
Healthcare Marketing Strategies – Stewart Gandolf & Lonnie Hirsch

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Healthcare Marketing Strategies – Stewart Gandolf & Lonnie Hirsch
“27 Proven Marketing Strategies To Boost Your Practice Profits”
“Before I purchased the CDs, I thought marketing a medical practice was unprofessional. After listening to the CDs, I realized that Lonnie and Stewart’s methods and strategies offered professional solutions to marketing, which I was not hesitant to implement. Implementation of these strategies was very well received by both patients and colleagues. My use of these strategies has resulted in a very positive impact on my practice.”

– Brien Dugas, MD, Wakefield, RI
You’ll find all the marketing secrets you need to know packed onto these 8 fast-paced, information-rich CDs

Now for the first time, two of America’s leading practice building experts have agreed to share many of their best secrets via an ultra-affordable CD series format.
As a result , there’s no reason for you to risk wasting thousands of dollars on hit-or-miss marketing anymore.
Better still, we share our 28 years experience and knowledge of what works (and what doesn’t) for a fraction of what you might expect to pay.
If you are time stressed (and who isn’t), you will also appreciate the time-saving convenience that these CDs provide.

When you buy these CDs you’ll be able to rapidly ramp up your healthcare marketing knowledge when it is convenient for you: in your car, while exercising, or whenever. Take a look at all the topics we include below, and then click the appropriate link to initiate your order. And remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Here are the topics you’ll receive:
CD 1: Introduction to Practice Marketing
CD 2: Best Practices to Grow Your Practice Profits
Track 1: Play to Win

Track 2: Ethical Marketing

Track 3: Ethically Targeting Specific Cases

Track 4: Marketing as a “System”

Track 5: Tracking and Evaluating Your Marketing Results

Track 6: Consistency and Repetition of Your Marketing Efforts

Track 7: Marketing Planning as a Process

Track 8: Setting SMART Goals

Track 9: Defining a Marketing Budget

Track 10: Strategies, Tactics and Action Plans

Track 11: Methods of Marketing

Track 12: Brand Marketing

Track 13: Direct Response Marketing

Track 14: Hybrid Marketing
CD 3: Build Your Reputation (Branding)
Track 1: Importance of Differentiation and Branding in Private Practice

Track 2: Strategic Advantages of a Strong Brand

Track 3: What is a Brand?

Track 4: What Do Your Patients Want from You?

Track 5: Positioning: Your Unique Value Proposition

Track 6: Famous Positioning Examples

Track 7: Positioning Analysis

Track 8: Defining Your Target Audience

Track 9: The Target Audience Perspective

Track 10: What is Your Edge?

Track 11: Naming Your Practice

Track 12: Office Appearance as Part of Your Brand

Track 13: Branding from the Inside Out

Track 14: Evaluating the Service Mix in Your Brand

Track 15: The Center of Excellence as Part of a Brand

Track 16: Brand Communications Strategies

Track 17: Form vs. Essence

Track 18: The Role of the Logo in Branding

Track 19: Defining Your Brand: Some Examples
CD 4: Create Systems So That Your Patients Refer in Droves (Internal Marketing)
Track 1: Internal Marketing‚ Walking the Talk of Your Brand

Track 2: Key Issues to Consider

Track 3: A Patient-Centered Practice Takes Effort

Track 4: Leadership by Example

Track 5: Improving the Patient Experience

Track 6: Improving Social Skills of Providers and Staff

Track 7: Improving Staff Effectiveness with Phone Inquiries

Track 8: Increasing Case Acceptance of Your Treatment Recommendations

Track 9: Improving Patient Retention and Reducing Attrition

Track 10: Cross Selling Additional Services to Your Patients

Track 11: Leverage Your Patient Base to Generate More Referrals

Track 12: Mailings to Patients ‚ email and E-Newsletters vs. “Snail Mail”
CD 5: Attract Patients Through Powerful, Ethical External Marketing
Track 1: The Power of First Impressions

Track 2: Target Audience Issues

Track 3: Why You?

Track 4: Why Now?

Track 5: You Are Not Your Target Audience

Track 6: Handling Patients from External Marketing Differently

Track 7: Seasonality in External Advertising

Track 8: Determining Your Prime Marketplace

Track 9: Targeting Patients Strategically

Track 10: How to Get Free Publicity

Track 11: External Office Sign

Track 12: Yellow Pages Advertising

Track 13: Newspaper and Magazine Advertising

Track 14: Radio Advertising

Track 15: Television Advertising

Track 16: Direct Mail and Insert Advertising

Track 17: Marketing to Local Businesses

Track 18: “Born Losers” of External Marketing

Track 19: Guerrilla Marketing Strategies

Track 20: Final Thoughts on External Marketing as a System
CD 6: Search Engine Optimization (How to Get Found)
Track 1: The Evolution of Internet Marketing

Track 2: The 80-20 Rule for Internet Marketing

Track 3: Future Trends in Internet Marketing

Track 4: Strategic Marketing Purposes for Your Web Site

Track 5: What Makes a Good Web Site?

Track 6: Common Misconceptions about Web Sites

Track 7: How to Get “Traffic” to Your Web Site

Track 8: Search Engine Optimization (How to Get Found)

Track 9: Paid Internet Advertising Strategies

Track 10: Getting Links to Your Web Site

Track 11: Guerrilla Internet Marketing Strategies

Track 12: Implementing Your Internet Marketing Strategy
CD 7: How to Triple Your Number of Doctor Referrals
Track 1: Building Your Professional Referral Marketing System

Track 2: What Referring Doctors Want

Track 3: Professional Referral Marketing Faux Pas

Track 4: The Role of the Practice Marketing Representative

Track 5: The Key Referrer Program

Track 6: Tactics for Cultivating and Sustaining Strong Relationships

Track 7: Professional alerts

Track 8: Program Sheets

Track 9: Practice Presentation Kit

Track 10: Bonding Over Food

Track 11: Courting the Front Office Staff

Track 12: Reverse Engineering Referrals

Track 13: Gifts to Referrers

Track 14: Proving Yourself to a New Referral Source

Track 15: More Referral Strategies

Track 16: Cross-Promotion

Track 17: Putting It All Together
CD 8: How to Hire Outstanding Creative Talent
Track 1: Most Important Next Steps

Track 2: Marketing Planning Process ‚ Review

Track 3: Marketing System Elements

Track 4: How to Hire Good Creative Talent

Track 5: Common Traits of Successful Practitioners

Track 6: Inspiring Success Stories You Can Learn From