Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method Audio Course


Included are Effortless Wealth and Success, Effortless Relationships, and Effortless Health and Well Being.

Hale Dwoskin – The Sedona Method Audio Course

This is the Sedona Method Audio Course, a recording of live seminars. Included are Effortless Wealth and Success, Effortless Relationships, and Effortless Health and Well Being. Also included is a DVD seminar and an Introduction to the Sedona Method.
The basic course comprises CDs 1-6, Effortless Wealth and Success, CDs 7-11, Effortless Relationships, CDs 12-15, Effortless Health and Well Being, CDs 16-19. CD 20 is the Completion of the Sedona Method Course.
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