Healing Your Timelines Ascension Workshop – Dragon Wisdom School


Healing Your Timelines Ascension Workshop – Dragon Wisdom SchoolWe have all lived on Earth many incarnations and now the Karmic Template has been dissolved at the New Moon in August 2018 we have the opportunity to embrace stepping off the Karmic Wheel.In this exciting Clearing Timelines Ascension workshop offered by Spiritual Channel Alphedia Arara you have the opportunity to do deep soul healing on many past lives. This karmic grid dissolving affects our perpetual cycle forward.Powerful Egyptian Goddess Isis, known for her past life healing work, has come forth to offer you all, with her partner the Great God Osiris, in clearing timelines that are still affecting your current reality timeline.In this workshop you will also be supported by Alphedia Arara’s twenty kilogram Snakeskin Jasper Crystal Skull, Lunarity, who is here to assist with timelines clearing.LunarityAs the veils between the worlds thin you become aware that time is not linear. Time line merges are becoming obvious to lightworkers at this time.Many emotions and feelings are bleeding through from previous timelines and now the energies support us in completing the previous lesson, healing them and releasing them.In this powerful workshop Alphedia Arara channels the various deities to give you a deep understanding of how past timelines are affecting current reality.And teaching you how to detach from the emotions of the previous timeline which has not been fully processed by your soul so is still affecting this time line.Alphedia Arara has been working on powerful healing techniques herself for three months with Goddess Isis and Crystal Skull Lunarity.She shares with you her own experience of doing the time line clearing techniques as well as supporting you in doing your deep inner work of completion.Know that the benefit of closing off these time lines and the effects of them is that it frees your soul up to continue on a new high vibration soul path, allowing you to access wisdom, knowledge and guidance that have been unavailable to you up to this point.This is a powerful Ascension workshop for those who are ready to move on fully into 5th dimensional reality and beyond.Know that the New Moon when the workshop was channeled provides an excellent opportunity for shedding and allows you to renew and to be free from the past cycles that your soul has been continually attempting to heal.In this workshop Alphedia takes you on powerful channeled guided healing meditations.You also receive time line healing transmissions from Lunarity.Learn the Sedona Method how to clear emotional blocks.You also receive channeling from Goddess Isis and teaching from Master Osiris who went through his own resurrection in his time on earth.This course offers you a chance for your own inner resurrection and a chance to look at what holds you back and the emotions that are holding your template in place blocking you fully accessing the higher vibrations now available.Know that this course provides you with a framework to continue the deep healing. For every soul is different in terms of the amount of timeline and karmic work they have come to process.Your soul may have come many times to Earth and is now calling for this opportunity to be set free from the cycle of these timelines.Know as you do this work you affect your future timelines also, as you open up new windows and doors of opportunity for your soul growth.This is an exciting opportunity for us, greatly welcome at this time to help us move on without the baggage that has held us back as souls up to this point.Many of us manifest ill health through timelines that are requiring to process and heal. So if you have health conditions that are not shifting for you it may be that the route lies in a previous incarnation.You learn how to go back and heal that part of your soul, that personality you were in the past incarnation which then transforms who you are now in this current incarnation.This is a mostly channeled workshop allowing you to access the deep wisdom to aid you in catapulting forward in your Ascension Journey.No past experience of working with the Deities or past lives are required for this course.If you hear the call you are ready and you are safe in doing this deep healing work protected by the Angels and profound experience of soul and workshop facilitations that Alphedia Arara has gained in this lifetimes and previous lifetimes before.Alphedia Arara creates a powerful Sacred Grid Of Light and supports the healing journey with sound healing from her singing bowls, percussion, drum and voice attunements.Are you interested in? Healing Your Timelines Ascension Workshop – Dragon Wisdom School Download, healing time, healing you, healing love, healing tarot, my healing love.Purchasing Healing Your Timelines Ascension Workshop – Dragon Wisdom School course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.