Heather R Morgan, Salesfolk – Cold Email Mastery: Cold Email Strategy for B2B Businesses


Does this sound like you? Sales is a numbers game, but you might be playing the game wrong. Get the same blueprints that made SalesFolk’s clients over $134 million.

Heather R Morgan, Salesfolk – Cold Email Mastery: Cold Email Strategy for B2B Businesses


Fresh Templates

See real templates that always get responses

Sales Hacks

Tricks to help you work smarter; not harder

Campaign Strategy

Learn how to craft an 8-touch email campaign

Meet Chris

“I felt like I was doing an okay job with my sales emails, since I was getting some responses, but I wanted to increase my deal flow, and I knew I couldn’t do that with my current approach. Then one of my friends told me how they were using SalesFolk’s email strategy to set hundreds of appointments with targeted email templates, and I thought I had to give this a try for myself.”
Chris Dyer, Account Executive at an Enterprise SaaS company

Chris knew his current sales emails weren’t getting the job done.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he enrolled in…
SalesFolk’s Cold Email Mastery Course.
…And as Chris dove into the course material, he learned:

How to write subject lines that skyrocketed his open rates
Why the first sentence of his emails had been backfiring on him
When he should use nontraditional CTAs to boost prospects’ replies
How to leverage existing customers to convince prospects to trust him
The embarrassing follow-up mistake that had been making him look obnoxious
Why most of his emails were going to spam — and what he could do to fix it

The Result?
“In less than 2 months after starting SalesFolk’s Cold Email Mastery Course, I more than doubled the amount of qualified meetings I was booking, and my calendar has been stacked at least 2 weeks out since. I love how clear and actionable every lesson is. Even now, I still revisit old lessons to sharpen my skills and get new ideas for improving my email templates.”
–Chris Dyer | Account Executive

Because SalesFolk is 100% Data Driven:
Here are some statistics from our customers and SalesFolk Labs

B2B companies use SalesFolk email templates

Our clients’ average POSITIVE response rates

Email split tests performed

Students enrolled in course

Get Download Heather R Morgan, Salesfolk – Cold Email Mastery: Cold Email Strategy for B2B Businesses Right Now!