Gregory Lester – Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders


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Gregory Lester – Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders

Understanding Personality Disorders

Updates to DSM-5® and future changes
The real purpose of diagnosis
Treatment errors and misdiagnosis
Core vs. surface structures
Four central components to diagnosis

Antisocial Character

Understanding psychopathology
Developmental progress in childhood
Oppositional defiance
Attachment and family of origin
Primary defenses and affects
Importance of personal power
Managing in-session violence
Suicide attempts and threats
Blockades – manipulation and power struggles
Risk analysis to self and other
Interpersonal theory techniques
Transference and countertransference
Lessen destructive behaviors
Cognitive-behavioral techniques
Psychopharmacology and applicability
Case studies and treatment exercises
Differential diagnoses

Borderline Character

Symptom presentation along the spectrum
Attachment and family backgrounds
Feeling identification and behavioral control
Manage rage, boundaries, self-mutilation and suicidality
Facilitate pattern recognition, create stability, and build therapeutic collaboration
Develop true sense of self and lessen maladaptive need for attention
Underlying wishes and fears
Build DBT core mindfulness skills
DBT techniques to dissolve distraction, calm interpersonal upheavals, and focus on the “genuine relationship”
DBT emotion regulation skills
Psychopharmacology and applicability
Case studies and treatment exercises
Differential diagnoses

Narcissistic Character

Narcissism and environmental contexts
Attachment and family backgrounds
Primary defenses and affects
Tackle the veneer of perfectionism
Blockades – power struggles, empathy and criticism
The narcissistic/borderline client
Interpersonal strategies for empathy
CBT techniques to clarify behaviors, values and goals
Tactics to avoid arguing
Motivational interviewing to overcome resistance
Prevent sabotage
Build a sense of true self
Psychopharmacology and applicability
Case studies and treatment exercises
Differential diagnoses

Histrionic Character

Moody to excited to flamboyant: the erratic client
Attachment and family backgrounds
Primary defenses and affects
Coquettish behavior, avoidance drama, inauthenticity
Dangers of the histrionic client
Link between emotions and behavior
Interpersonal strategies for expression of true self
Enhance sense of self and lessen the “spotlight”
Motivational interviewing techniques
DBT techniques
Interpersonal strategies for positive relationships
Strengthen self-initiative and independent action
Psychopharmacology and applicability
Case studies and treatment exercises
Differential diagnoses

Would you like to receive Gregory Lester – Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders ?
Watch Dr. Gregory Lester as he delivers an intensive workshop recording designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to identify and treat your most difficult personality disordered clients. Better understand your clients with Antisocial, Narcissist, Histrionic and Borderline Personality Disorder and make a breakthrough in clinical treatment.

Manage the manipulative and possibly violent Antisocial Personality Disorder in-session.
Overcome the Narcissistic Personality Disorder trait of perfectionism and combat their need to overpower you as the therapist.
Better understand your clients diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder whose intense emotions and need for attention will test your patience and compassion.
Help the Borderline Personality Disorder client deal with their explosive emotions, self-harm tendencies and cravings for chaos.

Case studies and video examples will be used to illustrate client symptom presentation, treatment, and management of each Cluster B client type. You will explore various modalities that are effective with antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, and borderline personality disorders, such as Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive-Behavioral, Interpersonal, and Dialectical therapies. Each of these theories will be explored to provide you with solid and useable skills to include in your daily practice.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Gregory Lester – Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial and Histrionic Personality Disorders