Holographic Disclosure – The Unmasking


The The ancient brotherhoods of the Ancient Egyptians built temples and chambers. Format File: [WebRip, 10 MP4] File Size: 2.823GB

Holographic Disclosure – The Unmasking

The The ancient Egyptians knew about harmonics and the waveform universe. They built temples and chambers in order to amplify the sounds, lights and frequencies.

This was done in order to manipulate the vibration within the temples.

DMT –:The PLANTS OF THE GODS or Teacher plants Opens your 3rd eye……

Let’s quickly look at the word GOD…
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In the disclosure series it claimed, there is no God, and off course there isn’t.

We are referring to the GOD of dogma. This is the blood thirsty, racist God that was created in men’s minds to control the docile masses.

•Let’s look at the word GOD spelled backwards, it spells Dog ,referring to the dog star, Sirius, in the constellation Canis Major.(The Greater Dog (or the top dog)
Readmore: http://archive.is/aQTO5