
How I Do Business – Keith J. Cunningham

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How I Do Business – Keith J. Cunningham
Course Description
In This Video Series

Master the Key Principles of Growth
Learn the 5 Characteristics of Success
Avoid the 6 Big Mistakes
Arm Yourself with Real Financial Mastery
Learn How to Hire Great Talent
Find the $$$ You Need for Your Deals

67 Video Lessons from World-Renowned Business and Financial Expert Keith J. Cunningham
Who is this course perfect for?

Anyone who wants to learn!
People who want to better themselves through learning.
Individuals who have a strong desire to invest in themselves and their future.

What’s the requirement to take this course?

You need a computer, the Internet, and speakers so you can hear the lessons. If you’re a super student, then grab a pen and paper to take notes.

What you’ll get from this course?

You will learn How I Do Business and become a rockstar! You’ll have access to hours of quality content, online resources, and much more.

The 6 Big Mistakes Part 1
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Statistics
Lesson 3: Characteristics of Success
Lesson 4: Mistake #1 – Obsession with the Product
Lesson 5: Mistake #2 – Speed
Lesson 6: Mistake #3 – Technical Skills
The 6 Big Mistakes Part 2
Lesson 7: Mistake #4 – Irrational Exuberance
Lesson 8: Mistake #5 – No Second Idea
Lesson 9: Mistake #6 – Run out of Cash
Lesson 10: Recap – The Big 6
The 5 Characteristics of Success
Lesson 11: Characteristic #1 – Love What They’re Doing
Lesson 12: Characteristic #2 – Business Not A Job
Lesson 13: Characteristic #3 – Optimistic
Lesson 14: Characteristic #4 – Willingness To Make Mistakes
Lesson 15: Characteristic #5 – Willingness To Pay the Price
Lesson 16: The Path to Mastery
Lesson 17: A New Day
Growth: Growing A Business
Lesson 18: Introduction
Lesson 19: The Real Issue Is Growth
Lesson 20: Growth Occurs in Stages
Lesson 21: Business Lifecycles
Lesson 22: Business Growth = Success
Lesson 23: Failure?
Lesson 24: High Growth
Lesson 25: Growth Is…
Financial Literacy Part 1
Lesson 26: Introduction
Lesson 27: Understanding the Scoreboards in Business
Lesson 28: The First Scoreboard – The Balance Sheet
Lesson 29: The Second Scoreboard – An Income Statement
Lesson 30: The Third Scoreboard – A Cash Statement
Lesson 31: Transactions
Lesson 32: The Financial Rosetta Stone Example
Lesson 33: Transaction #1
Lesson 34: Transaction #2
Financial Literacy Part 2
Lesson 35: Transaction #3
Lesson 36: Transaction #4.1
Lesson 37: Transaction #4.2
Lesson 38: Transaction #5
Lesson 39: Transaction #6
Lesson 40: The Complete Financial Rosetta Stone
Lesson 41: Cash Defined O, I or F
Lesson 42: The Real World
Lesson 43: Wall Street
Lesson 44: The Rest of the Story
Lesson 45: The Ramsey’s Story
Hiring The Talent
Lesson 46: Introduction
Lesson 47: Job – Business
Lesson 48: Finding The Talent
Lesson 49: Huge Hiring Mistakes
Lesson 50: Mistake #1 – Interviewing Poorly
Lesson 51: World Class Interview Questions
Lesson 52: Mistake #2 – Hiring Someone Like You
Lesson 53: Mistake #3 – Hiring Too Fast
Lesson 54: Mistake #4 – Lack of Clarity
Lesson 55: Rules of the Game
Lesson 56: Retaining the Talent
Lesson 57: OOPS!
Lesson 58: Rules of the Game Revisited
Lesson 59: Business Success
Capital Unlimited: How to Raise Money For Your Business
Lesson 60: Introduction
Lesson 61: Money Available
Lesson 62: Deals
Lesson 63: Sources of Capital
Lesson 64: Investor Questions
Lesson 65: Hot Buttons
Lesson 66: Finding the $$$
Lesson 67: Money = Fuel