
GSD VidMachine – Mike Arce

Original price was: ₹599,100.00.Current price is: ₹16,102.00.


GSD VidMachine – Mike Arce
The 3 Secrets You’ll Learn in This Course:
Secret #1
How to easily find 100 ideal clients you’d love to work with that can afford your fee
Secret #2
How to quickly create a custom video and landing page in less than 10 minutes
Secret #3
How to ethically get in front of those 100 ideal people with this proven script in less than 1 day
What’s in the course?

Your 100 Ideal Customers

Learn how to identify the criteria for your ideal list
Blueprint spreadsheet template for tracking/building your list
Tools/strategies to find the exact contact info for your ideal clients

Video Recording

Access to the exact video script template Mike used
Process on how to record each video in less than 25 seconds
Step-by-step on filming each video with the right tools

Video Editing

Easiest/fastest way to upload your videos
Tools to host/edit your videos
Creating thumbnails for each video

Landing Page Creation

Using the best landing page software to recreate our template
Customizing each URL to include your ideal client’s name
Using proven colors/CTAs & opt-in forms for top conversions


Creating your retargeting pixel & installing it on your landing pages
Tools to ensure your retargeting pixels are working
Creating retargeting ads to serve your top 100 ideal clients


Our exact email templates for emailing your contacts
Our exact Facebook message templates for follow up
Our exact letter template/#1 secret for mailing these out

Follow Up/Sales

Copy of our “follow up” spreadsheet for sales tracking
Script for calling and leaving a voice message
Templates for email followup including our “elephant” email

Videos, Tools, & Resources

Every module has a video by Mike that walks you through it
Learn the top tools we used for landing pages, automation, email, editing, etc.
Our favorite resources to help you along the way