Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Grandmother FlordemayoLifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo courses at here with PRICE $297 $92Enter Into Sacred Circle With a Beloved Mayan Grandmother and Receive Healing, Prayers and Blessings.Open Your Heart and Move Through Life in a More Connected Way as You Discover the 7 Sacraments of Spiritual Life.Are you intrigued by indigenous wisdom? You’re definitely not alone…Around the world, more and more people are being drawn to ancient lineages and the sacred wisdom they carry.And it’s no wonder — our souls hunger for depth. Love. Beauty. Gratitude. Silence. Spaciousness.And ultimately, we long to come home to ourselves.Indigenous elders have much to teach us about this journey home. Their wisdom serves as a guide to live life as a beautiful sacrament… not a battle to be fought, long series of tasks to get through or endless challenges to overcome.Through these beloved elders and their visions, prayers, blessings and ceremonies, YOU can rediscover in yourself what’s real…and truly sacred.Commune With a Blessed Elder and HealerIn this unique program, you’ll have the opportunity to sit in a virtual sacred circle and receive guidance and heartfelt wisdom from one of these world- renowned, beloved elders, Grandmother Flordemayo.A Mayan-trained priestess and leader in the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Flordemayo was born in Nicaragua. The youngest of 15 children, she began to have visions very early in her life. By age four, she was being trained in the art of curanderismo – shamanistic healing practices handed down from mother to daughter for generations to cure physical and spiritual illnesses.Through her gift of sight, she learned to discern the effects of spiritual, physical and emotional imbalances within a person’s energy system.Today, Flordemayo’s earthy, universal wisdom invites us to revere the simple things in life — water, trees, sun and family. In her teachings and transmissions, she calls on her Mayan lineage and the spontaneous guidance of the Beloved Mother.If you feel called to commune with this remarkable healer, teacher and seer, know this:You’ll receive beautiful blessings and simple practices — such as a humming meditation and an “essential elements” altar — to enrich your spiritual life and help restore balance to our planet.You’ll open your heart and mind to more love, make your body a channel for Spirit’s guidance, and learn to navigate life’s challenges with more grace.Receive the Sacraments of Spiritual LifeFlordemayo will share her 7 Sacraments of Spiritual Life during this unique, 7-part Circle, offering healing prayers and Mayan ceremonial practices to deepen your connection with nature and the Divine, particularly the Divine Feminine.You’ll sow seeds of forgiveness for yourself and others, and create a more harmonious relationship with others and the planet.And, most powerfully for you personally, through the Mayan Cosmic Chart, you’ll explore your “foretold” destiny as both an earthly and celestial being…In this powerful Wisdom Circle, you’ll:Pray more deeply and effectively — benefiting yourself, your family and the worldEmbrace yourself as both a celestial and and terrestrial beingPractice “Entregar” a sacred Spanish word that means giving yourself (or presenting yourself) to the Cosmos, Creator in full and absolute surrender to realize peace, comfort, stillness and loveRenew your vows with the CreatorConnect with key elements of Mayan cosmology and healing practiceLearn Murmúrio, a simple and powerful way to bring humming into your practiceExpand your capacity for compassion and forgivenessRediscover the center of your being, the central place of your heart and mindReceive greater guidance from your dreams and visionsEnter into sacred ritual time, and respect natural flows of energy, attention and timeEmbody the Spirit of “I’X” – the feminine energyDiscover how you can be a channel for healing in your own communityConnect profoundly to Mother Earth wisdom through ritual and ceremonyRenew your hope for our future, and understand the unique role you play in itConnect with a global family of people who are committed to this holistic way of lifeA Circle for Healing Our WorldThe Wisdom Circle is for anyone who wishes toturn everyday, mundane life into a sublime journey rooted in the love of Spirit.And if YOU feel called to join Grandmother Flordemayo for this 7-step program, deep down, you probably know that you are here to be part of the great turning, an unprecedented healing and awakening for our planet.This sacred medicine of our ancestors comes to us, not as a thunderous proclamation, but as a gentle whisper into the very heart of our beings.The larger Shift in consciousness now underway requires access to indigenous wisdom, prayer lineages and healing practices.In the Wisdom Circle, Grandmother Flordemayo will bridge the ancient and modern worlds, helping weave the human family together again, which indigenous elders prophesied more than 500 years ago.And now, we can address the crises we face collectively, bringing harmony and sustainability to our communities and world — and live our lives as a sacrament.What You’ll Discover in These 7 ModulesIn this 7-part transformational intensive, Grandmother Flordemayo will offer teachings on the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully embrace your life and daily work as sacred — connecting you to the simple rhythms of nature.Please note that the teachings in Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle will be quite fluid.In preparation for each session, , Grandmother Flordemayo will attune to the collective energy of those present and draw inspiration and guidance from Spirit.Though there are themes for each session, it’s not guaranteed that everything listed below will be covered, rather Flordemayo will teach as she feels guided, sharing exactly what’s needed.Module 1: Prayer Renewing Your Vows With CreatorIt is the time for each and everyone of us to empty ourselves, our vessel, through silence, prayer and allowing things to flow in the moment. Through the practice of prayer, you’ll realize the power of surrender, renewing yourself and your life with your Creator-guide.In this session, you’ll discover:Simple guidelines and practices to quiet the mind and relax the body to become “empty” for SpiritA practice for “Entregar” a sacred Spanish word that means giving yourself (or presenting yourself) to the Cosmos, Creator in full and absolute surrender to realize peace, comfort, stillness and loveHow to allow the Creator to take over in the moment, which brings the possibility of spontaneous healingModule 2: Ceremony Nurturing the Divine Within Through CeremonyOur inner world creates our outer world. In this module, we will explore the sweetest and simplest ways of loving yourself through a practice of “Murmúrio” a deep humming that recalls the time you may have been rocked and hummed to as a baby. We return to this inner nurturing of self-care through a personal lullaby to bolster our infinite, connected self.In this session, you’ll discover:How your inside world dictates your outer world — the key to understanding your spiritual journeyA simple, powerful way to bring humming into your practice and fill yourself up first, before allowing the spilling-over effect of your own personal MurmúrioHow simple practices of looking inward and nurturing yourself through the vibration of sound creates health and wellnessModule 3: Healing Going Deep Into the Heart to Sow Seeds of ForgivenessContentment lies in the center of our being. When we connect to the heart of the heavens and the earth we are brought (restored) to a place of wholeness. A being in balance where judgement and un-forgiveness can not exist. This course will bring a sense of peace and balance through simple practices that one can use every day.In this session, you’ll discover:The center of being… in your heart and mindHow beauty and contentment are born out of forgivenessPractices for strengthening the inner guidance of the heart, the language of purityModule 4: Guidance Centering Yourself to Access the Ever-present GuidanceSpirit is always there, in all ways to guide us. Silence is required to hear this guidance. Practice is required to learn to interpret the guidance. The way of the Maya is clearing and opening the 13 Sacred Centers, a powerful meditation.In this session, you’ll discover:Deeper inner silence that allows you to interpret, understand and follow the guidance of SpiritWhy sometimes we relive out our patterns in life and how we can surrender in dreamtime to the guidance we receive from SpiritWays to refine your body to be clear and automatic in allowing Spirit to enter into your being — simply and without thoughtModule 5: I’X (ish) Embodying the Spirit of the Feminine EnergyI’X opens us up to our relationship with Nature. In the Maya Calendar, every 20 days the energy of I’X is practiced.I’X is represented by the jungle jaguar, which is agile and sleek. Its spots represent the heavenly stars. The jaguar hunts day and night and so the energy of I’x is balance of the light and dark, the cosmos and earth.In this session, you’ll:Remember you are both a celestial and terrestrial being, in an integral and holy relationship with natureDiscover the roles Feminine energies plays in nature and your own agilityLearn how the jaguar moves through the day and night, and heaven and earth, and is not separateExplore the wisdom teachings of “Criatura,” the information that is always there, through all creaturesModule 6: Mayan Wisdom The Wisdom of the Cosmic ChartsThe Maya believe humans are born knowing. Within the Mayan tradition, Cosmic Charts determine the energies present at the time of our birth. This written information is important to understand so we can live our lives based on what’s “foretold” in the Cosmic Chart.In this session, you’ll receive:An understanding of the ways Mayan Cosmology affects your day-to-day decisions and choicesInsights about what it means to be born under one of the 20 different day lords in Mayan Cosmology, and how the energy of your day lord affects your lifeA cosmic remembrance of who you are and why you’re attracted to certain situations, people and locationsModule 7: Nature Living in Balance With Mother EarthHere’s a simple way of remembering who we are: We’re natural and nurtured beings. And in this final Circle together, we’ll explore and align with Mother Earth through the 4 elemental energies: Water, Air, Fire, Earth; adding the 5th element of Ether.In this session, you’ll:Create an altar to remind you you’re not separate from any of the 5 elements, but one with natureDiscover the power of the elements and how they serve as a reminder of the simplicity of lifeReceive Flordemayo’s “Spirituality 101” teachings to simplify your life and dance with the Divine…Here’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-minute Recorded Class Sessions With Grandmother FlordemayoExperience a rare opportunity to learn from beloved Grandmother Flordemayo — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session guides you to learn the specific skills and abilities to awaken your spiritual potential.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Exercises and Questions for Each LessonAfter each lesson, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.The Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle Bonus CollectionBringing the Spirit of Shamanism Into Your Everyday Life5-session Audio Training From Grandmother Flordemayo (Valued at $197.00)Cathar Creed Reading From Grandmother FlordemayoMeditations for the Soul Audio Meditations From Grandmother FlordemayoAn Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle Virtual TrainingWe feel honored that Grandmother Flordemayo has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a universal healer whose wisdom is helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Flordemayo’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — at your own pace!If you’re serious about opening to renewed hope for your future and understanding the unique role you play, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.Get Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo, Only Price 92$Tag: Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo Review. Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo download. Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo discount.Purchase Grandmother’s Wisdom Circle – Grandmother Flordemayo courses at here with PRICE $297 $92