Healing With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors With Christina Pratt


Healing With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors With Christina PrattHeal ancestral wounds and narratives which may be playing out in your life and your health.Clear stagnant, unresolved energies from your lineage … and open the door to a more passionate and purposeful life.Discover how to draw on your ancestors’ gifts, skills, and courage to express your soul’s purpose.What You’ll Discover in These 7 ModulesIn this 7-part training, you’ll discover the originating ancestor with whom a particular issue or trauma began, and move through the process of clearing this energy pattern from your life and lineage.You’ll join Christina Pratt in each session and receive powerful ancestral healing teachings — and guidance in shamanic journeying, shrine-building, and ritual-making practices. Each session will build harmoniously on the previous ones, giving you a solid foundation to connect with your ancestors for mutual healing.Module 1: Develop a Relationship With Your Good, True & Beautiful AncestorsHow does our modern-day knowledge of ancestral healing apply to you, your ancestors, and the circumstances of your life?In your first class together, Christina will help you begin your Ancestral Prayer to call the legacy of all that is good, true, and beautiful into your life.As you’ll discover in this session, you have a vast number of ancestors who lived well, died well, and are ready, willing, and able to serve as true Ancestral Helping Spirits.And it’s time for you to meet them.In this module, you’ll:Meet true Ancestral Helping Spirits and discern the difference between well and unwell ancestors in your bloodlineConnect with the diversity of both bloodline and non-bloodline ancestors who are true Ancestral Helping SpiritsUnderstand why unreconciled ancestors create harm — even when they’re sincerely trying to helpReclaim the legacy of blessings and protection offered through ancestral healingLearn how to live and die so you become a good, true, and beautiful Ancestral Helping SpiritDiscover a practice for connecting with your Ancestral Helping Spirits, bringing in an emissary for each of your bloodlinesModule 2: Create, Awaken & Empower Your Ancestral ShrineAre you ready for your Ancestral Helping Spirits’ rich legacy to flow freely to you, day and night? First, you’ll need to create and tend to your own ancestral shrine, calling their legacy into your life — and in this class, Christina will show you how.Christina will also guide you to come into right relationship with people who’ve loved you from the moment of your conception.Connecting with the supportive ancestral guides in your lineage could be the first step in helping you break free from painful legacies that no longer serve you — and find the peace, connection, and belonging you desire.In this module, you’ll:Discover doors, precision with power objects, and other unique characteristics of an ancestral shrineUnderstand the wildly inaccurate notion of “ancestral worship”— and how this misunderstanding can negatively impact your ancestral relationshipsCreate and ceremonially awaken your ancestral shrineOpen to the flow of wisdom and healing energy between you and your ancestorsLearn the workings of songs, prayers, libations, and other offerings with your shrineBegin to create, find, or repurpose power objects for each ancestral lineTailor your Ancestral Prayer to fit your family and situation, and begin daily useContinue to call in the legacy of your ancestors, now at your shrineModule 3: Discern Between Your Well & Unwell Ancestors for True HealingWhether they’re well or unwell, our ancestors are forever connected to us through our bloodlines. In this session, you’ll discover how to tell the difference between the unresolved dead and your true Ancestral Helping Spirits.Understanding this distinction is essential — the energy of these ghosts continues to show up in your wounds, unexplained physical illness, emotional distress and more.While these ghosts are ancestors too, they should never be called in as helping spirits as long as their issues remain unresolved.In this module, you’ll:Discover whether you’ve experienced the symptoms of “hijacking” by the unresolved dead — and other signs that you’ve taken on their unresolved energiesLearn techniques to use your Ancestral Helping Spirit’s eyes to see what’s yours to heal — and what’s notDiscover how to avoid propagating the patterns of the unresolved deadIdentify the patterns that affect you the most in each lineDiscover why bringing healing to your unresolved ancestral lines is one of the most powerful acts of activism for your family — and our worldIntentionally call in your Ancestral Helping Spirits with the Protection Prayer and Practice to create protection from the energies of the unresolved deadModule 4: Heal Your Ancestral Line for Lasting ChangeTo get to the root of your life’s difficulties, you’ll need to trace it back to the originating ancestor. During this class, you’ll learn to track the patterns of problems you’re facing in your life — and follow them back into the ancestral realm, so true healing can begin.You’ll learn the fundamentals of the diagnosis-remedy-quarantine process:Diagnosis. Tracking an energy with the help of your well ancestors until you discover the ancestor with whom the issue or trauma began. You’ll do this through journey, felt-sense, and more.Remedy. Determining the proper antidote to address your originating ancestor’s energy and put an end to the ancestral turmoil still showing up in your life today.Quarantine. Sometimes you’ll discover that ancestral trauma is so deeply entrenched, you’re simply not equipped to address it — you can then quarantine it until you can call in the help that you need.In this module, you’ll dive deeper into the first step in the process, diagnosis, as you discover:The practice of psychopomp or “death walking” — and how this practice fits into your ancestral healing processHow we stopped tending to the dead as a culture — handing this responsibility over to God —and what you can do to take it back for lineageHow to heal the patterns you may be passing on at this very moment (consciously or unconsciously)The practice of speaking in ritual and prayer languageSimple elemental rituals to call on the innate qualities for healingHow to give the proper distance between your own experience and your ancestors’, clearing the way for helping spirits to come inModule 5: Transform the Past With Elemental Rituals TodayIn this session, you’ll dive even deeper into the diagnosis-remedy-quarantine process you discovered in the last class…Now that you’ve discovered the ancestral origin of your present-day patterns (diagnosis), Christina will show you how to determine the appropriate remedy — with plenty of help from your ancestors.In this module, you’ll also:Discover the fundamentals of elemental rituals to clear ancestral patterns — including a simple ritual structure you can return to again and againMaster the use of power objects to carry the problematic energies into your ritualUnderstand why the concepts of both walking away AND trust are so important during your ritualsCome to deeply understand the role of celebration in this powerful work you’re doingDiscover why your ancestors may have unexpressed emotions like grief or remorse — and how you can move stagnant emotions and release themBegin to feel and tend to the Archetype of the Warrior as you celebrate your success — and the courage it requires to do this workModule 6: Weave the Blessings, Protection & Love of the Ancestors Into Quality QuarantineWhat if, after you’ve diagnosed an ancestral pattern and then tried to determine its remedy with your ancestors’ assistance — you discover you’re dealing with a deeply entrenched energy pattern that isn’t yours to heal after all?You can choose to quarantine it for now, clearing your space to ask for the help to do what’s needed to clear and release this energy for future generations. During this class, you’ll discover how to do just that — once again, with the help of your ancestors.In this module, you’ll discover:Your role in the structure and function of an effective quarantine — and how to make sure you’re doing your partHow to stay out of the ancestral pattern you’ve quarantinedHow to clearly discern the help you need and where to reach out for itThe steps you can take to bolster the quality of your quarantine (as Christina says, ancestors can’t do everything)Why quarantine often involves using the blessings you’ve both received and freedHow, once you’ve quarantined the originating pattern, you may be able to see how the pattern has manifested in your life — and clear itModule 7: Celebration of Ancestral Blessings — Giving a Gift to the FutureIn your final step of this powerful journey with Christina, you and your new global community of seekers will gather in ceremony. You will share and be witnessed, bringing the powerful guidance of your Ancestral Helping Spirits forward with their blessings, medicine gifts, and protection.In this class, we explore the possible future of ancestral healing in community to transform our communal illness and dysfunction. Together and with our good, true, and beautiful ancestors, we’ll look toward a different future, and nurture that hope and possibility at our ancestral shrines.During this module, you’ll also:Have the chance to speak the blessings of your ancestors so you can be witnessed — and witness your fellow participants’ blessings and unique medicine giftsDiscover best practices for using these blessings, medicine gifts, protection, and power.Learn the powerful skill of discerning the need for helpFeel into the bigger picture of healing — how it can change your life AND the emotional patterns of future generations, starting nowThe Healing With Your Ancestors Bonus CollectionIn addition to Christina’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.