Grace Lever – The Workshop Project


The Workshop Project is all about showing you how to harness the power of half-day workshops.
It’s about showing you how to create your one great presentation…. 

Grace Lever – The Workshop Project

——— Brand New From Grace Lever ———

“Open Letter From A (Once Struggling) Coach & Consultant Who Rocketed To Her First Million…

Using a Strategy No One Else Is Talking About”
From The Desk Of Grace Lever

Aldgate, South Australia
Dear Lovely Lady,
If you’d like to know with certainty how to grow your coaching and consulting business in 2018…
Using a closely guarded strategy and approach to client-getting no one else is talking about…
Then this will be the most important letter you’ll read this year.
Here’s Why:
Chances are if you’re a coach, consultant or professional services business…
…and you’re trying to grow your business online

You’ve probably run into the same problems I did…
I found myself asking questions like:
How do I actually start having conversations with my ideal clients?
How do I have them invest in my services and programs?
Sound familiar?
You see almost every market online is saturated….
Especially for coaches, consultants and professional service entrepreneurs.
People are busy and bombarded with marketing and sales messages every day.
So how do you cut through, stand out and build a memorable brand?

Because you know what?
There are so many gurus out there giving advice on this kind of thing…

The to-do list is exhausting:

You have to build a 90 minute webinar
Build complicated marketing funnels
Set-Up complex automation systems
Create countless lead magnets, presentations, sales pitches and products
You’re then told you need to master: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google, Youtube….

Overwhelmed yet?
Well I want to let you know it’s not your fault.
I felt exactly the same way when I was trying to find my way as a new female entrepreneur.
You see the thing is there’s a huge problem with these approaches…

1) They all take lots of time
2) Lots of Money
3) Lots of Technical Know How

And who has any of that?
I know I didn’t…
And you probably don’t either!
The big-aha moment I had when I was faced with this massive to-do list…
Was even if I could find the time and resources to pull off everything these gurus were telling me to do…

I wouldn’t actually be able to get ahead…
Because if I knew about these “secrets”….that meant my competitors did too.
Meaning it was going to be sooo hard to actually achieve a real lasting advantage…
…in an already crowded marketplace.
I figured if everyone else had access to the same information I did…
We would all just end up trying to out-compete each other…
…with no-one actually getting ahead.
Until I stumbled upon…
My Unfair Advantage

Let’s just say this unfair advantage presented initially as a very narrow path…
A path my competition was either completely unaware of or were simply not willing to take!
At the time it felt like there was this really nice train leaving the station that all my competitors were on…
There was so much pressure from all the gurus (and even my competition)…
…to just get on board and follow the crowd.

But I knew this train…and the bright shiny objects and “silver bullets” it represented…
Would only end up taking me to the wrong destination.
Or there was my route…
Which I likened to…
Being dropped into the jungle at midnight and having to hack my way out with a machete 🙁
Intense right?!!!
It made no sense at the time and those I did tell about my new discovery just didn’t understand..
But I knew it was the path I had to take…
Here’s the good news though 🙂

You don’t need all the shiny complicated strategies your competition is already using…
I can guarantee they will get you nowhere.
In fact I discovered a way…
To simplify all of these time consuming, and complex digital marketing approaches…
Into one simple, step-by-step approach to growing your coaching and consulting brand faster…

Introducing: The Power of Half-Day Workshops…

What I discovered was I could use workshops to fill up rooms with loads of my ideal clients…Who I could get to know, like and trust me.This process only required me to create ONE GREAT PRESENTATION….ONCEThen deliver it over and over again in a very predictable way…
With VERY predictable client-getting results…
ALL by harnessing the power of Half-Day Workshops.
Take a look at this actual workshop that I ran recently…

Pretty cool right?!!!When I accidentally stumbled upon the true power of half-day workshops…
…and the power of ONE GREAT PRESENTATION, I was hooked.
This discovery allowed me…a struggling female entrepreneur low on confidence 🙁
To grow my coaching and consulting business faster than I ever could have imagined 🙂
More quickly, easily and for a lot less money than you’d think…
And I have packaged up this entire process and system into an easy to follow, click by click program called…

The Workshop Project

The Workshop Project is all about showing you how to harness the power of half-day workshops.
It’s about showing you how to create your one great presentation…. 
So you can rocket your coaching and consulting business to your first million…
It’s about getting your workshop rooms filled so you can deliver your authentic presentation….
…to hundreds (and maybe even thousands) of attendees
and turn them into your loyal, raving fans and clients.
It’s about growing your coaching and consulting business faster than you ever have before with a technique no else is using…
So you can set yourself apart from the rest of your competition.
And guess what?
Recently, the formula I reveal inside The Workshop Project…
Helped me generate $84,672 in NEW coaching income.

All done over just 3 days of Workshops…
Get immediately download Grace Lever – The Workshop Project
Where I was still able to:

Deliver amazing content to the attendees…

Transform their businesses in a few short hours while I enjoyed every minute of it…AND

Have them thank me for what I offered them which the majority of them then paid me for
And you can too 🙂
The best bit is…
I did all of this without spending a fortune…
Without investing heaps of time (it took me a few days to put it all together)…
And without heaps of complicated marketing funnels (Just 4 simple pages in fact)

So, What’s The Secret Behind This Revolutionary New Approach?

YOU and your authentic self.
So what do I mean by that?
When you deliver your message in the way I show you inside The Workshop Project…
By embracing your true authentic self.
That is your superpower.
No longer will you be competing with everyone else…
You will have an unfair advantage by:

1. Just being yourself…no one is you and your own story sets you apart
2. Following this process to create Your One Great presentation and your first successful half day workshop…


You won’t need to be a trained speaker

You won’t need to be a confident extrovert
You just need to be YOU and have a solution your market needs solving.
The Workshop Project system then shows you how to do the rest.
Sound like a plan?
You see when you follow my exact process I outline inside The Workshop Project…
Instead of trying to build complicated marketing funnels…
to grow your coaching an consulting business…
And having a wall that looks a little bit like this…

YUCK right?!
All you will need to focus on is your ONE GREAT PRESENTATION….
A presentation that you can use over and over with pin point predictability….
Predictability in delivering half day client-getting workshops that produce real business building results.
It will also make it much easier for you to cut through the noise and get in front of your ideal customers…
To have them in a room right in front of you, eager to hear your story, message and what you have to offer.
For you to be able to stand out in an already crowded market and actually grow your business.
Its Time To Make Coaching & Consulting Simple Again…

So if you’ve got to the point of overwhelm…
And you want the most direct path to the finish line…
Then you know what?
It’s time to stop the clutter and complicated approaches…
It’s time to make growing a coaching and consulting business simple again.
That’s why inside The Workshop Project I give you…

My exact workshop funnel

My exact workshop landing pages

My exact workshop Facebook ads

My exact workshop presentation

My exact workshop emails

My exact workshop offers

My exact workshop planning maps

Yep, I give you every step of my exact Workshop Filling blueprint…
So you can save so much time and money and just use what is proven to work 🙂
Now you can create your one great workshop presentation with confidence…
Get your first client (or lots more clients!) just like I did…When I finally mastered this unique and authentic way…
To grow a business faster than anything else I had ever seen.
Just Imagine For a Moment…

Imagine being able to walk into a room like this…

Confidently knowing that you’re about to deliver your one great workshop presentation…
A presentation that you’re so familiar with….
A presentation that you know intimately…
A presentation that is so easy to deliver because it will showcase your true authentic self…
A presentation that removes any self-doubt you have about not being a trained speaker…
A presentation that is such a powerful client-getting tool…
That you will know exactly how many of your attendees will join you as a new client at the end of the day…
…and genuinely thank you for what you have done for them.
How cool is that?!
Imagine being able to cut-through and stand-out in a saturated marketplace…
Imagine being able to create an addictive offer that your workshop attendees won’t be able to resist
Imagine being able to charge more because you’re now an authority and niche celebrity…
…because you’re now hosting your own events and workshop
Imagine finally being paid what you’re worth…
And waking up every morning and doing what you love…what you were created to do!
Well that is exactly what this new Workshop Project and system can do for you 🙂
You see, when you commit to mastering half-day workshops as a coach and consultant like I did…
Everything changes.
You go from a nobody to a somebody 🙂
Just hosting a workshop in itself means you will instantly start connecting with people…
People who need what you have and that you’ll LOVE working with.

Here’s What You’ll Get…
Over the past few months, I’ve put this strategy down on paper and made some serious upgrades to it.
I’ve outlined the entire process so that you can take it and apply it in your business too.
So I’ve recorded over 30 videos…
Created over 25 cheatsheets, scripts and templates…
Copied my actual emails, workshop presentation, slide deck and ads for you…
And I’ve even turned my Half-Day Workshop system into a one-click template that you can use for yourself…
All my booking and landing pages provided for you…
So that you can literally push the button and start using these for your own business!
Yep, just copy, tweak and go live 🙂
So let’s have a closer look now at what you’re going to get inside…
Module 1 – Discovering Your Genius Zone:

Take my honest Genius Zone Audit with my personality profiles and experience audits to understand exactly what your workshop should be on!
Think you need to have years of experience or be a trained speaker? Wrong. You’ll discover why you already have everything you need and why being a trained speaker can often be a burden.
The One Big Reason why most entrepreneurs try one workshop, fail, and give up on this incredible opportunity
Why Half-Day Workshops done “Grace style” actually work!
How to eliminate overwhelm and create structure in your Workshop Strategy so that you know the simple steps you need to take from newbie to experienced in-demand workshop host

Module 2 – Your Authentic Workshop Presentation

Watch a recorded copy of my entire Half-Day Workshop so you can see behind-the-scenes why my presentation works so well
Swipe and deploy my actual Half-Day Workshop slide deck that I’ve used at almost 100 events to make over 7-figures
Discover the authentic way to present that has your market praising and appreciating you
How to convert sales at your workshop even if you’re not a trained speaker or salesperson
What to do if you have no idea what to share at your workshop and how much is too much
Learn the difference between Lead Gen workshops, product workshops and retention workshops and why I focus on the most important one
Think you need to pitch sleazy to make good money from stage? Wrong!
The one thing you should never do at a workshop (and that used to burn my rooms before I figured it out)

Module 3 – Your Irresistible Workshop Offer

Discover the different types of offers you could present at your workshop to turn attendees into hot clients or customers
The truth about creating offers that your market really really wants
Discover four possible offers you could present at your workshop and work through the pros and cons of each to discover the right one for you
Access my Competitor Research Guide to ensure your offer stands out in your market and is a refreshing and much needed “next step” for your attendees
Think your workshop can’t fill up your coaching, consulting or professional services? Wrong! You’ll learn how you can generate high ticket clients during your half-day workshop
Claim my offline services and VIP weekends action pack to discover how to promote and fill more traditional programs and services through your workshops
How to create a no-brainer price point for your workshop offer that your market finds irresistible
How to create a product you believe in…in less than 24 hours!
 BONUS: Want to create an online program you could sell at your workshop? Get my step-by-step online program creator training to get yours ready in a matter of day (not weeks or months!)

Module 4 – The Stress Free Event Planning Manual
How to find and brief the perfect venue for your Half-Day Workshop even if you’re on a shoestring budget

The truth about your room set-up and how to ensure maximum engagement and sales with one simple layout

What you should NEVER do at a Half-Day Workshop (and yes, I did all of these things on the “Things That Don’t Matter Checklist” and learnt this lesson the hard way…so now you don’t have to!)

Swipe, tweak and deploy my actual Workshop run sheet, pre-event checklist, venue checklist, and credit card forms

Watch the behind-the-scenes set-up of one of my actual Half-Day Workshops so you can run yours the same!

What to do to prime your room of attendees to love you and warm to you…before you’ve even walked in the room 😉

Why my checklist of to-dos during the event actually works!
Module 5 – The Workshop Filling Blueprint

Why my Workshop Filling Strategy is different to everything else in your market…and why it delivers qualified attendees
How to eliminate the costs in filling up a workshop with my no-brainer “free” workshop filling strategy for newbies
Take my actual done-for-you event booking and sales pages so that you can simply copy, tweak and go live with your event ticket sales FAST
Think you need a big email list, Facebook following or budget to fill your next workshop? Wrong! All you need is this simple 5-step funnel that I used to sell 6,000 tickets
How to make money from your workshop attendees before you’ve even walked into the room!
Swipe my actual Facebook Ads so that you can take my proven workshop-filling ads that have sold 6,000 tickets rather than start from scratch
Access my actual pre-event emails that I send to people who didn’t quite finish off their reservation so you can trigger a flood of ticket sales and waste no opportunity!
Why my Pre-Event Email Nurture is so successful in decreasing no-shows and creating a room of hot, pre-qualified, gorgeous attendees who already know, like and trust me

Module 6 – Numbers Are Sexy
Think business numbers are complex and hard to track? Wrong! There’s only 5 simple numbers you need to know that will determine your financial success and freedom 🙂

The truth about tracking your event expenses and revenue and how it can save you thousands

Learn how I use my event numbers to be incredibly confident in my workshops from day one – so you can quickly scale to 5, 6 or 7 figures

Take my actual event spreadsheet so you know exactly what you’re going to make before you walk into the room (to the cent!)

How to eliminate guess-work in your business and set an achievable revenue target for your Half-Day Workshops
That is a a LOT of my best, never released training on how to have huge success with half-day workshops right?!
Here’s What To Do Next…

So, the big question…
What is your investment to join me inside The Workshop Project and learn my step-by-step formula?
Well, it actually hasn’t been available to the general public for the last 12 months…
Only those inside my Inner Circle have been able to access it.
I am not going to sugarcoat things and say it is going to be affordable for everyone.
It isn’t…
But if you have read to this point, chances are you know yourself that this program is what you have been waiting for…
…and what your business needs right now.
I’ve decided because it’s my Birthday Week to open my favourite program…
The one strategy that changed my life and business…
And gift it to you at an incredible 85% discount!
For just $297 USD you’ll be able to join me inside the Workshop Project and access everything I’ve created…
So that you can run your first successful, client-getting Workshop and rocket your coaching and consulting business too!
This will be the first and last time that it will ever be available at this price so simply click below to get access now while it’s still available.
This Payment Plan Makes It Even Easier…

To make your first successful workshop even easier, I wanted to make it super easy just to take that next step…So I’ve also included a Payment Plan option where you can choose to make 2 monthly payments of $197 USD.It’s slightly more expensive, but may be a better fit for cash flow 🙂

Oh, and in case you were wondering…

Time Is Of The Essence
The Workshop Project is usually available to the public for $1,997 USD…

But for the next few days, I’m going to open the doors for a limited number of attendees for 85% off…
And give you Lifetime access for just $297 USD.
Yep, I know it’s a bit nuts 😉
But the strategy inside this incredible training needs to be shared with women who are doers…
Women who are passionate about connecting with their marketplace…
So for just this one time this year (because it’s my Birthday Week), I’m offering you this super generous gift to help you take that next step with your business!
This won’t be happening again and it will only last for a matter of days, so now is the time to act…
You’re Also Getting These Bonuses…Free:

You’re Also Getting These Bonuses…Free:

Yep, I want to actually give you some extra goodies when you join me inside The Workshop Project…100% free :-)I am doing this because…
When I first started out, I wish someone would have just told me what to say and how to say it…
So that I didn’t waste tonnes of money trying to figure this stuff out for myself.

Get immediately download Grace Lever – The Workshop Project
In these bonuses you will receive:

Bonus #1 – The Sales Consult Cure

(Valued at $497)

Not everyone that attends your half-day workshop will be willing to buy right away…
But what you receive in this bonus is the solution to this problem.
Offering consults to those that aren’t ready to take you up on your offer at the end of your workshop…
…is one of the most effective things you can do to turn more attendees into clients.
This bonus will show you How to sell WITHOUT selling and…
EXACTLY what you need to say at your next Workshop to book in paid consults for those that aren’t ready to buy on the day.
You will hear me repeating my exact scripts as well as talking you through real scenarios and interactions with attendees…
So you can see exactly how I am able to sell without really selling.
This bonus is valued at $497
But then I thought…
What else might you need?
And I want to make things even more simple for you so that you can get started faster with Workshops.
So, last weekend with one of my favourite students that I’ve ever had join me in the Workshop Project…
She’s delightful…
And she applied my strategies to her wellbeing niche and was able to fill a room with 120 hot prospects (so many business opportunities!)…
For just $50.
Yep, that’s not a typo 😉
And that works out to be 42cents per attendee!
So you’ll get access to…
Bonus #2: The 42cent Attendee Case Study (Valued at $997)

In this intimate, behind-the-scenes case study, we’ll walk you through exactly how she applied these steps to her niche on the cheap…
So you can turn theory into practical, actionable steps you can take too 🙂
Can you imagine what would happen to your business if you could get hot prospects in a room for less than 50cents?
People who already know, like and trust you…
And are giving you 4-hours of their valuable time during your Half-Day Workshop?
I’ll tell you from experience, if you follow my Workshop Presentation…
Well, a heck of a lot can transform in your business when you can fill a room with prospects that cheaply!
This training alone is a game changer and valued at $997…
Which is still great value if you paid for it in full (you just have to convert one of those attendees into a good client to make that back, right?!)…

But for the next few days, I’m going to gift you this bonus and INCLUDE it in your Workshop Project access – effectively saving you another thousand dollars!
Once They’re Gone, They’re Gone

Due to the slightly nuts 85% discount, and the nature of my personal feedback inside The Workshop Project Questions Hub…There is a limit of how many people I can welcome into The Workshop Project for this opportunity.There will only be 200 spots available (firm)…
And some places have already been reserved…
Meaning the remaining spots will definitely sell out fast.
You’re seeing this personal message because you’re part of my “doing” community…
Because of that you’ll be getting the first opportunity to secure your place…
Before I open this up to my wider database of over 300,000 emails.
Once I do that, I don’t expect the remaining seats to be available for long 🙁
Considering this is the first time I have offered The Workshop Project at this price…
So it’s simply a matter of supply and demand.
This is truly a limited opportunity so claim your spot now before they’re all gone…

Thanks so much for reading my letter today lovely lady and I hope to welcome you inside The Workshop Project soon…And have you sending me photos of your own successful 5-figure workshop ASAP!
Grace Lever
P.S. Chances are you’re probably one of those people (like me) who skip straight down to the end of the letter. If that is you, here is the deal.
I’m offering you The Workshop Project at a ridicluous 85% discount for $297 USD…
But only for the next few days…
It outlines exactly how to harness the power of half-day workshop to grow your coaching, consulting or professional services business… that you can have more time, more freedom and more clients.
Workshops have been my unfair advantage and this program shows you how to make the most of them in your coaching and consulting business too.
You will also get access to a number of my most valuable bonuses including:
Bonus #1 – My VIP Weekend Toolkit (Valued at $997)
Bonus #2 – The Sales Consult Cure (Valued at $497)
Bonus #3 – The 42cent Attendee Case Study (Valued at $997)
Bonus #4 – My Personal Feedback (Priceless)
Inside The Workshop Project I give you everything you need…
…to be able to swipe and deploy so you can start benefiting from half-day Wokshops right away.
Just tweak and go live for your specific business.
This is a very limited offer because it is my birthday week and I wanted to offer something really special for my Doing community.
There is no “catch” to this offer either…
You will be protected by my 30-Day, 100% refund guarantee….
So that you’re confident that this is both a safe and smart decision to join me inside The Workshop Project for the next few days before I shut the doors.
Oh Yep…
Due to the slightly nuts 85% discount, and the nature of my personal feedback inside The Workshop Project Questions Hub…
There is a limit of how many people I can welcome into The Workshop Project for this opportunity.
There will only be 200 spots available (firm)…
And some places have already been reserved…
Meaning the remaining spots will definitely sell out fast.
Click here to claim your spot now. You will not regret it.
P.P.S. You’re seeing this personal message because you’re part of my “doing” community…
Because of that you’ll be getting the first opportunity to secure your place…
Before I open this up to my wider database of over 300,000 emails.
Once I do that, I don’t expect the remaining places in this program to be available for long 🙁
Considering this is the first time I have offered The Workshop Project at this price…
So it’s simply a matter of supply and demand.
This is truly a limited opportunity so claim your spot now before they’re all gone so you can create your own Workshops like you see below…
I can’t wait to welcome you inside!
Grace x

Here’s What You’ll Get in Grace Lever – The Workshop Project