Handbook of Sports Psychology 3rd Edition – Gershon Tenenbaum & Robert C. Eklund


Endorsed by the International Society of Sport Psychology, this classic reference draws on an international roster of experts and scholars in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this thorough, well-rounded, and accessible volume. It is completely updated to reflect the latest research and is an indispensable resource for any student or professional interested in the field of sport psychology.TABLE OF CONTENTSForeword xiRobert SingerContributors xiiiReviewers xixPART I MOTIVATION, EMOTION, AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY1 Understanding the Dynamics of Motivation in Sport and Physical Activity: An Achievement Goal Interpretation 3Glyn C. Roberts, Darren C. Treasure, and David E. Conroy2 Emotions in Sport: Current Issues and Perspectives 31Yuri L. Hanin3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Sport and Physical Activity: A Review and a Look at the Future 59Robert J. Vallerand4 The Psychology of Superior Sport Performance: A Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Perspective 84Bradley D. Hatfield and Scott E. KerickPART II SOCIAL PERSPECTIVES5 Leadership in Sports 113Packianathan Chelladurai6 Who Cares What Other People Think? Self-Presentation in Exercise and Sport 136Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, Magnus Lindwall, and Harry PrapavessisPART III SPORT EXPERTISE7 Methodological Review and Evaluation of Research in Expert Performance in Sport 161Nicola J. Hodges, Raoul Huys, and Janet L. Starkes8 Practice and Play in the Development of Sport Expertise 184Jean Côté, Joseph Baker, and Bruce Abernethy9 Anticipation and Decision Making: Exploring New Horizons 203A. Mark Williams and Paul Ward10 Degenerate Brains, Indeterminate Behavior, and Representative Tasks: Implications for Experimental Design in Sport Psychology Research 224Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, Chris Button, and Ian Renshaw11 Attentional Processes in Skill Learning and Expert Performance 245Bruce Abernethy, Jonathon P. Maxwell, Richard S. W. Masters, John van der Kamp, and Robin C. Jackson12 A Social-Cognitive Perspective on Team Functioning in Sport 264David W. Eccles and Gershon TenenbaumPART IV INTERVENTIONS AND PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT13 Mental Skills Training in Sport 287Robin S. Vealey14 Sport Psychology: A Clinician’s Perspective 310Robert D. Stainback, James C. Moncier III, and Robert E. Taylor15 Action-Theory Approach to Applied Sport Psychology 332Thomas Schack and Dieter Hackfort16 Eating Disorders in Sport: From Theory to Research to Intervention 352Trent A. Petrie and Christy A. Greenleaf17 Psychosocial Antecedents of Sport Injury and Interventions for Risk Reduction 379Jean M. Williams and Mark B. Andersen18 Psychology of Sport Injury Rehabilitation 404Britton W. Brewer19 Why Do Athletes Choke under Pressure? 425Sian L. Beilock and Rob Gray20 Preparatory Routines in Self-Paced Events: Do They Benefit the Skilled Athletes? Can They Help the Beginners? 445Ronnie LidorPART V EXERCISE AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY21 Physical Activity and Mental Health 469Daniel M. Landers and Shawn M. Arent22 Physical Activity and Three Dimensions of Psychological Functioning in Advanced Age: Cognition, Affect, and Self-Perception 492Yael Netz23 Exercise Adherence 509Janet Buckworth and Rodney K. Dishman24 Theoretical Frameworks in Exercise Psychology 537Stuart J. H. Biddle, Martin S. Hagger, Nikos L. D. Chatzisarantis, and Sonia Lippke25 A Social-Cognitive Perspective of Perceived and Sustained Effort 560Gershon Tenenbaum and Jasmin C. Hutchinson26 Exercise and Psychosocial Issues for Cancer Survivors 578Kerry S. Courneya, Clare Stevinson, and Jeffrey K. H. Vallance27 Physical Activity and Quality of Life: Key Considerations 598Bonnie G. Berger and David A. Tobar28 Athlete Burnout 621Robert C. Eklund and Scott L. CresswellPART VI LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT29 A Life Span Developmental Approach to Studying Sport and Exercise Behavior 645Diane E. Whaley30 Advances in Sport Morality Research 662David Light Shields and Brenda Light Bredemeier31 Family Influences on Children’s Sport and Physical Activity Participation, Behavior, and Psychosocial Responses 685Thelma S. Horn and Jocelyn L. Horn32 Career Transitions and Career Termination 712Dorothee Alfermann and Natalia StambulovaPART VII MEASUREMENT AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES33 New Perspectives on Measurement and Testing in Sport Psychology 737Bernd Strauss, Dirk Büsch, and Gershon Tenenbaum34 Measurement in Sport and Exercise Psychology: A New Outlook on Selected Issues of Reliability and Validity 757Gershon Tenenbaum, Akihito Kamata, and Kentaro Hayashi35 Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling in Sport and Exercise Psychology 774Herbert W. Marsh36 From Self-Efficacy to Collective Efficacy in Sport: Transitional Methodological Issues 799Nicholas D. Myers and Deborah L. FeltzPART VIII SPECIAL TOPICS37 Gender and Cultural Diversity 823Diane L. Gill38 Athletes with Disabilities 845Stephanie J. Hanrahan39 Alcohol and Drug Use among Athletes: Prevalence, Etiology, and Interventions 859Matthew P. Martens, Kristen Dams-O’Connor, and Jason R. KilmerAfterword 879Robert C. Eklund and Gershon TenenbaumAuthor Index 881Subject Index 917Get Handbook of Sports Psychology 3rd Edition – Gershon Tenenbaum & Robert C. Eklund, Only Price $37Tag: Handbook of Sports Psychology 3rd Edition – Gershon Tenenbaum & Robert C. Eklund Review. Handbook of Sports Psychology 3rd Edition – Gershon Tenenbaum & Robert C. Eklund download. Handbook of Sports Psychology 3rd Edition – Gershon Tenenbaum & Robert C. Eklund discount.