
Hiroko Kobayashi – Japanese Miracle hair regrowth manual Do it Yourself 2 Min a Day

Original price was: ₹12,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,992.00.


A Japanese miracle hair regrowth manual is now available in US!If you want to say goodbye to your baldness, try this easy hair regrowth method today!
Hiroko Kobayashi – Japanese Miracle hair regrowth manual Do it Yourself 2 Min a Day
This hair regrowth manual was written by a Japanese hair loss consultant, Hiroko Kobayashi, who has helped more than three thousand people at her institute regrow their lost hair.
Her method has appeared in magazine and newspaper articles and her institute is fully booked for four months! You don’t need to spend a lot of money on implants, wigs, or hair loss institutes.
With Kobayashi’s method, clients have seen their hair start to regrow within 30 days. 90 days later, we saw happy men with a full head of healthy, natural hair. No implants, no wigs – all natural, their own hair!

Why do you think you are losing hair?
Genetics? Aging? WRONG!
Here are the reasons why you are losing hair.
Hair loss is caused by hair roots damaged by dirt and clogged pores, and bad blood circulation caused by stress.
Taking care of your scalp is the key to success. Read this manual and learn how to take care of your scalp.
What’s in this manual

I will tell you all the secrets of hair regrowth from my research and experience!

You need to know why you are losing your hair before you start this treatment!

There are four kinds of treatments for hair regrowth. You will learn the best treatment for your scalp.

You are losing hair because your scalp is not healthy. I’ll tell you my easy and simple way of how to maintain a healthy scalp.

A reason you are losing hair is that you may be experiencing stressed. Learn how to remove your stress from this manual.

Changing your diet and lifestyle will also change your hair and scalp. You’ll learn what to eat and do from this manual.

Once you start this treatment, your hair will grow again. But to make it faster, do a small trick from this manual to stimulate hair growth!

Because you are doing things that you are not supposed to do, you are losing hair. You will learn what not to do from this section.

Too many products to choose from! Are you using the right shampoo?

You do not need to go anywhere to have your hair grow again. You will learn what you can do at home without paying a lot of money!

You’ll also learn how to make your hair shinny and healthy.

Here are just a few satisfied customers!

I lost my bald spot in two months!

I was starting to give up but my hair started growing again!

In only 90 days!!!

Wow! I started seeing results in only one month!

Three reasons why your hair will re-grow

92.1% of customers have been successful at regrowing their hair. If you follow this manual, you will see results in a short period of time.

No need to learn special vocabularies or difficult methods. Even if you are busy, you can do it in the shower.

You don’t need to spend a fortune to continue successful hair care. No need to go anywhere. No need to buy special shampoos or combs. You can do it at home.

You will also get these special manuals for your hair!

Everybody can master my miracle hair regrowth treatment in 30 days. To know how to correctly shampoo will help your hair grow faster. You do not need to waste your money on buying an expensive shampoo. You just need to know how to shampoo!
All of my customers at my hair loss institute are very satisfied with their results. I have listed the most common questions from my customers for hair regrowth.

our price $39.50

About Hiroko Kobayashi

Hair regrowth consultant and owner of a hair loss institute, “Saie One-on-One Hair Regrowth Institute” in Tokyo, Japan.

Table of Contents
Chapter I
Start now! Miracle Hair Regrowth Manual!

– Current hair status check

– Hair and Scalp Troubleshooting

– Hair Cycle

– Less or thin hair – What is the best hair care for you?

– Oily scalp – What is the best hair care for you?

– Dry scalp – What is the best hair care for you?

– Irritated or congested scalp – What is the best hair care for you?
Chapter II
How to measure progress

– Type of Progression

– M-shaped Type

– O-shaped types

– Alopecia Areata
Chapter III
Hair Regrowth Q & A

– Q. Do you eat your breakfast?

– Q. Do you chew your food well?

– Q. Is spicy food bad for hair?

– Q. Is drinking alcohol every day bad for the scalp?

– Q. Do you use a hairdryer?

– Q. Do you smoke?

– Q. Do you get enough sleep?

– Q. Do you dye or perm your hair?

– Q. Can using a harsh shampoo to remove excess oil cause hair loss?

– Q. Do you frequently change the type of hair regrowth products

and shampoo that you purchase?

– Q. When do you use hair regrowth products? Before shampooing? During the daytime?
Chapter IV
How to choose a shampoo, conditioner and hair regrowth product

– How to choose correct products

– Shampoo

– Conditioner

– Hair Regrowth Products
Bonus 1
Hair loss FAQ
Bonus 2
How to shampoo to help your hair grow faster
Bonus 3
Hair Loss Tips Collections
Total 84 pages