
Holly Stark – Google News Creation and Approval Training

Original price was: ₹450,000.00.Current price is: ₹19,090.00.


Description:Google News Creation and Approval Training and Holly’s template’s to make the process go faster. We will cover these topics: Google News Sites creation and approval.
Holly Stark – Google News Creation and Approval Training
It will be a complete step by step process of how to set your site and get it approved in google news. We will also cover mass pages with google news sites, how I set it up and the benefits of using google news sites for mass pages. We will also have 4 zoom follow up calls to ensure everyone is on board and creating sites. Also, on the day of launching the course, I will have a zoom call in the afternoon, I will build 6 google news sites live all at once and apply for approval .. Live so you can see exactly how I can scale this quickly. Money making idea’s will be covered in the training also. Indexing will be covered. Iframe’s will be covered. How you can use this in your GMB and YT empire’s (or client sites) will be covered.