Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $1189 $5995, Hero’s Journey 2021 – Darren Hardy Course.Hero’s Journey 2021 – Darren HardyThe Tools to Lead a Team to ProminenceIN THE MODERN MARKETPLACETHE HERO’S JOURNEY DEVELOPMENT CYCLE5 STAGES, 21 MODULES, 42 TOTAL SESSIONSSTAGE 1: INFLUENCE & POWERHow to Become Irresistibly Attractive and Persuasive.MODULE ONETHE RADICAL CHALLENGE OF BECOMING A 21ST CENTURY LEADERIt is a very different world we are living in today. Everything we’ve learned about leadership is now outdated and obsolete. We need a complete lobotomy, reformatting, and reprogramming. This module will do that for you.Central lesson: Learning the new skillsets of modern leadership with five generations simultaneously in the workforce and female and ethnic diversity labor and influence rising.MODULE TWOTHE KEYSTONE PRINCIPLE OF LEADERSHIPIn this module, you will learn why the leader has so much power over those they lead—influence so significant that it unconsciously changes the course of the lives of every team member. This module is about using this power as a force for good to encourage, inspire, and uplift.Central lesson: Learning and properly applying the number one role and responsibility of the leader: to lead by example.MODULE THREETHE SOURCE CODE OF INFLUENCE & POWER AS A LEADERIn this module, you will learn the superpower possessed by every significant leader who has made an indelible impact on industry and society in history. This single attribute powered every outcome they created. Now you can possess it too.Central lesson: Learning how to use attitude as a contagion to transmit, influence, and set the optimistic expectation of all those you lead.MODULE FOURTHE NUMBER ONE ATTRACTIVE QUALITY OF A LEADERIn this module, you will learn why some people seem to have an almost supernatural power over others. They possess a quality so attractive and alluring that it has a hypnotic ability to unconsciously draw people to you. You will now have that power.Central lesson: Learning to grow the quality all humans seek in their leaders: confidence.STAGE 2: CAPTIVATE & INSPIRELearning to Trigger the Emotions of Others and Mobilize Them Into ActionMODULE FIVEBUILDING CONFIDENCE & STRENGTHS IN OTHERSIn this module, you will learn how to build people into self-confident and self-responsible high-achievers. There are six progressive steps for developing and bolstering a person’s confidence. The sequence is critical for doing this successfully.Central lesson: Learning how to grow the internal confidence of those you leadMODULE SIXINSPIRING HOPE & MOBILIZING OTHERS TO ACTIn this module, you will learn the motive that drives people, en masse, into taking action. You will learn how to inspire hope and mobilize others under a common cause, a great mission, and the grand goals you have. This is the gift everyone desires.Central lesson: Learning how to use and inspire hope to drive people into action.MODULE SEVENCONNECTING EMOTIONALLY WITH OTHERSIn this module, you will learn what people want most from their leaders. Demonstrate this characteristic and you will begin growing your ability to connect and influence. Through this, you will become a leader people will love to follow.Central lesson: Learning to grow and practice the quality humans connect with most emotionally: authenticityMODULE EIGHTATTRACTING & CAPTIVATING OTHERSIn this module, you will learn to become a captivating, persuasive, and stunningly attractive leader—to your team, clients, and your marketplace. This experience will forever change your ability to magnetically attract, influence, and persuade others.Central lesson: Learning to become magnetic and attractive by building out your Character Diamond and captivating story narrativeSTAGE 3: CONNECT & IMPACTDeveloping Deep Emotional Intelligence to Raise People UpMODULE NINEBECOMING EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT ABOUT YOUIn this module, you will gain the ultimate superpower of heroic leadership: the emotional intelligence to make a true impact on those you lead. This is the very heart and soul of becoming a modern leader in today’s dynamic and diverse workplace.Central lesson: Learning to become emotionally intelligent about yourself.MODULE TENBECOMING EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT ABOUT OTHERSIn this module, you will learn the key to emotionally engaging your team—the missing piece in getting highly talented individuals to perform at their maximum capacity and succeed as a cohesive team. You will now have that ability.Central lesson: Learning to become emotionally intelligent about others.MODULE ELEVENTHE POWER TO RAISE PEOPLE UPIn this module, you will learn how to satisfy the greatest human need we have as a species. With this knowledge and practice, you will have the magnificent power to raise up the people around you. Those you lead will blossom right in front of your eyes.Central lesson: Learning how to inspire and empower others through properly executed praise and recognition.MODULE TWELVENAVIGATING TOUGH CONVERSATIONSIn this module, you will learn one of the most difficult, but vital aspects of being a leader: the fine art of navigating tough conversations. These are the crucial, high-stakes moments that can shape the careers, lives, and futures of those you lead.Central lesson: Learning to lead tough but essential conversations.STAGE 4: STRENGTH & CHARACTERMODULE THIRTEENGROWING AUDACITY & COURAGEIn this module, you will learn the highest human virtue of all. Without it, no other virtue is possible. This virtue is what made the prominence of Abraham Lincoln, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Steve Jobs, and Oprah Winfrey possible.Central lesson: Learning courage and making the tough, often unpopular, but essential decisions.MODULE FOURTEENDEVELOPING UNWAVERING STRENGTH OF CHARACTERIn this module, you will gain the supreme attribute of all. Fully acquire this attribute, and you will be passing life’s most significant character test. But to do so, you must become pure of heart, honor, and integrity. You will learn how in this module.Central lesson: Learning to fortify and live in full alignment with your integrity.MODULE FIFTEENGAINING LOVE & RESPECT FROM THOSE YOU LEADIn this module, you will learn how to persuade and influence without speaking a single word. As Ralph Waldo Emerson described, “Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you are saying.” In this module, you will gain this ability.Central lesson: Learning to develop the most admirable and enticing attribute of leadership— humility.MODULE SIXTEENTHE MASTER SKILL OF ALL SUCCESSIn this module, you will learn the most valuable skill of any leader and high-achiever. This skill will give you the ultimate unfair advantage in life, business, and success. Exercise it as a leader and you can multiply the productive output of your team.Central lesson: Learning to get and keep yourself and your team deeply engaged and intensely focused.Gaining Love and Respect and Developing Audacious CourageSTAGE 5: EXCELLENCE & EXPANSIONThe Tools to Build a Bigger Enterprise and the Spiritual Gift to Motivate OthersMODULE SEVENTEENBUILDING A BIGGER ENTERPRISE & BETTER LIFEIn this module, you will learn exponential growth strategies. You gain a framework proven to 10X business growth and marketplace impact within only five years. You learn how to find leverage, exploit opportunities, and diminish productive drains.Central lesson: Learning how to grow your team and enterprise bigger—and more easily.MODULE EIGHTEENTHE X-FACTOR TO GREATER SUCCESSIn this module, you will learn the most significant determinant between extraordinary success and mediocrity. This one factor will decide whether you reach your full potential and live the life of your dreams. This factor should also define the culture of your team.Central lesson: Learning to create a culture of and commitment to never-ending growth in your team.MODULE NINETEENTHE DISCIPLINE OF THE MASTERIn this module, you will learn why most leaders fail and why many enterprises collapse. Learn to overcome this, and you will gain a massive advantage over any competitor in any type of competition. The mastery of this trait can nearly guarantee your success.Central lesson: Learning to develop organizational routines, rituals, and rhythms to drive consistency and momentum.MODULE TWENTYTHE SPIRITUAL GIFT OF THE ARTISTIn this module, you will learn a leader’s number one art form. With it you will establish a reputation of reverence and respect. It will attract people far and wide to want to follow your work and want to do business with you.Central lesson: Learning to set and adhere to high standards and relentless commitment to excellence.MODULE TWENTY-ONEHOW TO MOTIVATE OTHERSIn this module, you will learn how to (actually) motivate others. As the leader, your most significant role is not your productivity or your results. Your success is measured in the success and productivity of the team you are responsible for helping succeed.Central lesson: Learning how you can (and cannot) motivate others for greater performance.