Healthy ME Summit – Overcoming Depression and Anxiety 2016


This summit was created by one of my favorite people in the world, CHEK HLC Instructor, Chef, Australian TV personality – Joanna Rushton. Format File: [WebRip – 55 MP4, 1 RTF] File Size: 10.748 GB

Healthy ME Summit – Overcoming Depression and Anxiety 2016

This summit was created by one of my favorite people in the world, CHEK HLC Instructor, Chef, Australian TV

personality – Joanna Rushton.

Jo Rushton felt it was time for the public, and healthcare professionals to become more aware of the many

effective “natural” solutions for overcoming anxiety and depression.

According to Professor Jason M. Satterfield, Director of Behavioral Medicine at UCSF

• Depression affects 6.7% of the US population annually

• The WHO predicts that depression will be the second most common disorder behind cardiovascular disease by


• Anxiety affects about 1 in 4 people

• Anxiety disorders are the largest class of psychiatric disorders

With that in mind, consider that drug companies have a plethora of drugs designed to treat it, but I rarely ever

hear of doctors having any interest in addressing the actual causes.

Additionally, there is a long list of very dangerous side-effects from using anxiety and depression drugs, a

common one being suicide.

I have had three people in my own circle of friends who’ve had a family member commit suicide when their

drug prescription ran out and they had gotten too busy to refill the prescription.
Get immediately download Healthy ME Summit – Overcoming Depression and Anxiety 2016
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds and 2nd for 24 to 35-year-olds, and suicide is

common among those that are depressed, particularly when depression is undiagnosed and not treated


To address this issue, in plain language anyone can understand, Jo gathered a team of experts from around the

world to share their understanding of anxiety and depression, and a host of natural approaches anyone can take

to balance and heal themselves, usually without medical drugs.

In my one-hour interview with Jo (which is available as part of the summit), I covered such topics as:

– Looking at how often genetic factors are blamed for people’s anxiety and depression, and what factors about

genetics the public isn’t aware of but needs to be.

– What model I use in my own practice to help people heal from anxiety and depression.

– How an individual’s archetypal influences, and personal mythology relate to the high rates of anxiety and


In this section, I speak about the negative influences the fashion industry has on people, particularly females

around the world.

Note: Your “myth” is “your story” and archetypes represent the “characters we act out” as we live our story, for

better or for worse.

Jo is a fantastic, skillful interviewer (host) with a wealth of clinical and practical knowledge.

She is very skilled, with a wide variety of training from experts around the world, and I’m sure you will find this

summit very educational and engaging.

Jo is also the author of “Rocket Fuel On A Budget”, which is a fantastic book for anyone wanting to consume

holistic, organic food on a budget