Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2017


One of the best ways to get The benefits is to release with partners Sedona Method. Helping others release is a way to help yourself.

Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2017

“The fastest ticket to Freedom is helping another be free.”
– Lester Levenson
One of the best ways to get The benefits is to release with partners Sedona Method. Helping others to release is a way to help yourself. That’s one of the reasons we release with partners during all of our retreats—it is always very powerful and effective for both partners. 
This program focuses on helping others release. You will also learn how to release your own core holdings, which will help you to achieve your highest aspirations and dreams. Your own self-releasing and goal achievement will be greatly accelerated when you help others.-You can have confidence at all levels. 
Anyone who wants to help their family and friends and anyone who just wants to feel this amazing way of releasing stress for themselves will benefit from this course. This course is not only for those who want to help others, but also for those who just want to benefit greatly from it. 
This training is great for anyone who works with people and wants to help them let go. This includes coaches, counselors and spiritual leaders, as well as anyone who works with others. It is not a certification program, but it will make your work with people and organizations much more effective. Sedona Method.
The pre-Recorded part Sedona Method Facilitator Training This was filmed October 2016.
You are invited to join, in addition to watching over 20 hours of video Hale One or two 1.5-You will receive support through hour-long group calls each Wednesday during the training. Two calls will be made each Wednesday to accommodate different time zones.

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 Here’s what you’ll get in Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2017

Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2017 Sample