills.“Copy” the detailed methods and messages I used … and have now included in this program … to communicate with your ideal prospects. (I give you over a dozen approaches … both online and offline).Discover how my outcomes can become YOUR outcomes — see how to apply what I experienced and learned,and get ready for some exciting results.The main thing is …You don’t have to create “from scratch” marketing materials yourself!You can reduce your marketing time by 90%, simply by following my examples in this program.Here’s a peek at what you’ll find insideHow to Choose Your Writing Niche — a copywritingbusiness success formula you won’t find anywhere else.The 67+ hottest industries that need skilled copywriters right now. Page 20How to locate strong companies in those niches online in just two clicks online. Page 32The “Why Hire Me?” Checklist that gives you more than a dozen ways to prove your unique value to the perfect clients. Page 59The best way to choose a name and brand for your niche-focused business. Page 69The fastest way to set up your professional niche-focused website. Page 81The easiest and most powerful marketing tool you didn’t even know you already have. Page 89″Done for you” templates you can use to announce your niche focus to eager clients. Page 175How to tap into the powerful aspects of social networking. Page 116The place where there’s no competition from other copywriters … leaving you as the “center of attention” among clients. Page 127How to use your writing skills to build a blazing path to your door. Page 113The “Google Way” to attract great clients you never even knew existed. Page 138The surprising allies you can connect with for faster results. Page 143How to put your marketing efforts on “autopilot,” freeing you up to write copy, enjoy your workdays, and generate steady income. Page 155Wowee, right?That’s just a hint at the many eye-opening, business-building tools, tips and templates you’ll find in this program — all designed to help you attract your ideal clients starting now.With How to Choose Your Writing Niche —you finally have a clear “autopilot” roadmap to get thosechecks coming in, again and again.If you’re looking for this kind of business-building formula …Order How to Choose Your Writing Niche now and pick a launch date for your exciting new business direction!And…as a special bonus, we’ve included the “Content Essentials Guide” to help you create your website once you’re ready to get going. It covers the different kinds of content that you should include, and then dives in deeper to look at specific content, depending on your freelance niche.By following the suggestions in this handy guide, you’ll have all kinds of new and exciting ideas for building up your website’s content, whether you have years of experience or are just starting out.I forgot to ask you something.What would it feel like to be the ONLY copywriter in a room full of clients who need you? This is entirely possible when you take the approach in How to Choose Your Writing Niche – Your step-by-step blueprint for choosing a profitable niche that’s right for you.Consider the Internet as a room full of clients, and they use search engines to find skilled copywriters in their industry.For example, when people type “pet copywriter” into Google, my website usually shows up first or second in search results.Same is true for Janis Vazquez who has chosen the food and wine industry as her nicheAnd for Kathleen Cleary too … whose niche is the baby boomer market.These awesome search engine results attract new potential clients to our businesses every week.Wouldn’t you like to be an online client magnet like this in just weeks?If your answer is YES; if you’re ready to build your business with lucrative work that’s truly a blast to do, don’t let another day or week slip by!When you consider that each niche market client you land could have a lifetime value of $30,000, $50,000, $100,000 or even more to your business, this is a great investment for your copywriting future. Especially when you consider how fun it will be to work in an industry you LOVE, where you might be the ONLY skilled copywriter available.If you’re ready to say goodbye to the competitive clutter of that “general pool” of copywriters and become the go-to expert …… be sure to order this must-have guide by clicking on the order button below, or by calling Barb, Pat, Debbie, or Camerontoll-free at 1-866-879-2924 …… and start enjoying your new life as a thriving copywriter!Get How to Choose Your Writing Niche – AWAI, Only Price 47$Tag: How to Choose Your Writing Niche – AWAI Review. How to Choose Your Writing Niche – AWAI download. How to Choose Your Writing Niche – AWAI discount.