How I Sold $400 Million Dollars Worth Of Products And Services By Ted Nicholas


When you think about the millions of dollars and thousands of hours he must have invested in copy testing, it’s truly staggering“Ted Nicholas Must Be Crazy to Reveal His Hard Won Marketing and Advertising Secrets!”“If HOW I SOLD $400 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES by Ted Nicholas were $10,000 a copy, I’d still buy a copy for every member of my marketing staff!”Matt Gill and Kevin Wilke, Co-Founders, NitroMarketing.comDear Friend,Two of the most successful and well-known Internet entrepreneurs are Matt Gill and Kevin Wilke of is what they have to say about Ted and this amazing new book:“Having started and profitably sold 23 companies, Ted Nicholas is known as the ‘Entrepreneur’s Entrepreneur.’ He has also written 14 best-selling books, including HOW TO FORM YOUR OWN CORPORATION WITHOUT A LAWYER FOR UNDER $75, MAGIC WORDS THAT BRING YOU RICHES, and THE GOLDEN MAILBOX. But perhaps he is best known as the world’s most successful copywriter. He has prepared marketing and copy in 47 different industries. Not one, but numerous of Ted’s full page ads and sales letters have earned him royalties in excess of $1,000,000! Imagine what you could learn from him!“Ted has written and tested more advertising copy than perhaps anyone else ever has. He has carefully tracked results of his copy in every media, including magazines, newspapers, yellow pages, radio, TV, and the Internet.“When you think about the millions of dollars and thousands of hours he must have invested in copy testing, it’s truly staggering.Ted really spills the beans, tells all“What amazes me is in this new monumental book, Ted is willing to show people which of his sales letters, advertisements and brochures are the absolute best.“I would never give out inside information like this unless someone were willing to pay me at least several hundred thousand dollars.“Think about it. It’s like investing in research that could put millions of dollars in your pocket. And then giving it away for practically nothing.I’d gladly pay $10,000 a copy!“HOW I SOLD $400 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES is a required resource for anyone serious about making money in business. If it were being sold for $10,000, I would still buy a copy for every member of my marketing staff.5 Valuable Free Bonuses if you order nowIf your order is received in the next seven days, you will receive the following free bonuses absolutely free.1. The 127 Best Headlines Ever Written. It’s impossible to prepare great advertising copy without “killer” headlines. Ted Nicholas has put together a selection of the best headlines ever written. Before you write a word of copy, you can preferably use this invaluable collection of proven winners to stimulate your own copy.2. Special Report: 33 Secrets of Successful Sales Letters. In this valuable writing, Ted Nicholas takes you behind the scenes and reveals his thinking and strategy. He shares with you the little known techniques he uses to prepare his many breakthrough 5-star sales letters.3. Special Report: Secrets of Envelope Teaser Copy Which Can Double Your Response. If you send out a sales letter and it doesn’t get opened, you have no chance — zero — to get a response. There is no possible way. Or make a sale. Ted reveals his amazing techniques that practically compel the receiver to open the envelope.4. Special Report: 38 Ways to Use FREE, the Most Powerful Word in Any Language. You’ll be astonished at all the creative and effective tips Ted shares on how to maximize the sales power of the word FREE. And also how to avoid overusing it.5. Exclusive interview with Ted Nicholas. Paul Byker interviewed Ted in Switzerland where he reveals his latest marketing insights regarding marketing in the U.S., Europe, Asia and other places in the world. Ted’s ideas and strategies will help supercharge all your marketing efforts regardless of your product or service.