
Helané Wahbeh – The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom – The Shift Network

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Helané Wahbeh – The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom – The Shift Network
With the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Helané Wahbeh, ND
New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts
Discover powerful scientific evidence that explains the psychic phenomena of channeling — and learn processes and techniques for enhancing your connection to your inner wisdom and co-creating your “best” reality.
Establish a daily practice to help you further develop your channeling skills, so you can make wise decisions with greater trust and ease in any given moment.
Have you ever channeled information or energy that you couldn’t quite explain? And have you wondered if these experiences were real?
Recent leading-edge scientific evidence demonstrates the human ability to access channeled wisdom — information from beyond the known boundaries of space and time — affirming the validity of these intuitive experiences.
You may not be aware of how surprisingly common this phenomenon is — or how useful it can be to have access to this deep inner wisdom…
… yet the science is finally catching up.
The latest scientific research is shedding light on age-old questions related to psychic phenomena — normalizing and validating these occurrences, which are seen and felt by many.
Whether you’re new to the world of parapsychology or have been a practicing channeler for years, this course will give you rich insight into how channeling works and how you can develop your abilities further, opening yourself to a deep well of universal wisdom.
For Helané Wahbeh, ND, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), channeling offers a simple way to tune in to your inner wisdom to cultivate a strong capacity to understand what is in your highest and best interest in each moment.
In addition to being a scientist and clinically trained naturopathic physician, she’s a channeler herself — in fact, Helané is born from a long line of trance channelers. She understands the self-doubt, confusion, and shame that can hold you back from appreciating your psychic abilities…
… and how scientific evidence helps you move into trusting your intuition and embracing the force that connects us all.
In this revealing 7-week course, she shares fascinating research and case studies that validate the channeling and intuitive experiences that are available to all of us.
You’ll learn energetic clearing techniques and experience breathing and guided visualization meditations to help you ground into the earth and connect to the heavens — to enhance your vessel as a conduit of deep, inner wisdom.
Each week, you’ll explore new evidence and theories and experience meditation and channeling practices.
You’ll also learn the characteristics of your own personal Noetic Signature™ — the unique way you access and express this kind of information and energy, whether through intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, or other abilities.By the end of the program, you’ll understand how to be your own channeler. You’ll learn to know what is in your highest and best interest — and trust your ability to make decisions that are good for you — in each and every moment.
Join Helané in a transformational and profoundly energizing 7-week journey to explore the big questions around consciousness, extended human capacities, and your own noetic potential.
When we have confidence in our innate knowing and cultivate the ability to understand the language beyond this three dimensional realm…
… we create a life of ease, which has a positive impact on our relationships, families, communities, and beyond — building the strong foundations we need to help us face the challenges we experience in the world today.
During this highly experiential 7-week course, you’ll:

Discover the evidence and research that demonstrates the validity of a variety of channeling experiences and channeled information
Discover how common channeling experiences are as well as the traits of people who channel
Experience how setting an intention supports your connection to your channeling ability — and how training your attention allows you to receive information and energy
Discover processes and techniques to enhance your connection to your inner wisdom
Learn more about interconnectedness, quantum entanglement, and post-materialism as concepts that may explain how channeling works
Unearth what’s currently blocking you from channeling and from sharing this important work with others
Explore data that indicates channeling is not a mental health issue
Received general mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual guidelines to follow if you choose to channel
Access and experience confidence in your channeling abilities when you’re empowered and surrounded by a like-minded community of fellow channelers
Discover how processing information and energy is not limited by time and space and exists on a spectrum
Discover the practices for living a life with more ease and joy
And much more…

This program is not just designed for those with an existing channeling practice. In fact, it’s meant for anyone who longs for a way to live with ease and is curious about their own psychic potential.
As this course unfolds, you’ll have many opportunities to connect with — and enhance — your channeling abilities.
Helané will expertly lead you through the practice of setting the intention and training your attention — through the breath, sound, sensations, emotions, and thoughts…
… to help you align with your highest self, honor your experience, and strengthen your connection to divine guidance.
Once you learn how to tune in and incorporate the channeled information into your daily life, you will gain the confidence to talk openly about your experiences with family and friends.
Not only will you come to trust that your experiences are real, you’ll also find profound peace in knowing that you are not alone in having these experiences.
Through Helané’s practical and powerfully activating exercises, she’ll guide you to explore your own capacity to connect with information and energy beyond space and time…
… and learn vital tools to help discern what’s in your highest good, supporting your ability to make decisions with ease and grace — every day.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational intensive, Helané will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully receive information and energy from a place of deep inner wisdom.
You’ll connect with Helané and experience her teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Helané’s lessons. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Helané. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to connect with — and enhance — your channeling practice.
Module 1: Demystify Channeling to Confirm Your Capacity for Inner Wisdom (March 1)
Everyone has an innate capacity to channel, Helané says, and it shows up in a broad spectrum of experiences — from more common channeling experiences of intuition, precognition, telepathy, and remote viewing — to rarer experiences, such as mediumship or trance channeling.
This module covers the definition of channeling, different types of channeling, the Noetic Signature, and essential terms.
Helané will also share her professional work and personal experiences with the phenomenon of channeling.
In this session, you’ll:

Explore the definition of channeling
Discover that channeling is a universal and innate capacity
Learn a variety of types and experiences of channeling
Uncover the Noetic Signature — the unique way each person accesses information and energy from beyond space and time
Dive into essential channeling terms
Experience how setting an intention supports your connection to your channeling ability and how training your attention allows you to receive information and energy

Module 2: Discover How Common Channeling Is to Clear Any Doubts of Your Experience (March 8)
Helané will reveal that while many people believe channeling is a rare experience, the scientific data shows that it’s actually quite common. She’ll review research from around the world that supports this premise, including studies conducted at the IONS Discovery Lab (IDL).
This module covers the connection between belief in channeling and experiencing channeling (two distinct phenomena)… the most common types of channeling experiences… and removing the “taboos” around channeling experiences, so people will feel more comfortable sharing and talking about it — allowing these experiences to become more accepted.
In this session, you’ll:

Discover that research validates channeling is a common experience
Come to a clear understanding of the connection between belief in channeling and experiencing channeling
Uncover the most common types of channeling experiences
Remove the “taboos” around channeling experiences
Work with the energy system of the body and experience a chakra meditation

Module 3: Evaluate the Scientific Evidence & Criteria to Validate Whether Channeling Abilities Are “Real” (March 15)
Helané will cover the scientific and anecdotal evidence that channeling experiences are real rather than figments of the imagination or some other cognitive process. She’ll also share the criteria used to evaluate evidence for specific research questions or phenomena.
This module dives into a fundamental type of channeling called psychokinesis (PK), or mind-over-matter interactions, including macro-PK (which can be directly perceived through the senses)… micro-PK (minute influences on inanimate probabilistic systems)… and bio-PK (looking at PK in the human body or living systems). Along with these expressive forms of channeling, Helané will also discuss receptive types of channeling, such as telepathy (mind-to-mind communication) and precognition (foreseeing future events).
In this session, you’ll:

Discover scientific and anecdotal evidence that supports the idea that channeling experiences are real
Explore the criteria used to evaluate evidence for specific research questions or phenomena
Learn more about the fundamental type of channeling called psychokinesis (PK), or mind-over-matter interactions
Dive into the different types of receptive types of channeling
Work with the process of cutting energetic attachments as a form of energy clearing

Module 4: Learn How Channeling Works to Co-Create Your Reality (March 22)
There are different theories about how channeling may work. Helané describes that while we’ve learned quite a bit over the last 150 years, it’s not yet clear from a scientific perspective precisely what’s happening during a channeling session or experience.
Research and anecdotal evidence suggest that there isn’t one specific way channeling works. It’s more likely that it varies depending on the person who’s channeling and the type of channeling they’re doing.
Helané will share a general overview of proposed theories on how channeling works, including interconnectedness, quantum entanglement, and the concept of consciousness being fundamental (post-materialism). She’ll dive into the research and subjective experiences of oneness or transcendent states.
This module will also cover the possibility of the innate ability to channel and co-create or manifest our reality.
In this session, you’ll:

Learn more about interconnectedness, quantum entanglement, and post-materialism as possible concepts to explain how channeling works
Discuss the research and subjective experiences of oneness or transcendent states
Uncover the possibility of an innate capacity to channel and co-create our reality
Differentiate between intention (how we want to influence outcomes) and attention (the information we notice)
Experience a breathing and guided visualization meditation to ground to the earth and connect to the heavens — to move energy through your physical and energetic body

Module 5: Discover What Channelers Have in Common to Realize & Enhance Your Specific Abilities (March 29)
While channeling may be an innate capacity that we’re born with, not everybody has the same abilities. We each have unique characteristics that make us more or less apt to experience channeling phenomena. There may also be variations in the type of channeling each individual experiences.
Helané will cover what we already know through research about the specific characteristics of channelers. She’ll share how factors such as demographics (race, gender, age, religious and spiritual affiliation, etc.), personality, and genes may be determinants of channeling abilities. Certain psychological traits such as transliminality (thin mental boundaries), sensory processing sensitivity (empathy), and absorption (the capacity to be intensely focused) support channeling phenomena.
In this session, you’ll discover:

That while we may all be able to channel, everyone has different channeling abilities
How factors such as demographics, personality, beliefs, and genes may impact our channeling abilities
Certain psychological traits which may support channeling abilities and experiences
Research about the specific characteristics of channelers
A guided meditation to inquire within — asking questions such as, “Who am I?” and “How do I relate to my own channeling experiences?” — to deepen your appreciation for yourself

Module 6: Explore the Sources & Types of Channeling to Identify & Connect With Your Own (April 5)
There’s a plethora of information attained through channeling. This module will uncover the different types of information that people receive through channeling — including information about the future and past… ageless wisdom… information from or about deceased people… the nature of reality… the need to awaken humanity… subject matter for artistic creativity… and support for health and healing — the possibilities are endless.
Helané will share that while we don’t exactly know the source of channeling information, there are prominent theories of scientists and channelers themselves — from our unconscious mind, our higher self, super-psi, the Akashic Record, and deceased humans or beings, among others. It appears that rather than there being one definitive source, there are multiple sources that vary depending on the type of channeling and the people involved.
In this session, you’ll discover:

The different types of information people receive through channeling
What people believe the source(s) of channeled information might be
How rather than one definitive source, it appears that there are multiple sources that vary depending on the type of channeling and the people involved
The prominent theories among scientists as to those sources
What channelers believe is the source
A guided meditation in which you’ll be guided to a safe place to identify and connect with your own inner trusted sources

Module 7: Build a Daily Channeling Practice to Continue Developing Your Abilities for Personal & Collective Good (April 19)
Helané will share her personal experiences and passion for channeling to address a question she is asked often: “How do I channel?” She presents an outline for building a channeling practice while noting that there is no “right” way to channel. Helané encourages using your intuition to guide you towards what can best help you develop your channeling abilities, discover your noetic wisdom, and understand your unique Noetic Signature.
Helané will also cover the importance of clearing your mind and body, harmonizing your environment, setting an intention for the channeling session, grounding, and closing the session, to develop a fulfilling channeling practice in your life.
In this session, you’ll discover:

There is no one correct way to channel
Inspiration for your own channeling practice
General mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual guidelines to follow if you choose to channel
The importance of intention
How to bring channeling (and discernment) into your everyday life
A start-to-finish channeling experience in which you’ll clear energy, recognize the type of information that’s appearing, and discern how to work with that energy in your daily life

What People Are Saying About Helané Wahbeh, ND…
“This was the most beautifully organized and incredibly helpful course I have ever taken (I’m a professor and have taken hundreds of courses).”
This was the most beautifully organized and incredibly helpful course I have ever taken (I’m a professor and have taken hundreds of courses). Dr. Wahbeh’s book is phenomenal, and the course complements the book very effectively. The experientials in the course are crucial to the experience, and Dr. Wahbeh’s guidance throughout each module is packed with insights and wisdom. The book and the course are a packed meta-synthesis of research, and this is the first time I have found an author who brought together all the many forms of human experience in the non-physical realm into one overview that makes sense, connecting to our universal interconnectedness. Dr. Wahbeh provides us with rich examples from her own life experiences and gives us guidance for understanding and enriching our own evolving journey. A truly phenomenal course!!!
— Virginia C.
“Helané’s course has allowed me to gain confidence in myself and in my intuitive nature.”
— Judy R.
“Having Helané’s book/course as a reference is the greatest blessing I could have asked for during the biggest and most challenging transition of my life…”
I have a degree in science and used to make science documentaries for the BBC, so the idea of “coming out” as a channel, sharing my experiences with energy, healing, spirits, ETs… is terrifying. We all want to be accepted and not ostracized by our peers. Having Helané’s book/course as a reference is the greatest blessing I could have asked for during the biggest and most challenging transition of my life, that is affecting not only my career but also the relationships with loved ones who don’t understand. The studies you have done and the ones you reference have given validity to my experiences, which gives me the strength to face my peers, friends, family and, more importantly, to trust myself. And your personal story is not only fascinating, but has given me comfort and inspiration. Your work is an oasis in the no man’s land that lies between science and spirituality.
— Saya C.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Helané Wahbeh, ND
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Helané Wahbeh, ND — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to develop and trust your intuition and channeling capabilities. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific.
Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, The Art & Science of Channeling Deep Inner Wisdom
If you’re serious about accessing your higher guidance and divine knowing, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
About Helané Wahbeh, ND
Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR, is director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, an adjunct assistant professor in the department of neurology at Oregon Health & Science University, and president of the Parapsychological Association. Helané is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician, has a master’s degree in clinical research, and has completed two post-doctoral research fellowships.
She has published (and spoken internationally about) her studies on complementary and alternative medicine, mind-body medicine, extended human capacities, stress, and post-traumatic stress disorder and its relationship to physiology, health, and healing. Helané is well known for her research about — and noetic approach to — channeling.