Guide to Stock Trading with Candlestick & Technical Analysis


Trading Equilibrium – Reality Based Trading

A Trading Course Based In Reality And Designed For Longevity
Develop a swing and position trading process that keeps you in the market for a lifetime. Cut out the noise, reduce complexity, and lead yourself to profitability.
What Can You Expect?
I’m honored to be part of your trading journey! It’s a journey that likely didn’t start today, and won’t end once you finish this course. It’s a journey that lasts a lifetime – and that’s the point.
What You’ll Learn In Reality Based Trading?

To Build a Repeatable Process and Lead Yourself
Swing / Position Trading Through a Risk Management Lens
How to Treat Your Trading Like a Business
Entry and Stop Dynamics
Top-Down Market Analysis
Finding Relative Strength
When to Get Aggressive and When to Play Defense
Using Options as a Tool in Swing and Position Trading
Spotting and Executing Key Setups
Long and Short Entry Patterns
Benefits and Methods for Trading with a Full Time Job
and MUCH More

You WILL NOT GET a secret indicator, a ‘hidden trick’ to outsmart the market, or the road map to constant profitability and overnight riches. Those things don’t exist. In fact there is virtually nothing proprietary in this course. This course is a veteran trader clearly presenting no-nonsense methods and concepts and sharing hard-fought wisdom that will shorten your learning curve and help you develop a process for a lifetime in the market.
The most important lesson I’ve learned is that real progress, life changing progress, comes from a lifetime in the market – it comes from compounding your account. Contrary to popular fantasies, trading isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s actually much better than that, but it’s far from easy. It’s a lifetime skill that takes tremendous dedication to do well, but if you persevere and keep learning you’ll be rewarded in so many ways that can change your life.
Unlike Many Other Services And Courses I’m Not Asking You To Follow, I’m Asking You To Lead – To Lead Yourself To A Lifetime In The Market.