
Harold Ivan Smith – Complicated and Traumatic Grief: Clinical Interventions for Healing

Original price was: ₹66,000.00.Current price is: ₹6,640.00.



Move your clients forward through extreme trauma and multiple losses that cause great grief in their lives
Tools for creating safe havens in the presence of rage, guilt, despair, helplessness

Harold Ivan Smith – Complicated and Traumatic Grief: Clinical Interventions for Healing

Gain greater confidence in your ability to foster hope, healing & integration

“I do not ‘want’ to get over my grief.’” “I will deal with grief later.” “I want my ‘normal’ back.” These are statements you have heard time and time again from clients coming to you for help with bereavement. Attend this seminar and learn skills and tools that you need to effectively move your clients forward through extreme trauma and multiple losses that clients experience that cause great grief in their lives. Learn techniques that you can use to help clients imagine a future beyond their grief.
Join national grief expert, author, and respected speaker Harold Ivan Smith for a day filled with proven assessment and creative treatment strategies for even your most complex clients. Pulling from more than 30 years of experience, Harold Ivan has trained more than 20,000 professionals in bereavement workshops across the country, sharing innovative, practical techniques for promoting healing in a therapeutic setting. Spend more than half of the day focusing on treatment-specific strategies that you can implement in your practice immediately to help grieving persons.
Through class discussions, case studies and a comprehensive resource manual full of creative and functional treatment approaches, you will learn how to uncover what clients are hiding from you when discussing their trauma. You will also learn strategies to help clients with multiple exposures to trauma and loss work through the many layers of their grief. Experience Harold Ivan’s passion for his work with grief in an energized learning environment, leaving with a renewed outlook and new skills to work with even the most difficult and complicated losses.

BONUS! Become a Certified Grief Counseling Specialist (CGCS)! Completing this training is the first step in becoming Certified through the International Association of Trauma Professionals.
Show your employer, clients, and fellow professionals your commitment to honing your skills and staying up to date on grief counseling techniques.
Visit to get started!


Manual (632.4 KB)
45 Pages
Available after Purchase

Normal Grief: Tools for Evaluation, Assessment and Treatment

Early Grief, Second Storm, and the Search for Meaning
Signs of Early Grief
Denial, High Anxiety, Numbness
Enhancing Support Networks
Develop Inner Strengths
Anticipate the “Second Storm”
Managing Healthy Reactions
Journey Toward Renewal of Meaning, Purpose

Defusing Past Grieving Myths

Reach Beyond the “Five Stages”
Validate Instrumental Grievers
Acknowledging Religion, Culture, Ethnicity, Gender

Complicated and Traumatic Grief: Tools for Evaluation, Assessment and Treatment

Six “R” Processes
DSM-5® and Prolonged Grief Disorder
Rage, Guilt, Despair, Helplessness, Persistent Denial
Distorted, Chronic, Delayed and Absent Grief
Disenfranchised Grief

Strategies for Traumatic Loss

Re-telling Strategies
Restorative Narrative
Borrowing Narratives

Designing Interventions—Maintaining Empathy, and Responsible Judgment

Effective Use of Self-disclosure
The Culpability Continuum
Ritual, Memorializing and

Creative Interventions


Bringing Your Whole Self to Grief Counseling

Anticipating, Acknowledging
Compassion Fatigue
Defusing Personal Triggers, Worst Fears
Spiritual, Existential Crisis
Confidence Builders